Welcome to حكمه الرجل العجوز, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing the wisdom and insights of the elderly. In a world that often values youth over experience, this channel seeks to honor the knowledge and life lessons that come with age. Our community is made up of individuals who appreciate the value of listening to the stories and advice of older generations. Through quotes, anecdotes, and reflections, we aim to preserve and celebrate the wisdom of our elders. Join us in learning from the experiences of the past and gaining a deeper understanding of life. Let us all come together to honor and respect the elderly, for their knowledge is a treasure that should not be overlooked. Remember, as the saying goes, 'With age comes wisdom.' Follow حكمه الرجل العجوز for daily doses of inspiration and insight. اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم.
03 Feb, 03:54
03 Feb, 03:53
02 Feb, 05:22
02 Feb, 05:22
02 Feb, 05:22
01 Feb, 18:18
01 Feb, 17:01
31 Jan, 21:09
25 Jan, 23:13
24 Jan, 06:43
21 Jan, 21:03
21 Jan, 19:42
21 Jan, 19:41
21 Jan, 07:57
19 Jan, 03:30
19 Jan, 03:30
16 Jan, 21:38
16 Jan, 06:19
13 Jan, 22:18
13 Jan, 16:42
12 Jan, 13:46
11 Jan, 21:31
10 Jan, 22:18
08 Jan, 03:27
06 Jan, 23:02
03 Jan, 23:12
03 Jan, 05:24
26 Dec, 23:02
22 Dec, 18:19
22 Dec, 04:00
22 Dec, 04:00
22 Dec, 04:00
20 Dec, 00:36
20 Dec, 00:36
05 Dec, 23:11
05 Dec, 23:11
04 Dec, 03:47
03 Dec, 21:29
03 Dec, 21:29
27 Nov, 21:56
21 Nov, 22:15
19 Nov, 22:11
16 Nov, 16:14
14 Nov, 17:04
12 Nov, 03:13
11 Nov, 05:44
07 Nov, 19:52
06 Nov, 14:52
03 Nov, 22:09
25 Oct, 00:09
22 Oct, 13:12
20 Oct, 22:32
18 Oct, 21:27
18 Oct, 21:21
18 Oct, 13:44
17 Oct, 19:32