road to OSCP @road_to_oscp Channel on Telegram

road to OSCP


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Road to OSCP (Ukrainian)

Ласкаво просимо до нашого каналу 'Road to OSCP'! Як саме досягти цієї високої професійної цілі? Тут ми пропонуємо вам план дій, поради, та корисну інформацію для успішного проходження шляху до отримання сертифікації OSCP. Канал 'road_to_oscp' створений для тих, хто прагне розвивати свої навички в галузі кібербезпеки та стати професіоналом у цій сфері. Приєднуйтеся до нас, і разом ми здолаємо всі виклики, які стоять на шляху до досягнення цієї важливої мети! 🇺🇦

road to OSCP

05 Feb, 16:00

A platform that provides intentionally vulnerable applications for learning source code review. Currently, 25 challenges are available.

It looks very interesting and promising

Thanks to: "Руслан 😎😎😎😎😎"

road to OSCP

20 Jan, 13:53

ScriptSentry is a powerful tool for automating the detection of unsafe configurations in logon scripts. It can identify issues such as:

- Unsafe UNC Folder Permissions
- Unsafe UNC File Permissions
- Unsafe Logon Script Permissions
- Unsafe GPO Logon Script Permissions
- Unsafe NETLOGON/SYSVOL Permissions
- Plaintext Credentials

This tool is described in detail in the blog post Hidde Menace: How to Identify Misconfigured and Dangerous Logon Scriptsn

road to OSCP

31 Dec, 22:15

З новим роком, далі - більше!

Happy New Year! The best is yet to come!

road to OSCP

02 Dec, 15:13


road to OSCP

27 Nov, 23:04

Introduction to the Exploitation of Xamarin Apps

TL;DR: This article covers methods of analyzing Xamarin applications for beginners. It explains the differences between Xamarin and native applications, provides a step-by-step guide for static analysis, and demonstrates app modification techniques.

road to OSCP

12 Oct, 23:36

Ways to use templates in SQL-map to bypass WAFs from vendors like FortiWAF, F5, Barracuda, Akamai, Cloudflare, and Imperva

road to OSCP

13 Aug, 13:57

Gotta cache 'em all: bending the rules of web cache exploitation

This article examines the behavior of different HTTP servers and proxies when parsing specially crafted URLs. It also introduces techniques that exploit parser discrepancies, enabling arbitrary web cache poisoning and deception across numerous websites and CDN providers.

road to OSCP

07 Aug, 22:24

Listen to the whispers: web timing attacks that actually work

The article considers ways of conducting web timing attacks in real conditions by reducing network and server noise
This method of detecting hidden parameters and headers is already implemented in Param Miner.

road to OSCP

02 Aug, 15:27

Source Code Review Bug Patterns

This repository contains Regex patterns to look for while performing manual application source code analysis.

road to OSCP

11 Jul, 11:23

JS to find endpoints on a site in HTML code, in the developer console execute:

javascript:(function(){var scripts=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),regex=/(?<=(\"|\'|\`))\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?&=\/\-\#\.]*(?=(\"|\'|\`))/g;const results=new Set;for(var i=0;i<scripts.length;i++){var t=scripts[i].src;""!=t&&fetch(t).then(function(t){return t.text()}).then(function(t){var e=t.matchAll(regex);for(let r of e)results.add(r[0])}).catch(function(t){console.log("An error occurred: ",t)})}var pageContent=document.documentElement.outerHTML,matches=pageContent.matchAll(regex);for(const match of matches)results.add(match[0]);function writeResults(){results.forEach(function(t){document.write(t+"<br>")})}setTimeout(writeResults,3e3);})();


road to OSCP

08 Jul, 14:27

Реквізити Охматдит. Думаю, не треба пояснювати, чому вони тут з'явились.

Можливо, скоро буде збір від DC8044. Тачка, яку ми купували спільнотою - приїхала на то, і рамі повна пизда...

road to OSCP

02 Jul, 09:48

WiFi Exploitation Framework

Nothing new. Just a pretty shell for convenient work

Supported attacks:
- Deauthentication attack
- WIDS Confusion attack
- Authentication attack
- Beacon Flood attack
- TKIP attack (Michael Shutdown Exploitation)
- Pixie Dust attack
- Null Pin attack
- PIN Bruteforce attack
- ARP Replay attack
- HIRTE attack
- Caffe Latte attack
- Fake Authentication attack
- WPA/WPA2 handshake capture attack
- PMKID attack
- EvilTwin attack

road to OSCP

27 Jun, 13:08

[ Bypassing SSRF Filters Using r3dir ]

r3dir: redirection service designed to help bypass SSRF filters that do not validate the redirect location. It allows you to:
- Set the redirection target via URL parameters or subdomains;
- Control HTTP response codes;
- Obfuscate the target URL with Base32 encoding;
- Bypass some allowlist filters.

Author: Senior Security Consultant Vladyslav H.


Tool itself:

road to OSCP

09 Jun, 23:02

Mobile Pentest Like a Pro

Great article that discusses the following topics in detail:
-IOS Jailbreak Methods
-Android Root Methods
-Important Folders & Files
-Static Analytics
-SSL Pin
-Root Detection
-Insecure Logging
-Insecure Storage
-Content Provider
-Static Scanner

road to OSCP

05 Jun, 08:43

Не так давно зі мною сталася дивовижна історія - прям повноцінне пентестерське родео

Отримав дозвіл на частковий disclosure, і тепер можу поділитись нею з вами

Приємного читання 🌝

road to OSCP

03 Jun, 12:24

Pwning the Domain: AD CS

-Domain Escalation
-Domain Persistence
-Account Persistence
-Domain Certificate Theft

road to OSCP

25 May, 18:07

macOS Red Teaming

A little bit about reconnaissance, exploitation, persistence in macOS.

road to OSCP

03 May, 23:14

Great articles on exploiting Deep Links and WebViews in mobile apps

Part 1:

- XSS in WebViews
- Information Theft in WebViews

Part 2:

- Open Redirect via Deep Link
- File Theft

road to OSCP

30 Apr, 10:02

Pwning the Domain: Persistence

The article discusses:
- Group Policy
- All types of tickets
- Golden Certificate
- AdminSDHolder
- GoldenGMSA
- SID History
- DC Shadow
- Persistence using Skeleton key
- Persistence using DSRM (Directory Service Restore Mode)
- Persistence using SSP (Security Service Provider)

road to OSCP

22 Apr, 11:37

RedTeam Tips: Orchestrating Chaos, Evading defense

Ways to make it harder to spot the red team and ways to confuse the blue team

road to OSCP

13 Apr, 00:26

Pwning the Domain: Lateral Movement

Methods discussed in the article:
- Password
- WinRM
- Interactive-shell
- NTHash
- Pass-the-Hash
- Overpass-the-Hash
- Pass-the-Key
- Execute OS Commands
- Trusted Link Abuse in MS SQL
- Credential Harvest
- Network Access Account
- Client Push Credentials
- Application & Script Deployment

road to OSCP

11 Apr, 19:48

Today, we'll talk a bit about JavaScript recon in web applications. I've based my methodology on My Javascript Recon Process - BugBounty.

Collecting links to JS files can be done using gau:

gau | grep -iE '\.js' | grep -ivE '\.json' | sort -u >> exampleJS.txt

Alternatively, you can use waymore, which seems to be better:

python3 -i -ko "\.js(\?|$)"

We can also try fuzzing to find hidden JS files:

ffuf -u -w jsWordlist.txt -t 200

The wordlist for fuzzing can be found here:

After that, ping the JS links as some of them may be outdated.

httpx -l exampleJS.txt -mc 200

Now, let's look for secrets in these files using SecretFinder, a tool for detecting sensitive data such as apikeys, accesstokens, authorizations, jwt, etc. in a JS file:

cat exampleJS.txt | xargs -n2 -I @ bash -c 'echo -e "\n[URL] @\n";python3 -i @ -o cli' >> exampleJsSecrets.txt

Next, using, we can check if the domains referenced in the JS files are available for purchase. This tool, combined with linkfinder and collector, is really powerful. Sometimes developers make mistakes when writing a domain, possibly the domain imports an external JavaScript file, etc.

cat exampleJS.txt | xargs -I @ bash -c 'python3 -i @ -o cli' | python3 output
cat output/urls.txt | python3

After executing the above command, a list of potential endpoints that were discovered in the JS becomes available for review:

cat output/paths.txt

We can also immediately check for subdomain takeover using subzy

cat output/urls.txt |grep "https\{0,1\}://[^/]*\.example\.com/[^ ]*" >> subdomainExample.txt; subzy run --targets subdomainExample.txt

Also, excellent extensions for Burp:
JS Miner and JS Link Finder which perform similar tasks but in real-time, for greater coverage it's better to use both script scanning and plugins

road to OSCP

09 Apr, 12:35

Dependency Confusion

Поговорим об вот такой интересной язве, которая расстелет вам путь к RCE. В нескольких словах - эта уязвимость возникает, когда проект использует библиотеку с ошибкой в названии, несуществующей или с неуказанной версией. Атакующий может создать собственную библиотеку в базе общедоступных библиотек и залить свой код, который выполнится на уязвимом сервисе.

🔺Основные проблемы:
▫️Ошибка в названии: Import reqests, вместо requests;
▫️Несуществующая библиотека: Import flask-auth-company-name, внутренняя библиотека, которой не существует в списке общеизвестных библиотек;
▫️Неуказанная версия: Import company-requests , существующая библиотека пытается найти версию и обновиться до неё.

🔺Уязвимыми пакетными менеджерами могут выступать:

Предположим вы нашли requirements.txt со следующими пакетами:

Можно конечно вручную поискать каждый пакет на (или другом сайте пакетного менеджера) но проще использовать утилиту Confused:
confused -l pip requirements.txt
Issues found, the following packages are not available in public package repositories:
[!] flask-auth-company-name

Теперь осталось дело за малым, идем на и создаем пакет с таким же названием. При следующем вызове процесса сборки на сервисе вредоносный пакет загружается из нашего репозитория и используется вместо локального пакета. Таким образом получаем РЦЕ.

Для наглядного понимания уязвимости, рекомендую посмотреть следующую и следующую статью.


road to OSCP

08 Apr, 10:48

Attacking Azure

road to OSCP

06 Apr, 21:00

#lpe #linux #kernel

[ ExploitGSM
Exploit for 6.4 - 6.5 kernels