Rick Jewers official channel @rickjewersofficial Channel on Telegram

Rick Jewers official channel


Ascension, gpms, etc

Rick Jewers official channel (English)

Welcome to the Rick Jewers official channel on Telegram! Are you a fan of spiritual growth, personal development, and exploring the mysteries of the universe? If so, this is the perfect channel for you. Rick Jewers, a renowned spiritual teacher and healer, shares his wisdom, insights, and knowledge on a wide range of topics, including ascension, GPS (Galactic Planetary System), and much more

Who is Rick Jewers? Rick Jewers is a well-known figure in the spiritual community, with years of experience in helping individuals awaken to their true potential and purpose in life. Through his teachings and healing sessions, he has guided countless people on their spiritual journey and helped them achieve a higher level of consciousness

What is the channel about? The Rick Jewers official channel is a place where you can connect with like-minded individuals, learn from Rick's teachings, and expand your understanding of the spiritual world. From discussions on ascension and the evolution of consciousness to insights on the Galactic Planetary System and beyond, this channel offers a wealth of valuable information for those seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment

Join the Rick Jewers official channel today and embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. Let Rick's guidance inspire and empower you to embrace your true essence and live a life filled with purpose and meaning.

Rick Jewers official channel

01 Nov, 21:18

4) The process in number 3) above cycles and cycles rapidly until ALL pre-gpms inventory is settled, and there becomes no associated costs with any essential goods. At this stage, Humanity is ready to fully operate in a world where money is not required, a world where everything material is shared and accessible,freely ,and equally.

As for services, essential services are public services and are all free while individual services would be an agreement between two parties and how they would wish to set up the process would be their choice. For humanity to see that even charging for services becomes senseless, they may need to go through a quick process of experimentation to see it as also being valueless. Ones will be having fun with money, in some cases using it extravagantly, that effects a rapid transitioning out of paying for even services between two.

Things do not need to be complicated and extensively planned for with gpms, for organically things work themselves out because We will have the largest solution oriented think tank ever known to Humanity of billions. Once money is no longer a restrictive object like it is now and is used as a good unlimited tool, most worldwide problems are solved instantly. Joy worldwide changes everything, as stress is also eliminated.

Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

01 Nov, 20:44

It is strongly recommended that all energetic and metaphysical healers worldwide carry the link for the gpms.world website on Their websites.
Gpms.world eradicates the energetic distorted energetic environment/system which is the root cause of all emotional, energetic, physical pain and discomfort distortions that many experiences. The stress of the overall energetic environment of Earth is what allowed for continuous disharmony to inflict the individual and the whole.
By bringing to Their Awareness of HOPE BEING ACTUALIZED, this substantiation gives ALL that You assist the reality that this is occurring in a simple logical and Divine Way inclusive, and shows Them the Light at the end of the tunnel. This substantial increased real hope being integrated by the individual, empowers Them and enables Them to catapult forward in Their recovery and redemption to unprecedented proportions.
This gives the patient a reason for why They gone through what they did and gives them a real focus point and direction to go forward, basic psychological assistance to raise One above cloudiness of fear, where they begin to heal themselves.
Gpms.world is not a false hope, it is absolutely real and its construction can be easily seen through the increasing support of consents,which is on the direct course of inevitable.
Suggest for Your patients to become Aware of, and consent with gpms.world official, and monitor Their instant improvements.
Love, Light, and Gratitude
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

01 Nov, 20:42

Without Humanity, gold nor anything external would have value. This tells all that the True source of value is the Individual Themself, They are the Temple of absolute value and actually assigns value through Their choice, Their inherent Right of Self Determination. How foolish is it to allow for a system to rob One of Their intrinsic value and unlimited ability to create abundance, and to allow that same system to dictate 783 million People going hungry daily? Or to allow that same system to decline a Child of medical care just because the Child nor the Childs family has money, and the Child dies as a result?
Ezekiel 7:19
They cast their silver into the streets, and their gold is like an unclean thing. Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. They cannot satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it. For it was the stumbling block of their iniquity.
Rick Jewers
Guardian of gpms.world

Rick Jewers official channel

01 Nov, 20:42

3) The current system places the extrinsic value above the inherent value of the Individual and life itself. One immoral example of this is seen in many countries where One is refused proper medical attention if They do not have the money to pay for the proper care. This is even beyond immoral and stems into the foolish and preposterous, and should NOT be accepted, supported, nor condoned by any, and this type of behaviour is definitely not supported by I. Between 2020-2024, the greatest violations worldwide of the "Right of Self Determination" were orchestrated by positions of "authority".
4) "Justice: Distributing resources and benefits fairly and impartially, and promoting equality and fairness in all aspects of life. This principle is about promoting fairness, equality, and fairness in the distribution of resources and opportunities."
4) The "justice" of the current worldwide system is a grave distortion of Moral Justice, subjugating all to bias because of the capitalistic systematic control of money that leaves every judge in legal systems unable to make an independent impartial decision. Where money is valued as the necessity, the life force, and controlled by a few, the decision of any judge is controlled and even bought by the judges own need of sustenance. The current system operates on greed and competition, which are the opposite of sharing, equality, and fairness, and promotes a world absent of True Justice. The current monetary policy and system, and supporting legal framework is biased itself, because of the inequality it creates and the deprivation of sustenance to all, which endangers the lives of many, which is not moral. It is not a world of "Justice", where one lives in luxury at the expense of many.
Like I, every Soul upon Earth now has this unprecedented option, this unprecedented choice, to do the Right thing and to choose the GPMS.WORLD Replacement system, that ends all of the nonsensical suffering in a world of plenty. GPMS.WORLD would not even be available as a worldwide choice, or option, if it were NOT possible, absolutely doable, and had the required skill set and knowledge to make it happen. It further would not be possible, would not exist now, if God Prime Creator, and also the author of this Divine Instrument for the world, was not real. The focus now worldwide needs to be upon gpms.world and gathering the majority consent as soon as possible, to ratify the Divine Plan into existence and law.
Crimes are "wrongs" that can have an intent or not, that causes harm and violates/endangers life. Being morally corrupt, lacking of the most common moral principles cited above, creates and instigates crime both unintentionally as well as intentionally. The "spin-off" effects of immoral behaviour creates crime. In the "strict liability" scenario, crimes can be committed without intent and unbeknownst by the defendent. Once an Individual knows that They have been supporting a crime and They continue to participate,They establish intent,then They become an accessory to the crime as well as an accomplice to the crime, and become equally responsible for the crime. It is the Moral Obligation of every Soul on Earth to not support crime, and to do everything possible to end the crime,especially a worldwide system that is directly causing death due to food deprivation, to about, and the numbers increasing, 30,000 People daily of which whom, half are Children. In a world of plenty, here is a serious quote to take into consideration;
"Food Availability
Despite sufficient global food production, approximately 783 million people still go hungry, underscoring the need for more effective distribution and access to nutritious food."
In closing, here is a quote by Jesus found in the Book of Matthew that I fully agree with, my reason why is below the quote;
Matthew 23
17 You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred?

Rick Jewers official channel

01 Nov, 20:42

I, Rick Jewers cannot, will not, and do not support the current worldwide system that is not founded upon, nor follows the Moral Principles. My conscience, my Moral Principles, will NOT allow for me to support a system that is directly causing and inflicting great harm upon Humanity, a system that is directly responsible for increasing deaths worldwide due to lack and hunger, a system that directly deprives so many of Their Right of Sustenance. A system that violates the Universal "Golden Rule", (treat others as You would like to be treated), and the 4 main Moral Principles in many and serious ways. For I to support this current worldwide system of monetary policy and artificial law, I would become an accomplice to a serious worldwide crime myself, and I will NOT do that. I have the Moral Obligation as a Citizen of Earth to act when I see a great atrocity, a cruelness being perpetrated upon Humanity as a whole, a great nonsensical harm. If I were NOT to act, it would suggest that I allow, accept, and even condone this crime. I relieve myself from any incrimination by the crimes of the current system and become Morally Responsible ,by choosing the system that does NOT inflict harm upon another, gpms.world official. On the simplest level, it is wrong to support a current worldwide system that is directly responsible for causing around 30,000 deaths daily, and rising, of Human Beings, most of Them Children. The current system does not Love its neighbor, it is killing its neighbors,and at its nefarious core designed this way, this is NOT of God. Where this is Moral common sense as well as theological sense, all of Those of God, including the Churches of Faiths worldwide, have no choice as but to abandon an immoral system and join in Creating the new Moral system of God, gpms.world.
Here are the 4 main Moral Principles with an example of the immorality of the current system following directly after each numbered Moral Principle.Gpms.world is the Replacement system for Humanity that upholds these Moral Principles, while You will see through the few summarized examples below how the current system is morally corrupt, and how it inadvertently and advertently causes great harm.
1) "Beneficence: Doing good and promoting the well-being of others. This principle is about acting in a way that benefits others and improves their lives."
1) Officials entrusted with preserving the well-being of Humanity acting contrary and approving toxic Chemical and synthetic drugs, toxic pesticides, toxic herbicides, toxic additives and preservatives in livestock and pet food and toxins in water and food and packaging for Human consumption, that are hazardous to Human health, and in some cases, directly imposed upon Humanity. The effects of this are amplified into the environment and contaminate the water supply, soil, and even the breatheable air because of improper waste disposal and care. This is barbaric, incompetency, and definitely not Beneficience, and is immoral.
2) "Nonmaleficence: Avoiding harm and causing no unnecessary suffering to others. This principle is about minimizing harm and respecting the autonomy and dignity of others."
2) The current worldwide system is a capitalistic system of profit and loss that has immorally created classes of People that leave the majority populace worldwide in lack while a minority thrives at the expense of the mass populace.The current system is directly responsible for depriving many of essentials including food because it values and lets profit dictate and control who gets food and who does not, this nonsensical construct maximizes harm upon Humanity leading to mass unnecessary suffering and death. It is definitely not Moral to participate in such a venture that is harming and killing great numbers, this is not of God.
3) "Autonomy: Respecting the rights and decisions of individuals, including their right to self-determination and informed consent. This principle is about recognizing the inherent value and dignity of individuals and their ability to make choices."

Rick Jewers official channel

01 Nov, 20:40

For the entire Earth, there is no valid original purchase agreement of land, nor is there any valid original approved claim of ownership of land. It is misleading, which is fraudulent, which is unlawful, when anyone says that they own land, especially governments of Nations. Where there is no valid ownership of land worldwide, there can be no land taxes or associated fees lawfully paid to anyone,including governments. It is speculation and conjecture, which is NOT fact, it is a preconceived notion which does not contain merit, when a country says it owns the land, there cannot be any substantiated verified borders in a True Court of Law. Superficial man-made laws cannot contest Absolute Divine Law.
So when You see any fights worldwide over land, they are fighting over something they do NOT own, the Earth is meant to be shared by All, hence, no original purchase agreement.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

30 Oct, 22:34


Creation Fire begins within many more, as Merkabas are powered higher. November 1st will more notably commence an increased internal fire felt.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

29 Oct, 21:09


The Merkaba Light Bodies are being recalibrated to the higher spin ratios to accommodate the 14 and 15D Representations.

Whooshing sounds and several tones heard in and by the ears are symptoms to this effect, as the spin increases beyond its past norm.

3874 possible X Flare for balancing and harmonizing the new spin rates.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

28 Oct, 01:37

We have a new Rumble channel with many of the Ascension Updates to be found here.

Please join us and share for those who are using Rumble.



Rick Jewers official channel

27 Oct, 18:35


The 14D Golden Ray and the 15D Violet Ray, as known to some advanced Divine Ones, will commence NOW upon reading this, to be integrated into the main framework of the Divinely Constructed 5D White Light Grid for Gaia/Earth. As a result, this will amplify the Feminine Energy as a whole into the energetic environment of the surface being shared by all breathing life forms.

The Merkaba Spin ratios for both genders with Activated Merkaba/Light Body/ Kundalini will increase to the maximum threshold of the 14D. All with existing 12D Sheild coverage are advancing into higher spin in conjunction with the prepared bifurcation timeline. This is an unprecedented energetic increase that may cause rapid Heart beat and palpitations, dizzy sensations, wobble sensations, and more physical related sensations and experiences.

The Feminine will experience an empowering addition to Their tenacity in Their Divine Roles and Applications. With this enhancement comes the greatest sense of worth and the direction forward on an individual level. Your senses all becomes sharper with the 6th sense being more realized and enjoyed. The Masculine increase as well in the same proportion, however, Their Roles are to hold the higher space as the Feminine becomes used to, in most cases, Her new found Divine Prowess bestowed upon Her to move mountains.

The Golden and Violet Rays are to be visibly noticed and utilized in further expansion of the Individual and into the overall Collective.

It is important to know that all of Your Divine Endeavors will reverberate throughout the 5D White Light Grid encompassing Gaia/Earth. The ripple and Butterfly Effect are in full play.

An unprecedented release of new Benevolent Elementals is ongoing administrated by a few Divine Selects with the ability to Create and Populate these Benevolent Assistant Attributes.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

26 Oct, 16:52

Today's Ascension Update Is Available on YouTube. Please share for those not on Telegram or Facebook.



Rick Jewers official channel

24 Oct, 14:28

The X flare mentioned in the UPDATE originated from the "Stairway" Sunspot referenced in a post I shared last night. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ™πŸ€

Rick Jewers official channel

24 Oct, 13:48

The Bifurcation coding is being integrated at this time, and the bifurcation event confirmed as commencing.
The instructions with the provided X 3.3 Solar Flare energetics are as follows.
With the acknowledgment that this X Flare is customised and directed for Individuals being positioned on the highest timeline of the bifurcation event, the procedure is to consciously take the Green Healing/Love energetic Light component of this flare into the top center of the head, direct it down into the 33 vertebrae of Your Humanoid Vessel to Your Root Chakra, and send it up through Your core prana energetic pillar, connecting back with the Sun. Repeat this procedure AGAIN with the Golden Light/ Christos Consciousness down through Your spine and connect it back to the Sun.
This will also result in some miraculous healing for some, and will energetically uplift All Souls to some degree. It is still possible to have more Natural bifurcation events for Divine Alignment Purposes.
The X Flare has been clearly specified and Divinely Signified through its time of around 3:33 AM, its intensity, and the correlation with the 33 vertebrae of the Humanoid Vessel. Note; some Divine Vessels only have 29 vertebrae now for as They have evolved with a disintegration of the 4 tail bones, HOWEVER, the process remains the same, to go through the spine to the bottom of where the Root Chakra begins.
This is a substantial Divine Event.
Love, Light, and Gratitude to All!
Rick JewersπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

Rick Jewers official channel

23 Oct, 14:10

The Divine Law of gpms.world is the Highest Law of the Land, Sea, Air, of Earth and is the Will of God Prime Creator.

Because of this Supreme Law and it's Supreme Stature, foundationed completely in "do no harm ", it is incontestible, non-negotiable, and cannot be compromised by any artificial man made laws and must be adhered to by All on Earth,  including the remaining resistance of evil.

All that consent with gpms.world and add Their agreement, also instantly activate Their Absolute Sovereignty through the attached decree. This actually is the most powerful document for any individual upon Earth to choose, including the Children.

Love, Light, and Gratitude to All for changing this world to the place of Divine Care, Peace, and Abundance for All, the Heaven on Earth, as Divinely Promised throughout all beliefs.

Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

22 Oct, 14:32

An important sign on the Son/Daughter Sun. V for Victory, Holy Grail, and also timeline Vector. Perhaps more......

Love, Light, and Gratitude
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

22 Oct, 06:32


Rick Jewers official channel

22 Oct, 06:32



Rick Jewers official channel

18 Oct, 15:21

Another 10,089 consents today for the Heaven on Earth/Divine Plan, from the Philippines alone were added to the ratifying voice of the People worldwide, with gpms.world official.

Gpms is the most official and unprecedented serious ratification process that has ever occurred on Earth to emancipate the People as a whole. Truly, every Soul is morally obligated to consent to ratify this Divine Instrument that in the least eradicates all hunger and poverty worldwide instantly, saving 100,s of millions of lives.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out, it is simple, the worldwide majority rules and this would not be possible if God Prime Creator was not real.

Every day longer it takes to get the majority consent worldwide to get this agreement ratified, is another day that over 15,000 Children die of hunger! When all of the so called Awakened and Divine Ones pitch in and assist, it makes Light work. It is what You came to Earth to do, to free Humanity, and NOT to be bought by some evil Draconian capitalistic system.

Love,Light, and Gratitude
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

15 Oct, 11:20

Please share in other GPMS groups -

Public Notice -
After a recent update, we have noticed some unanticipated technical issues with the consent forms functionality -
This is requiring some testing to remedy, and for the time that will take, the consent form will be offline -
We are leaving the website online so ones remain able to read the GPMS information, and if needs be, the site may have to be put offline for updates once the solution is found.
Thankyou for your patience as we grow this Divine Instrument in Unity -
Please note we also have a GPMScommunity.com website, to be built and "filled" with our growing GPMS.world community ...
With Love and Gratitude
.Lee M 🀍🀍

Rick Jewers official channel

14 Oct, 21:07

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Rick Jewers official channel

14 Oct, 19:30

Live stream started

Rick Jewers official channel

14 Oct, 19:29


Rick Jewers official channel

14 Oct, 18:50

Open mic chat to begin shortly, πŸ€πŸ™

Rick Jewers official channel

13 Oct, 21:44


Rick Jewers official channel

13 Oct, 14:35



Rick Jewers official channel

13 Oct, 12:31

Neck discomfort due to energetic upgrades relief.

Sitting down, have a friend or partner place Their hands on the top back of Your head and gently keep pushing Your head forward and down, with release and push periods in between, as You stretch the muscles gently and intermittently.

You will feel with the initial head gently pushed forward and down, the muscles and tendons in the back of the neck ache more, keep pushing causing more stretch and then You will feel the Wing areas muscles at the bottom of Your shoulder blades tighten, continue to have Your head pushed gently down further until You feel the back Love Handle areas of the lower back on each side tighten, then have YOUR PARTNER OR FRIEND QUICKLY TAKE THEIR HANDS AWAY as You quickly raise Your head back to it's normal position. You will feel the instant relief and an overall Lightness uplifting of Your body.

You may need to do this several times or as needed. This neck tension is Ascension related and is effecting many at this time, and more every hour. These effects may be seen in Others and overall for a few days yet as WE RECALIBRATE back to the physical body state prior to the "plunge" period which began a few weeks ago.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

12 Oct, 10:06


Possible timeline bifurcation events within 24 hours. Possible strong X Flare to effect it.

More to come later.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

11 Oct, 19:44

Here is the YouTube Link from today's live ascension update for those not on Facebook.

Please share with any of those not on Facebook or Telegram.



Rick Jewers official channel

10 Oct, 18:10

The below screen shot taken from Our gpms.world website is to give Ones an idea of the authenticity and seriousness of the gpms.world replacement system for the world.

All over the world and prepared for this time, are advanced Awakened Ones that formed Sovereign Groups and concreted the Indigenous Nations of Sisters and Brothers, retaining to the maximum degree and best of Their ability , Their God Sovereign Free status.

In this time of the Great Gathering to Create the New World and bring it into rapid fruition, eradicating all suffering worldwide and placing all Souls worldwide into joy, an unprecedented equal abundance, Peace and Harmony, I Welcome Our Pioneer Sisters and Brothers of the Sovereign and Indigenous Communities, coming into and joining with gpms.world in an unprecedented act of worldwide solidarity, to do NOW what is morally right for all life on the Earth/Gaia.

Gpms.world is the most unprecedented serious movement of and for the People worldwide, and it is backed by Mother and Father Prime Creators Themselves.

I, Rick Jewers, personally would not be sitting at the helm of gpms.world with my other Divine Comrades, both Sisters and Brothers taking this forward if I had any doubt of the Divine Guarantee of gpms.world, and if I did not know with absolute conviction that God is Real.

We require worldwide for as many as soon as possible to consent with gpms.world and to assist with gathering the majority consent worldwide to bring this into full fruition. This is not wishful thinking, it is the Great Hope being actualized, and You can see the tangible proof as the number of gathered consents worldwide accumulate to create the majority voice.

Know what this means for Your family and especially the Children, and KNOW that every Child's consent counts the same as an adults. This is Your Child's future, make it happen sooner rather than later. Every minute, over 20 Souls die of hunger or related causes around the world, about half are Children, which could have been saved, if gpms.world had the majority consent today. The number dying of hunger is increasing steadily in a world that currently produces enough food to feed double the population of Earth, and with gpms.world almost instantly, Earth could feed 10 times the population of Earth.

We ask every Soul on Earth to do what is morally right and join/consent with gpms.world now, every day, more and more are dying because of the current harmful system, the system has to be replaced, and You and gpms.world are doing it.

Gpms.world is the Will of God, may You recognize this and make it Your Will as well.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

07 Oct, 19:42

Divine Exercise UPDATE
Increase the geomagnetic field of Earth Herself from the core out to the Gulf of Mexico waters to about a 3 mile height above sea level.

Envision the eye wall of hurricane Milton rapidly deteriorating as the increased geomagnetic field hauls the moisture down to the oceans surface, draining the power from the hurricane itself.


Love, Light, and Gratitude!
Rick Jewers

Rick Jewers official channel

06 Oct, 18:38

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Rick Jewers official channel

06 Oct, 16:48

Live stream started

Rick Jewers official channel

06 Oct, 16:32

I am having an open mic Ascension discussion on this telegram channel in about 22 minutes from now.

Love and Light
Rick JewersπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€