Reignite Freedom


Reignite Freedom’s mission is to implement global, unified, and strategic pushback against the globalist agenda, ensuring we maintain our individual and collective liberty.

Reignite Freedom

22 Oct, 01:34

Two tier policing. If you don’t think it exists, it’s because you’ve never disagreed with the status quo. The moment you do…you’ll know!

Reignite Freedom

16 Oct, 01:41

Waking up one day realising you’ve made enemies with powerful people…is so daunting. I didn’t set out for this to happen, nor was I prepared AT ALL.

I just followed my heart…and it got me into trouble. Oh well…no regrets.

You can buy my audiobook for only $10

Reignite Freedom

14 Oct, 06:01

Encouraging things are happening folks :-)

Let’s keep this momentum going…

Reignite Freedom

14 Oct, 02:10

It’s brave to be the first…and almost as brave to be the second. I hope this is the beginning of a domino-effect.

We can’t know what this will result in, but it’s a step in the right direction that’s for sure.

Reignite Freedom

09 Oct, 05:28

We must force them to take accountability or it will happen again! That's why I didn't take a pre-trial deal...I won my case but got slapped with a $250k cost order. Yes, you read that correctly.
I am appealing as we speak. Find out more

Reignite Freedom

05 Oct, 03:49

Liz Truss is in the house!

We spoke briefly and she explained her experience that some conservatives idealistically WANT change but when someone actually starts to MAKE THE CHANGE…they get scared and back away.

People who DO instead of just talk…can easily intimated those who like to complain without action.

Let’s not put down the DOERS in our ranks…we need them! Let them fly, let them try! Don’t hold them down…support them instead!

Thanks for the short words of wisdom Liz :-)

Reignite Freedom

03 Oct, 03:15

Outsiders report on Sky News

The judge said my case wasn't a 'public interest' case...hhhmmm I beg to differ...and so does all this media coverage.

It should not cost this much to pursue justice! I am

Reignite Freedom

02 Oct, 03:35


Reignite Freedom

30 Sep, 04:46

With the misinformation bill coming up, the absolute most powerful thing we can all do individually is to STOP SELF-CENSORING!!!

Being worried about what your peers might think is not a good enough reason to keep your mouth shut anymore!

Whether you’re at work, school, uni, sports, partying…wherever you are, whatever you’re doing…SPEAK UP.

When you speak up, it also encourages other people to find their strength to speak out too.

Reignite Freedom

25 Sep, 10:36

“To those who have already supported the appeal...thank you so much!!!

The impact of your generosity is far greater than just financial; it’s a clear message that YOU are behind me and WANT me to keep going!!!

I will do my best to make you proud :-)”

Reignite Freedom

25 Sep, 02:03

Thank you so much for the support I've already received. Support here

I am currently briefing solicitors and barristers to determine the best way forward and to make sure I have good prospects of success. I will likely brief two seperate 'teams' and decide between them.

I literally COULD NOT do this if I didn't have your support. I spent most of my savings WINNING my case (crazy I know) but it's not just financial help I needed, it's also mental support too.

My judgement is somewhat impaired because I'm so emotionally invested. Having professional legal advice will help me make decisions that are measured and strategic.

I proved my point. I represented myself against a government team of four and won. I'm proud of that! But it's time to be humble and accept help so I can do my best to ensure full victory.

Note - if I win and get my costs back, I will refund all the support. (sometimes judges give back a %, I'll mirror that)

Reignite Freedom

24 Sep, 23:51

There is a lot more that could be said, but considering I'm now planning my appeal...I have to keep my 'cards close to my chest' this time.

I spent $45k of my own money WINNING, and now I need a proper legal team because appeals are very technical. You can support the appeal fundraiser here

Don't worry the appeal IS a good idea. I can't go into details why...but it is! And it's what must be done!

Reignite Freedom

24 Sep, 11:32

I am appealing - and the fundraiser IS BACK ON

I refused to fundraise to pay off a debt, but fundraising for an appeal is very different. The money will be used on legal costs. If I win the appeal and get my costs awarded to me, I will refund donations according to the % I get back. The result of the case will be public and you can be assured I'll keep my word on this.

I cannot do this alone anymore...I need a proper legal team. Appeals are very technical, and I can't afford to make mistakes.

Thanks for your support, I won't let you down!

Support here

Reignite Freedom

24 Sep, 05:49

Airing from 7pm tonight on channel 9 or 9now app.

I can’t say for sure how the full story will turn out, and what impact my other court cases could have on the full story.

I can say that my experience with Sam and the team at A Current Affair was very pleasant and positive.

I appreciate the opportunity to tell my story to an audience I would otherwise never be able to reach.

Let’s hope the unfairness of the huge cost order is the main message viewers are left with.

Reignite Freedom

23 Sep, 04:26

Reignite Freedom

23 Sep, 02:24

This isn't the end...maybe it's only the beginning 😊

Reignite Freedom

18 Sep, 23:53

Gareth Icke Promo

I knew they'd pick that part to promo the interview haha. But hey, it's exactly how I feel! I will never stay i the box!

Airing within the next 24 hours. I'll post the full interview for you later or you can catch it at