RCP London Iraq Network @rcpiraq Channel on Telegram

RCP London Iraq Network


This is the official channel for the RCP London-Iraq Members & Fellows Network.

RCP London Iraq Network (English)

Welcome to the RCP London Iraq Network! This channel, with the username @rcpiraq, is the official platform for Members & Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians London who are based in Iraq. The network aims to connect and support healthcare professionals who are affiliated with the RCP in both London and Iraq. Whether you are a physician, researcher, or medical student, this channel provides a space for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and professional development. Stay updated on the latest news, events, and opportunities within the RCP community, and engage with like-minded individuals who share a passion for advancing healthcare in Iraq. Join us today to connect with fellow members, access exclusive resources, and be part of a thriving network of medical professionals dedicated to making a difference in the healthcare sector. Together, we can drive innovation, improve patient care, and contribute to the advancement of medical practice in Iraq. Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to be part of the RCP London-Iraq Members & Fellows Network. Join our channel @rcpiraq now and become a part of this dynamic community!

RCP London Iraq Network

02 Oct, 08:42

تحية طيبة,

تدعوكم اللجنة العلمية لشبكة زملاء الكلية الملكية البريطانية لندن في العراق لحضور ورشتها العلمية بعنوان
((how to deal with patient having IHD, DM & CKD))
االموعد : 2024/10/11 المصادف يوم الجمعة الساعة السابعة مساء ا
المكان : مطعم شط العرب\ البصرة
يمنح المشاركون شهادة حضور
للاستفسارات ت يرجى التواصل عن طريق االايميل ادناه
[email protected]
مع تحيات الفريق القائم على الفعاليات العلمية في الشبكة

Dear all,

The Scientific group is delighted to invite you to attend its scientific workshop entitled
((how to deal with patient having IHD, DM & CKD))
Date: Friday, 11/10/2024
06:00 pm, Baghdad local time
Location: Shat al-Arab restaurant \ Barah
Attendees will get certificates.
For inquiries, contact us through the following email: - [email protected]
With regards of Scientific activities subgroup team.

RCP London Iraq Network

27 Sep, 09:52

تقدم شبكة زملاء الكلية الملكية البريطانية لندن في العراق نشاطها العلمي التوعوي الجديد حول السمنة وما يرافقها من من المشكلات الصحية وبمناسبة يوم القلب العالمي بالتعاون مع شركة نوفو نوردسك – العراق وذلك يوم الجمعة القادم 27/9/ 2024 الساعة السابعة مساء. ,

Dear Doctor,
It is our great pleasure in collaboration with Royal College of Physicians - Iraq Network to invite you to attend our upcoming webinar “ SHAPE UP Awareness Program: World Heart Day Meeting “

Webinar Day&Date: Friday, 2024.09.27
Webinar Time: 07:00 PM
Webinar registration link:

* A Certificate will be awarded after attending the meeting
Best regards,
Novo Nordisk - Iraq

RCP London Iraq Network

27 Sep, 08:54

We are starting 🔥

RCP London Iraq Network

20 Sep, 16:56

We are starting 🤩

RCP London Iraq Network

20 Sep, 08:40

Join us tonight 🔥🔥

RCP London Iraq Network

20 Sep, 08:40

Join this amazing course that up-skills your ability to lead and manage research and educational projects successfully!

Event Details:
• Date:, Friday, September 20th 2024
• Time: 8:00 PM - 09:00 PM Iraq Time
• Duration: 1 hour (45 minutes presentation + 15 minutes discussion)
• Platform: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82260085814
• Presenter: Dr. Hala Al Mossawi

About the presenter:

Dr. Al Mossawi is an Iraqi American woman leader who has held higher positions in the US, including Vice President of the Global Health Division at the Research Triangle Institute and Adjunct Professor at American Universities.
She is a highly accomplished and influential leader with 25 years of experience in global and public health program design, management, implementation, and strategic partnerships. Her progressive industry background, servant leadership style, and strong values drive her commitment to excellence and high performance.

RCP London Iraq Network

16 Sep, 21:06

Register now!🔥🔥

Title: Adrenal Incidentaloma
Speaker: Dr. Yasir Elhassan
Date: September 27th, 2024
Time: 12 P.M. Bagdad Local Time

Registration form:

Zoom link:

RCP London Iraq Network

16 Sep, 21:06


Dr. Yasir Elhassan is a Consultant Endocrinologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.
He is a highly regarded expert in adrenal and gonadal disorders and leads on national and international multicentre studies on adrenal tumours. He holds several national roles in the British Society for Endocrinology including:
- Clinical Lead of the Adrenal Network of the British Society of Endocrinology
- Elected Member of the British Society for Endocrinology Clinical Committee
- Member of the Programme Committee of the British Society for Endocrinology Annual Conference
Dr Elhassan has been awarded several early career research awards by the US Endocrine Society and the British Society for Endocrinology. He is a regular invited speaker in major international conferences such as the US Endocrine Society (ENDO) and British Endocrine Society Conference (BES).

RCP London Iraq Network

23 Aug, 17:26

Starting in few minutes 🔥

RCP London Iraq Network

23 Aug, 11:28

Now you can view and explore today’s lecture and prepare your questions for Dr Tareq Al Saody!!
Don’t forget to join us 🔥

RCP London Iraq Network

23 Aug, 10:57

يسر شبكة زملاء الكلية الملكية البريطانية لندن في العراق – مجموعة النشاطات العلمية ان تعلن نشاطها العلمي الجديد بعنوان:
اضطراب وضائف المجاري البولية السفلى
يقدمها الاستاذ الدكتورطارق السعودي _ استشاري اقدم في امراض جهاز المجاري البولية في السويد
يوم الجمعة القادم 23/8/2024 ساعة 8:30 مساء بتوقيت العراق
على منصة الزوم :
سيمنح المشاركون شهادة مشاركة من قبل شبكة زملاء الكلية الملكية البريطانية لندن في العراق بعد تسجيلهم في الباركود المرفق
لجنة النشاطات العلمية
The RCP Iraq network- Scientific Activities Group is pleased to announce its new scientific activity entitled:
Lower Urinary Tract Function and Dysfunction
Presented by Dr Tareq Al-Saody - Senior Consultant in Urology, Sweden
Friday, 8/23/2024, at 8:30 pm Iraq time
On the Zoom platform
The RCP Iraq Network in Iraq will award participants a certificate of participation after registering using the attached barcode.

RCP London Iraq Network

04 Aug, 21:40

Dont forget to register for our latest scientific activity next Friday!!

RCP London Iraq Network

29 Jul, 14:13

Join the Scientific Activities Subgroup in their upcoming activity. Empowering Women Navigating Life with Epilepsy."
Presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammed Abd Al Sattar, Consultant Neurologist and Head of the Physiology Department at the College of Medicine, Fallujah University.
Venue: Oyoon Baghdad/ Al-Hikma Hall
Date: Friday 9th/8/2024
Time: 6:00 pm

For registration and inquiries, scan the QR codes.

RCP London Iraq Network

18 Jul, 11:17

Join our workshop tonight 🔥


RCP London Iraq Network

29 May, 20:43

Dear all,
Scientific group is delighted to invites you to attend its scientific workshop entitled
((Hypertension and CKD))  
Delivered by
Dr. Hasanain Mohammed alialkhammas
Consultant  Nephorologist
Moderated by:
Assistant Professor Dr. Hayder Salih Abbood Aledan 
Consultant  Internist
Date: Friday , 31/5/2024  
05:00 pm , Baghdad local time  
Location: Online, google meet
Target: medical students, Junior doctors, Board trainees  
Attendees will be able to get certificates.  
 For inquiries, contact us through the following email:-
[email protected]
 With regards of Scientific activates subgroup team

RCP London Iraq Network

29 May, 20:42

تحية طيبة
تدعوكم اللجنة العلمية لشبكة زملاء الكلية الملكية البريطانية / لندن في العراق لحضور ورشتها العلمية بعنوان  
((Hypertension and CKD))
الدكتور حسنين محمد علي الخماس
استشاري امراض الكلى
و يُدير الجلسة:
الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور حيدر صالح عبود العيدان  
استشاري أمراض الطب الباطني
الزمان : 31/5/2024 المصادف ليوم الجمعة
الساعة الخامسة مساءا بتوقيت بغداد
المكان : الكترونيا, على منصة كوكل ميت
الفئة المستهدفة :- طلبة كلية الطب– الأطباء حديثي التخرج و المقيمين – طلبة الدراسات العليا.
يمنح المشاركون شهادة حضور .  
للإستفسارات يُرجى التواصل عن طريق الإيميل ادناه  
[email protected]  
مع تحيات الفريق القائم على الفعاليات العلمية في الشبكة.

RCP London Iraq Network

19 Apr, 18:33

Today’s session is on! Dont forget to join us

RCP London Iraq Network

19 Apr, 14:28

محاضرة اليوم حتكون بقاعة الحكمة/ الطابق الارضي