RCNLagos @rcnlagos Channel on Telegram



RCNLagos (English)

Welcome to RCNLagos, a Telegram channel dedicated to showcasing the vibrant and diverse culture of Lagos, Nigeria. From the bustling markets to the picturesque beaches, this channel is your go-to source for all things related to Lagos. Whether you're a local looking to discover hidden gems in your city or a tourist planning your next trip, RCNLagos has got you covered. Join our community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for Lagos and all it has to offer. Stay up to date on the latest events, hotspots, and trends in the city. Don't miss out on the chance to connect with fellow Lagosians and explore the rich history and traditions of this incredible metropolis. Subscribe to RCNLagos today and let the adventure begin!


21 Feb, 17:30

"...they which run in a race run all, but one receives the prize?... Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible." - 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Life is a race but while the world chases perishable rewards, we press on for an incorruptible crown, one that Christ Himself will place on those who remain steadfast in faith till the end.

Join us at CBS on 24th Feb 2025 | 5:00 PM as Rev. Austin Ukporhe unveils the mysteries of "The Believer’s Crown".

📍The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus-Stop, Ojodu

Come be equipped, strengthened, and inspired to run to win!

Live on social media: @ RCNLagos



21 Feb, 12:54

"Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out..."
Mark 3:14 NKJV

A disciple is a person who closely studies the life and teachings of a master with the hope of becoming like and representing him.
It is important to note that even when we are commissioned to the 5-fold or sent out by Jesus Christ, we will never outgrow discipleship. We will always need to learn at His feet.



20 Feb, 14:35

"Elkanah and his entire household went up to offer to the LORD
the yearly sacrifice and fulfill his vow." – 1 Samuel 1:21

Just like Elkanah,
we gathered as a people to lift up a sacrifice of praise,
offer sacrifices of praise, fulfill our vows and
stand under the weight of His prophetic declarations! At our Community Bible Study.

You can visit our social media handle @RCNLagos for the full experience.


20 Feb, 07:37

Conventional wisdom says: “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”, but that saying holds no water when the basket you’re talking about is the word of God.

The word of God is: Reliable: you can bank on it, dependable: you can stake your life on it and infallible: you can trust it.



19 Feb, 11:47

The just-concluded February Convergence was nothing short of impactful!

Swipe through these snapshots and relive the moments!

Let the fire keep burning as we step into all that God has prepared for us.



19 Feb, 08:15

John 10:18 (KJV) – "No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father."

True submission is not weakness but strength under control.

It is the ability to willingly surrender your all for a greater purpose.

Just as Jesus, with all His authority, submitted to the Father’s will, we too must follow His example and submit to God if we want to wield true authority.



18 Feb, 18:35

A glimpse into the just-concluded Ambassadors’ Convergence

Each session carried depth, truth, and divine encounters.

Swipe through and relive the experience! 🔥

#AmbassadorsConvergence #UnforgettableMoments #PurposeIgnited


18 Feb, 14:12

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

A grateful heart shifts atmospheres, unlocks blessings, and draws us deeper into God's presence!
Dear sister, The Daughters of Zion invite you to a powerful time of worship, teaching, and impartation.
Come with a grateful heart and expect an overflow!

Ministering: Reverend Austin Ukporhe & Reverend Grace Ukporhe

Date: Saturday, March 1st, 2025
Time: 4PM
Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
Online: @rcnlagos

Invite a sister and come with a grateful heart.



17 Feb, 16:51

Welcome to Community Bible Study.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


17 Feb, 16:23

Welcome to The Convergence February 2025 Edition (Day 2)

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


17 Feb, 11:16

"And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies".
- Psalm 105:24

To enter into your 10-1 you need strength. So it was as we cried to God for strength in prayers, he released a song of the Spirit to us and as we sang and sang we were strengthened! The year promises to be exciting as God has given us the power to prevail!

Catch this power-packed session on our social media page: @rcnlagos



17 Feb, 11:08

"And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies".
- Psalm 105:24

To enter into your 10-1 you need strength. So it was as we cried to God for strength in prayers, he released a song of the Spirit to us and as we sang and sang we were strengthened! The year promises to be exciting as God has given us the power to prevail!

Catch this power-packed session on our social media page: @rcnlagos



17 Feb, 08:34

We are still basking in the impartation of the just-concluded Convergence: Kingdom Ambassadors.
We have been equipped to represent Heaven on Earth;
will you represent your kingdom or do we wait for another?
You can watch all the videos from The Convergence on our social media page: @rcnlagos



16 Feb, 13:24

Such profound depth and truth for the weekend!

It was an eye-opening session with Daddy Sunday Oguche.

Here are some key excerpts from last night.

Catch up on all the insights via our social media platforms!



15 Feb, 17:54

“As Christ's ambassador, you must strive to live in peace with one another.”
- Evangelist Sunday Oguche

We looked at the second aspect of being a Kingdom Ambassador which is “Peace”, in the morning session of the Convergence.

Find the excerpts from the message for your edification.

The evening session is on join us:

📍 Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
📡 Join Online: YouTube | Facebook | Telegram | Mixlr @RCNLagos



15 Feb, 15:18

Welcome to The Convergence February 2025 Edition (Day 2 Evening Session)

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


15 Feb, 14:22

“In order to accept the nature of Christ, you must be de-natured from your carnal nature”
- Reverend Austin Ukporhe

The morning session was a time of deep revelation and God opened up to us what having a sent mentality is as an ambassador.

Find the excerpts from the message

📍 Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
📡 Join Online: YouTube | Facebook | Telegram | Mixlr @RCNLagos



15 Feb, 08:18

Welcome to The Convergence February 2025 Edition (Day 2)

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


14 Feb, 22:57

It was a wonderful time in God’s presence,
as we worshiped the LORD in the beauty of His holiness,
as minister Fegor led us at the Convergence.

Join us tomorrow by 8AM
at The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Busstop, for Day 2.

You can also follow online: @rcnlagos


14 Feb, 18:18

The atmosphere is charged, and the heavens are open! 🔥
From deep worship to fervent prayers, the presence of God is undeniable.
Something is shifting!

And the best part? We are still here, pressing in! 🚀 If you haven’t joined yet, there’s still time to be part of this divine encounter.

📍 Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
📡 Join Online: YouTube | Facebook | Telegram | Mixlr @RCNLagos

Don’t miss what God is doing! Come expectant, come hungry, come now! 🙌🏽🔥



14 Feb, 18:13

Now Ministering is Evangelist Sunday Oguche, join us

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


14 Feb, 15:33

RCNLagos pinned «Welcome to The Convergence February 2025 Edition (Day 1) We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility. YouTube 👇🏻 https://youtube.com/live/bFWZBLTzB6g Facebook 👇🏻 https://web.facebook.com/RCNLagos/live/ Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻 Mixlr:…»


14 Feb, 15:31

Welcome to The Convergence February 2025 Edition (Day 1)

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


14 Feb, 09:02

God and indeed the world
is looking for kingdom ambassadors
who will bring the influence of Heaven upon earth.

Are you a kingdom ambassador?
Then join us today by 4PM for the Convergence.

At the Forge.
34 Budland Street,
Grammar School Bus Stop,

See you there!


14 Feb, 06:23

“This is the day
which the LORD hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24 KJV

We have prayed,
we have waited
and finally D-day is here!

Join us today by 4PM for the Convergence themed: The Ambassadors.

At The Forge,
34 Budland Street,
Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger.

As we receive the ministry of a father,
Daddy Sunday Oguche and our very own Reverend Austin Ukporhe.



13 Feb, 08:23

1 Day to Go!!!

Tomorrow, we gather, receive, and are sent forth!
The Kingdom needs bold, fearless ambassadors,
are you one of them?
Then join us tomorrow:

Friday, February 14th, 2025
The Forge, 34 Budland Street,
Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
Online: @rcnlagos

Drop a 🔥 if you’re ready for the Convergence!

#TheAmbassadors #Convergence2025


12 Feb, 17:10

Welcome to DAY 18 of our 40 Days prayers and fasting.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


12 Feb, 13:32

The countdown continues!

"Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God." – 2 Corinthians 5:20 NKJV

You are called and are chosen, sent by the Father! Creation awaits your manifestation!

📅 Fri. & Sat. || Feb. 14th & 15th, 2025

📍 The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger

📡 Catch us online @rcnlagos



12 Feb, 08:41

It was a monumental moment of ordination, impartation and advancement for the kingdom as the first set of the Remnant Discipleship Academy (RDA) had their graduation service.

See the highlights from the service for your edification and be sure to visit our social media handles to get the full experience.

YouTube: https://youtube.com/RCNLagos

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/RCNLagos


11 Feb, 14:54

“The outcome of our Christian journey is to make impact and represent the interest of God and the final outcome is to be with the master”.
- Reverend Austin Ukporhe

The LORD came down in His power and glory and His presence could be felt both online and on sight as there were visible manifestations, impartations and prophecy at The Remnant Discipleship Academy (RDA) graduation ceremony.

Find attached the excerpts from the message and be blessed as you go through them.

Don’t forget to visit our social media handle for the full message.

YouTube: https://youtube.com/RCNLagos

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/RCNLagos


11 Feb, 07:55

"You did not choose Me,
but I chose you and appointed you,
that you should go and bear fruit,
and that your fruit should remain..."
– John 15:16 NKJV

The wait is almost over!
In just 3 days, Kingdom Ambassadors will gather for a time of divine alignment, fresh fire, and commissioning.

This is your time to arise! ⚡️🔥

Creation is waiting, and heaven is ready!

📅 Date: Friday and Saturday || February 14th & 15th, 2025
📍 Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
📡 Online Audience: @rcnlagos



10 Feb, 16:11

Welcome to RDA Graduation Ceremony.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


10 Feb, 11:16

🔥 4 DAYS TO GO! 🔥

"And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’" – Mark 16:15 NKJV

The call is clear. The time is now. The Convergence is more than a gathering; it is a prophetic activation for Kingdom Ambassadors to rise in power, wisdom, and authority. 🌍🔥

You were not saved to sit; you were chosen to be sent!
Will you step into your divine assignment?

📅 Date: Friday and Saturday || February 14th & 15th, 2025
📍 Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
📡 Online Audience: @rcnlagos



08 Feb, 07:51

"As the Father has sent me, I also send you."
– John 20:21

God is raising a generation of Kingdom Ambassadors
—sent with power, wisdom, and divine authority!
This is not just a meeting;
it’s a commissioning for global impact!

join us:

Friday, February 14th, 2025
Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
Online: @rcnlagos



07 Feb, 17:11

Welcome to Day 33 of our 40 Days Prayers & Fasting

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


07 Feb, 11:40

“For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;”
Romans 1:11 KJV

After a season of discipleship, the first-ever
RCNLagos’ Adullam Discipleship Academy (RDA)
graduates are ready!

Come and witness the vessels established for
kingdom advancement!

🗓️ 10th Feb 2025
5 PM
📍34, Budland Str, Grammar Sch Bustop

You can also follow us online on our handle: @RCNLagos


07 Feb, 08:26


In just 7 days, THE AMBASSADORS will gather at The Convergence Lagos! 💃💃💃

This is more than an event, it’s a divine appointment for empowerment, revival, and alignment with God’s purpose.🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️

"For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. – Romans 8:19 NKJV

This is the hour for true ambassadors of Christ to arise and take their place. Creation is waiting! Are you ready? 🔥

Date: Friday, February 14th, 2025
Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street,
Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
Join Online: @rcnlagos



06 Feb, 13:09

Call unto me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
(Jeremiah 33:3)

Sons don’t panic; they inquire.
When life brings uncertainties, the place of conversation with God is where clarity is birthed.

Inquire of the LORD; answers lie with Him.



06 Feb, 13:06

‘Call unto me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3)

Sons don’t panic; they inquire.
When life brings uncertainties, the place of conversation with God is where clarity is birthed.

Inquire of the Lord; answers lie with the Lord.



06 Feb, 11:30

"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him:
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him, and honour him".
-Psalm 91:15

We will not tire of calling upon the LORD for deliverance. Join us today:

📍34, Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop

🕐 6pm

You can follow online @RCNLagos



06 Feb, 08:18

"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ,
as though God did beseech you by us..."
– 2 Corinthians 5:20

The countdown has begun!
In just 8 days,
we gather for a divine alignment,
a Kingdom commissioning, and a fresh outpouring of grace!
Are you ready?

Date: Friday, February 16th, 2024
Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street,
Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu Berger
Join Online: @rcnlagos



05 Feb, 17:11

Welcome to Day 31 of our 40 Days Prayers & Fasting

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


05 Feb, 10:57

Call unto me, and I will answer thee,
and shew thee great and mighty things,
which thou knowest not.
- Jeremiah 33:3

Join us as we call upon the LORD at The Forge.

📍34, Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop

🕐 6pm

You can follow online @RCNLagos



04 Feb, 17:11

Welcome to Day 30 of our 40 Days Prayers & Fasting

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


04 Feb, 11:07

“But [we are different, because] our citizenship is in heaven.
And from there we eagerly await [the coming of] the Savior,
the Lord Jesus Christ;”
Philippians 3 : 20 AMP

We are heaven’s representatives,
sent to establish God's agenda on earth!

Join us for Convergence 2024
THE AMBASSADORS, a divine call to
- Power,
- ⁠Influence, and
- ⁠Purpose.

- Evangelist Sunday Oguche,
- Reverend Austin Ukporhe.

Music Ministration:
- Minister Abbey Ojomu
- ⁠Psalmist Fegor Pius.

Date & Time: Fri. 14th February by 4PM
Sat. 15th by 8AM.

Let’s converge and take territories.



04 Feb, 09:02

“And they CONTINUED stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.”
— Acts 2:42 (KJV)

The goal is not to start off rather, to continue till the end.

We gather again today at The Forge

📍34, Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop

🕐 6pm

Join on social media @RCNLagos



03 Feb, 16:10

Welcome to RDA Graduation Service.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


03 Feb, 08:04

“…believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.”
2 Chronicles 20:20b KJV

God is the one who establishes men but there is a technology to it.

Join us today for Community Bible Study as we look into the perfect law of liberty: ‘That ye May be Established’. The service also doubles as the maiden graduation of Adullam’s RCNLagos Discipleship Academy (RDA) and will be a “high service”. Don't miss it!

📍34, Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop

🕐 5PM

Join on social media @RCNLagos



02 Feb, 15:27

Picture Excerpts for Day 25|| 40 Days of Fasting and prayers||

Full album: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/19C1DSANMJ/



10 Jan, 17:09

Welcome to DAY 5 of our 40 Days prayers and fasting.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


10 Jan, 11:43

We are building capacity🔥

Picture Excerpts from Day 2 and 3

Are you fasting?

Now Day 5



10 Jan, 09:31

It's day 5: Here are some dos and don'ts you need to adhere to.

Rice & chicken

More importantly, feed on God's word and pray daily.

See you at The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus-Stop, Ojodu | 6PM

And on YouTube, Facebook, Telegram & Mixlr @RCNLagos



09 Jan, 17:10

Welcome to DAY 4 of our 40 Days prayers and fasting.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


09 Jan, 09:43

Day 4 is here, and we continue to press. This is your sign to get started if you haven't or stay strong if you're already on this journey.

Join us today at 34 Budland Street, Ojodu Berger, Lagos, or online @RCNLagos.

Time: 6PM



08 Jan, 15:57

1 Corinth 12:12-14 implies that the body has different parts but all function as one; so are we in Christ.

Though many, God is raising a generation of Kingdom Stakeholders for His glory and for the advancement of His agenda on earth.

It'll be an impactful time of teaching & impartation with a father in faith.

You cannot afford to miss it!

See flyers for details.



08 Jan, 09:38

Dearly beloved, what will you do differently this year? Don't SLOUCH!

Join us for day 3 of the 40-days fasting & prayer.

📍34 Budland Street, Ojodu Berger, Lagos
⏱️ 6pm

We are online too @RCNLagos across all social media platforms and Mixlr.



07 Jan, 11:11

By divine instruction, we push through day 2, submitting ourselves to receiving the compelling power of the Spirit as touching our lives and surroundings.

Don't miss today's gathering @34 Budland Street, Ojodu Berger, Lagos or online @RCNLagos

Time: 6pm prompt



07 Jan, 07:01

The process may be long and rigorous but learn to give yourself to the dealings of the Spirit - Rev. Austin Ukporhe

Can't put in words how insightful yesterday's teaching was. Click a link & see for yourself:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/RCNLagos

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/RCNLagos

Telegram: https://t.me/RCNLagos



06 Jan, 16:10

Welcome to Community Bible Study.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


06 Jan, 14:17

The time is drawing nigh. It'll be a refreshing service. Be on the watch!

Date: Today

Time: at the Tenth (10th) Hour

Location: 34 Budland Street, Ojodu Berger, Lagos | online @RCNLagos

Be Ready!



06 Jan, 09:14

You didn't ask, but we thought you might need it as a constant reminder.

Here is the your phone wall paper design.

You are welcome 😍


06 Jan, 07:50

This year, we start together, Fueled and Recharged! We finish together, Strong and Victorious! 10 to 1 is the mandate.

📅 CBS begins today!
🕗 Our 40-Day Fast starts now!

Can't make it in person? We're on all social media platforms as @RCNLagos.

Welcome back to church!



05 Jan, 09:50

This Year, 2025: A Prophetic Word for the RCNLagos Clan

The Lord has declared that in 2025, He will compress 10 years of sacrifice and labor into 1 year of harvest for us!

Let this design be a constant reminder of this divine promise. As you behold it, let faith rise in your heart—believe it, because you will become it.

So, when we say, How far?
Your response will be: 10 in 1!


03 Jan, 13:43

The journey of 40 Days of Fasting and Prayers is about to begin! It’s a season of seeking God with intensity and aligning with His purpose for 2025.

This is the time to build spiritual momentum for consolidation and implementation of His divine agenda in our lives.

Join us onsite and online to know the plan of God for us this year;

📅 Date: Monday, 6th January 2025
🕗 Time: 6:00 PM
📍 Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu

Come expectant, and don’t come alone!



03 Jan, 09:27

RCNLagos pinned «By God’s abundant mercies, we are excited to step into the next phase of our journey.💃🏽 The building project is officially underway—a powerful testament to His faithfulness and grace! 🙌🏽 This project is more than just a building; it’s a strategic move to…»


03 Jan, 09:27

By God’s abundant mercies, we are excited to step into the next phase of our journey.💃🏽

The building project is officially underway—a powerful testament to His faithfulness and grace! 🙌🏽

This project is more than just a building; it’s a strategic move to spread the Kingdom's influence, equip believers, and reach new frontiers for His glory.

Join us in this divine assignment and become part of a legacy that will glorify God for generations to come!

📌 Bank Details for Partnership:
Account Name: Remnant Christian Network Ministry
Bank Name: First Bank PLC
NGN Account: 2031730750
USD Account: 2031730183
GBP Account: 2031730217
EUR Account: 2031730200

SORT CODE: 405204

📌 Other Platforms:
Cash App: $theforgercn
PayPal: [email protected]
Zelle: [email protected]

BEP20 Network: 0x8dcd3c6dd87558c5d8c1a8135ad3efb18d65eaf7

BTC Network:

Together, we are advancing His Kingdom and stepping into the fullness of Divine Spread



02 Jan, 08:49

Today presents us another opportunity to celebrate our Dear Pastor Opeoluwa Alonge, the one and only COMBUSTIBLE 🔥😁

We thank God for your life Sir, and for the preciousness of His Grace upon your life. We have many reasons to be thankful.

We want to thank you for the good work you're doing in the Body of Christ, and especially at the territory of Magodo and beyond. Thank you for being a genuine and authentic Shepherd and Teacher of God's people.

We appreciate your Zeal and Passion for the Kingdom. Thank you for raising others to do the same and much more.

May the Lord whose Servant you're continue to keep and Grace you to the end. May He increase you in Spirit and in Stature on every side, and may you indeed be His Battle Axe in this end time. May you prosper and be exceedingly prosperous in the Name of Jesus.

Congratulations Sir, and happy Birthday to you.

From All Of Us, RCNLAGOS


07 Dec, 14:25

And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering - Luke 9:29

Here's a reminder that transformation happens in the place of prayer.

Join us on Monday for a prophetic prayer meeting.

Let your spirit be stirred and your faith ignited.
Come expectant!

📍The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop , Ojodu, Lagos
🗓 Monday, December 9th, 2024
🕔 5pm

Don't come alone, invite someone.

You can also join us online via our social media handles.



07 Dec, 10:10

Welcome to Sisters Breakfast Meeting.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


05 Dec, 12:37

We cannot recover from this experience🔥🔥

The word, the impartation🔥🔥🔥🔥
God came for every single person, and it was evident🔥🔥

Picture excerpt || Day 2

You can connect via our social media platforms.

Full album: https://web.facebook.com/share/p/1CxmTHw7P7/


05 Dec, 09:56

Min. Ernieola brought her own spice to the Craftsmen 3.0 experience, stirring hearts and lifting spirits with her ministration🔥🔥🔥🔥

You can listen to the full ministration on our social media platforms RCNLagos



04 Dec, 14:36


This one teaching by our father, Apostle Arome Osayi clears every doubt, every question, every squabble, every misconception as it pertains Spiritual Fatherhood.

Watch and gain understanding. Share it too, lavishly. 🔥

Premieres by 5:30PM tonight.
_follow the link and click "Notify me"_


04 Dec, 11:11

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I there in the midst. - Matthew 18:20

Fellowship is a sacred ordinance established by God for spiritual growth and fruitfulness.

It is in the gathering of believers, unified in His name, that His presence dwells powerfully among us.

In fellowship, we are strengthened, pruned, and empowered to bear much fruit for His kingdom."



03 Dec, 20:34

To sow and another reap is only available through spiritual inheritance
It's easier to inherit an anointing than to download it.
~ Apostle Arome Osayi

The stirring tonight was strong🔥🔥🔥
Here are some key points.

You can explore our social media handles for the full message👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

YouTube: youtube.com/RCNLagos

Facebook: web.facebook.com/RCNLagos

Telegram: t.me/RCNLagos



03 Dec, 15:16

He spake a parable unto them saying, "Men ought always to pray and not to faint".

It's another time tonight🔥🔥

Come up hither🔥🔥

If you can't make it, you can join us on our social media platforms @RCNLagos

Time: 5pm

34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu,Lagos.



03 Dec, 08:14

Did you miss Craftsmen 3.0?🔥🔥

We'll tell the story in these captured moments🔥

Picture Excerpts || Batch 1🔥🔥🔥🔥

#Craftsmen 3.0


20 Nov, 11:03

Hello Craftsmen, It's Day 20 of the 29 Days of Prayer and 10 Days to Craftsmen 3.0

Day 15, Nov. 15, 2024  

Time: 10PM - 12AM

Place: Zoom

Link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09


20 Nov, 10:03

God's words carry power, purpose, and fulfillment. Our responsibility is to trust, align, and step forward in obedience.

Just as God told Joshua, "Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you" (Joshua 1:3), the promise was already in place, Joshua simply needed to align and walk in it.

If He has given you His word, trust him enough and walk in it!



19 Nov, 20:49

PreCraftsMen 3.0: Day 19 of Fasting and Prayers

YouTube 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/

Zoom 👇🏻


19 Nov, 10:06

HeartCheckTuesday: From Pain to Promise: How Your Struggles Are Setting You Up for a Life-Changing Testimony!

"Without a test, there is no TESTimony."

Take a moment and reflect on the stories of greatness in the Bible. Every person God raised, every individual He built His covenant with, had to first endure a test. These tests weren’t arbitrary, they were God’s way of seeing where their trust truly lay. Testing wasn’t designed to break them but to reveal their unwavering faith and prepare them for what was to come.

Look at Abraham. God asked him to sacrifice Isaac, the son of promise, the very child he waited decades for. Imagine the weight of that request. Many of us would have been crippled with doubt, resistance, or anger. But not Abraham. He trusted God beyond what his eyes could see, beyond what his mind could comprehend. When Isaac innocently asked, “Father, where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” Abraham didn’t hesitate. His response was full of faith: “God will provide.” This wasn’t just blind hope; it was a declaration born out of trust; a deep, unshakable trust in God’s character and promises.

Abraham reached a point where his trust in God outweighed every screaming circumstance. The world would have said no, logic would have said no, but Abraham’s heart said, “Yes, Lord, I trust You.” And because he trusted, Abraham’s test became a testimony of faith, one that inspires millions to this day.

Now consider Job, a man who lost everything, his children, his wealth, his health. The devil threw every weapon at him, and still, Job stood firm. His trust in God defied logic, defied pain, and defied despair. Against all odds, Job remained steadfast, and his story became a powerful testimony of endurance and trust in the face of unimaginable trials. His life reminds us that tests are not the end; they are the beginning of something greater.

HeartChecker, what about you? Has this year dealt you blows that left you questioning God’s promises? Have you found yourself wondering if the breakthroughs you prayed for will ever come? Can you still trust Him when everything around you screams that it’s over? Let me tell you this: the same God who tested Abraham and restored Job is working in your life right now. And He has not forgotten His promises to you.

The tests you’re going through are not designed to destroy you; they are preparing you for a greater testimony. But here’s the question; will you trust God enough to keep going? Will you trust Him to turn your story around before the year ends? The same God who provided the ram for Abraham and doubled Job’s blessings is the same God who is able to bring every promise He made to you to pass.

So, don’t give up. The year isn’t over yet, and neither are God’s plans for you. Trust Him to end the year on a high, to show up in ways you cannot yet see, and to fulfill every word He has spoken over your life. Your test today will be your testimony tomorrow.



18 Nov, 16:12

Welcome to Community Bible Study.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


18 Nov, 09:27

Last week’s Q&A was a blast!🔥
This week, we’re raising the bar even higher!🔥🔥

Meet our panellist🔥🔥🔥

They're bringing the heat— don’t miss out!

Send in your question via the link below👇🏼

🗓 November 18th, 2024
🕒 5 PM
📍 The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu, Lagos

🎯 Don’t forget to bring a friend!

Can't make it in person? Follow the conversation online on our platforms.



17 Nov, 20:49

PreCraftsMen 3.0: Day 17 of Fasting and Prayers

YouTube 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/

Zoom 👇🏻


17 Nov, 08:54

Dear Beloved Brethren,

To God be the Glory for the Great things He has done in the Family of the Olusola.

Dear Pastor Abiodun & Min. Olubunmi Olusola, a.k.a, Gabbey, we thank you for all you do for the Lord, and we, His People:

Thank you for your excellent services in the Media Dept, SweetPsalmist and the Prayer Cell.

May the Lord bring before Him this Day your sacrifices and your offerings and bless you this Day and forever.

May He cause your children to surround your Table and call you blessed. May The Rock drip Honey on your path, in the Name of Jesus.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to you Sir & Ma

From All of Us


16 Nov, 20:54

PreCraftsMen 3.0: Day 16 of Fasting and Prayers

YouTube 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/

Zoom 👇🏻


16 Nov, 17:11

In the past two weeks, the depth of knowledge has been truly extraordinary! 🔥

If you haven’t been part of the Q&A Series, you’ve been missing out on profound insights. 🔥

Do you have questions? Don’t miss this opportunity to gain clarity and deeper understanding.
Join us this Monday for another impactful session of wisdom and revelation!

📩 Submit your questions using the link below:
[https://www.bit.ly/4f8hPqV](https://www.bit.ly/4f8hPqV) 👇

You’ll be glad you came!

Date: November 18th, 2024
Time: 5 PM
Venue: The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu, Lagos

Can’t join in person? Follow us online via our platforms.



15 Nov, 21:04

PreCraftsMen 3.0: Day 15 of Fasting and Prayers

YouTube 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/

Zoom 👇🏻


15 Nov, 17:19

RCNLagos Island Bible Study is live, join us!

Kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube: 👇🏻

FaceBook: 👇🏻

Audio Mixlrr):👇🏻


15 Nov, 09:08

Hello Craftsmen, It's Day 15 of the 29 Days of Prayer and 15 Days to Craftsmen 3.0

Day 15, Nov. 15, 2024

Time: 10PM - 12AM

Place: Zoom

Link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09


15 Nov, 08:11

Staying Power.mp3


15 Nov, 08:10

The Believers Duty.mp3


14 Nov, 20:55

PreCraftsMen 3.0: Day 14 of Fasting and Prayers

YouTube 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/

Zoom 👇🏻


10 Nov, 21:01

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 10 of Fasting and Prayers

YouTube 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/

Zoom 👇🏻


10 Nov, 10:02

Hello Craftsmen, It Day 10 of the 29 Days of Prayer and 20 days to Craftsmen 3.0

Theme: Craftsmen 3.0: Snatching Territories! Displacing Altars!!

Time: 10PM - 12AM

Link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09


09 Nov, 21:01

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 9 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


09 Nov, 09:33

Did you join the Q&A session last week?
Our panelist came prepared🔥

Our next panelist ain't dropping the ball at all🔥🔥

Join us this Monday with your questions.
We go again! Invite someone!

🗓 November 11th, 2024
🕒 5pm
📍 The Forge, 34 Budland street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu, Lagos.

You can also follow us online via our platforms.



09 Nov, 08:10

Day 9 of Fasting and Prayers, 21Days to Craftsmen 3.0

Theme: Craftsmen 3.0: Snatching Territories! Displacing Altars!!

Day 9, Nov. 9, 2024

Time: 10PM - 12AM

Link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09


08 Nov, 21:01

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 8 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


07 Nov, 21:01

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 7 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


06 Nov, 21:05

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 6 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


06 Nov, 09:58

Isaiah 61:10 says, "I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

God is calling you to shed the old and be clothed in His glory. Step into the garments of praise, strength, and righteousness prepared for you. 🕊



05 Nov, 21:00

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 5 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


05 Nov, 11:56

Kabod Teens Hangout 3.0🥳🥳

"Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me." – Mark 9:37 (NIV)

The previous editions have been life-changing, with teens encountering God in profound ways 🎉🙌

Dear Parents, this is an amazing opportunity for our teens to gather, grow, and experience God in a fresh way.

Don’t let them miss out on this life-changing event! 🎉

📅 9th November 2024
🕙 10:00 AM
📍The Forge, Ojodu



04 Nov, 21:31

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 4 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


04 Nov, 16:21

Welcome to Community Bible Study.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


04 Nov, 12:50

With the help of the Holy Spirit, our Seasoned Panelist are prepared to answer your heart throbbing questions today.

Do you have a question? You can send it anonymously via the link below 👇


You sure wouldn't want to miss this time.

See you there 😊

🗓 Date: November 4th, 2024
🕒 Time: 5pm
📍 Location: The Forge, 34 Budland street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu, Lagos.

You can also follow us online via our platforms.



03 Nov, 21:01

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 3 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


03 Nov, 15:12

Questions are rolling in already!

Do you know your questions can stay anonymous?

Yes! Absolutely anonymous.
Now’s your chance to ask anonymously!

Click the link NOW to ask your question: https://app.sli.do/event/qPrahMaEPCAUM6cNwRJ37Z



03 Nov, 14:09

It was such a powerful time with the Lord!

Picture Excerpts Daughters of Zion The Wailing Woman ||

See the full album here: https://web.facebook.com/share/p/WPTRhY2HYuokXmRZ/

Did you miss this November Edition?
You can catch up on our social media platforms


02 Nov, 20:59

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 2 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


02 Nov, 11:39

Our Question and Answer series is back again!💃🏽

We're excited to start this year's Q and A in November, 2024.

Do you have questions and concerns?

Join us this Monday for an expository time with seasoned panelist.

Come with your questions and uncertainties🤔

🗓 Date: November 4th, 2024
🕒 Time: 5pm
📍 Location: The Forge, 34 Budland street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu, Lagos.

You can also follow us online via our platforms.



02 Nov, 07:38


The countdown continues!
Get ready for a divine encounter.

Date: November 30, 2024
Time: 8am to 8pm WAT
Venue: The Craftsmen luxury tent, Teslim Balogun Stadium, Surulere Lagos.

To register, Click this bit.ly/craftsmen3 to register now. It’s FREE!

Remember, fasting and prayer continues. Don’t forget to join the prayer sessions through this https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09


01 Nov, 21:11

PreCraftMen 3.0: Day 1 of Fasting and Prayers

We are live, join us:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09

Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com


01 Nov, 17:09

RCNLagos Island Bible Study is live, join us!

Kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube: 👇🏻

FaceBook: 👇🏻

Audio (Mixlr):👇🏻


01 Nov, 14:40

Testimony Alert🚨

Would you like to share yours?

Click the link to submit your testimony: https://forms.gle/aXyPCLzK2q4ryvmj6


01 Nov, 10:42

*November - Time to Respond to the Father's Burdens in Intercession*

Welcome to the eleventh month of this year of Emergence. It is a season of much intercession and responding to the burdens of our Father, who is in Heaven.

As we know, the earth and all its fullness are the Lord's, the world and those who dwell therein. He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. He must rule over it, but through us on whom He relies as His partners.

In line with some divine policies, whose time has come, Heaven is set for a massive onslaught in territories rigged by demonic installations and accustomed to satanic norms. In such places, Heaven seeks men and women who shall raise altars of righteousness unto the Lord God.

For this, the summons of the Father has been released and will continue to be released; promptings and burdens are being activated. The big question is: Will you respond?

Please, brethren, let us embrace and engage the Spirit of grace and supplication in this season and labour to see the will of God done on earth as it is in Heaven, and our profiting will appear to all men, for our God is a rewarder.

Grace and peace to you.

Your Brother.

AJ Ukporhe


01 Nov, 09:05

Hello CRAFTSMEN! It’s Day one of the 29 Days of Prayer 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Theme: Craftsmen 3.0: Snatching Territories! Displacing Altars!!

Day 1, Nov. 1, 2024

Prayer: Father, let my business/work bear witness and bring glory to Jesus.

Time: 10PM - 12AM Place: Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/93329519541?pwd=MG8wZFZLWWxRU1FmeGxRam0xdm02QT09


31 Oct, 16:29

PreCraftMen Roundtable Discuss!!!

The roundtable discussion is coming up on the 29th of November from 7pm - 9pm WAT.

The aim of this discussion, is to create an avenue where Christians in the marketplace can have a “no-holds-barred” discussion on the challenges they face in their careers and businesses; learning from successful Christian Entrepreneurs and Executives (cloud of witness) who have walked through that path.

You can send in your questions through this ( https://forms.gle/C1yJhwqgacACbvHj8) on or before the 20th of November, 2024; they will be answered live during the session.

Save the dates!

👉🏾 November 29, 2024 - Craftsmen Roundtable Discussion (Online Event: 7-9pm WAT)

👉🏾 November 30, 2024 - The CRAFTSMEN 3.0! | 8am -8pm
Venue : The Craftsmen luxury tent, Teslim Balogun Stadium, Surulere Lagos.


30 Oct, 19:15

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." ~ Galatians 2:20

The Christian faith is a call to bear the cross. God’s expectation for every believer is a life shaped by Christ’s example, where personal desires yield to His perfect will.

What does it truly mean to bear the cross? How does this shape our daily living? Join us as we unravel these mysteries with God's servant: Reverend John Adetola

Date: Friday, November 1, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Address: Citilogde Hotel, 1 Akinyemi Avenue, Off Goshen Estate Road, Elf Bus-stop, Lekki, Lagos

You can also connect with us online through any of the following channels:

Facebook: web.facebook.com/people/RCNLagosisland

YouTube: youtube.com/@RCNLagosIsland

Instagram: instagram.com/rcnlagosisland/



30 Oct, 10:04

True discipleship requires a heart of surrender, a decisive commitment to follow Christ above all. As Jesus said, 'If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters — yes, even their own life — such a person cannot be my disciple.'

Let us walk in unwavering devotion, denying ourselves for His glory."

Luke 14:26 NIV - "And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."



29 Oct, 09:21

This is a special invitation to everyone in the marketplace—whether you’ve been walking with God for years or you’re searching for a fresh encounter, Craftsmen 3.0 is for YOU!

Registration is free, but COMPULSORY.

To register: https://bit.ly/craftsmen3

This is one event you can’t afford to miss!


29 Oct, 08:01

#HeartCheckTuesday: Is Your Love for God Fading? The Subtle Way You’re Choosing Yourself Over Him.

The Bible warned us-“Men shall be lovers of themselves.” But did we ever imagine that it would be this deep, this widespread, and this subtle? Think about it. Every day, we make choices that reflect our priorities, our desires, and ultimately, where our hearts truly lie. It happens in small, almost unnoticeable moments. Like that time you installed a new app on your phone and needed space. Remember what you did? It wasn’t just any app you deleted but the Bible app. Yes, the very Word of God was what you chose to remove. You didn’t think much of it, did you? After all, you reasoned, God would understand. It wasn’t that extreme, right?

But pause for a moment. Reflect on the subtlety of that action. The Bible, the living Word of God that holds the key to your life, to your purpose, to your very existence; was it not the first thing you deemed expendable? And maybe it wasn’t just your phone. Maybe it’s in your daily decisions, your priorities, your time. Remember those moments when you had to choose between spending time with God and something else; something you thought was more urgent, more pressing. You told yourself, “God will understand.” But have we ever asked ourselves if we truly understand the gravity of choosing something over the One who gave us everything?

We have become so accustomed to believing that God’s love for us is so deep, so unfailing, that He will overlook our half-hearted devotion, our lukewarm commitment. But is that love not reason enough to give Him our all? Think about it; if we can so easily push God to the back seat in the name of convenience, then what does that say about the condition of our hearts?

When the Bible warns that men shall be lovers of themselves, it was not just talking about the obvious, sinful indulgence of self. It was speaking to moments like these, when our hearts subtly drift away from God because we choose us over Him. We choose our comforts, our desires, our distractions. We don’t intentionally push God aside; we just slowly, quietly, relegate Him to the margins of our lives. We say we love Him, but our actions tell a different story. Our choices betray a heart that has begun to love itself more than it loves God.

But here’s the truth: God isn’t asking for your perfection, He’s asking for your commitment. He’s asking you to choose Him. Every day. In the small moments and in the big ones. He wants you to love Him enough that no app, no distraction, no earthly pursuit could ever take His place in your heart.

HeartChecker, So, pause. Reflect. Ask yourself: What have I chosen over God recently? And more importantly, What will I choose from now on? Let today be the day you return to your first love. Let today be the day you say, “Lord, nothing else matters more than You.”

He is waiting, not with condemnation, but with open arms. Choose Him. Not just in word, but in deed, in heart, and in every decision.



28 Oct, 16:14

Welcome to Community Bible Study.

We are live, join us, kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube 👇🏻

Facebook 👇🏻

Audio (Audio Only) 👇🏻
Mixlr: https://rcnlagos.mixlr.com/


27 Oct, 09:56

Last week, we began the series "Why Speak In Parables?"

Join us for an intriguing time of depth into God's word as we continue the series.

The journey never ended.... See you tomorrow!

🗓 Date: Monday, 28th October 2024
🕒 Time: 5pm
📍 Location: The Forge, 34 Budland street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Ojodu, Lagos.

You can also follow us online via our platforms.



25 Oct, 17:43

Welcome to RCNLagos Island Bible Study. We are live!

Kindly like and share the video for visibility.

YouTube: 👇🏻

FaceBook: 👇🏻

Audio (Mixlr):👇🏻


25 Oct, 09:31

Two Ministers, one Mission! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Rev. Ukporhe J. Augustine Minister Theophilus Sunday sunday cordially invite you to The CRAFTSMEN 3.0!

Where, together we’d Snatch Territories & Displace Altars; with our anchor word from Joshua 14:12.

Will you accept their invitation and join us?

See You at the Craftsmen 3.0! 🚀

Register now: bit.ly/craftsmen3


24 Oct, 20:02

Pictorial Excerpts Community Bible Study Why speak in parables?

Find full album here: https://web.facebook.com/share/p/gvUPZFjM6SHc9Mfh/


24 Oct, 11:00

Last weekend was indeed a glorious journey to Bethel 😁

You can catch up on any session if you miss them via our social media handles on Facebook and YouTube.



24 Oct, 09:45

It's the Kabod Teens hangout Again🥳🔥🔥🔥🔥

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them....” – Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

The previous editions have been life-changing, with teens encountering God in profound ways 🎉🙌

We implore parents to release their teens to this divine encounter. Let them come, experience His presence, and leave with a renewed fire for God.
Don't let them miss this transformative moment!

📅 9th November 2024
🕙 10:00 AM
📍 The Forge, 34 Budland Street, Grammar School Bus-Stop, Ojodu



23 Oct, 08:21

2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV) "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."

Seeing is a natural act, but beholding requires intentional focus. What we see may catch our attention for a moment, but what we choose to behold will shape who we become.

When we fix our gaze on Jesus, His character, His love, and His truth, we are transformed to reflect His glory and gradually becoming like Him.

The world offers many distractions, but let your eyes, heart, and mind be fixed on Him, and watch how He changes you from the inside out.

What are you beholding today?



23 Oct, 07:42

RCNLagos pinned «Be part of the RCNLagos Community on our WhatsApp Channel and Telegram: Telegram:https://t.me/RCNLagos WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va9Fuco0rGiJahdnlG31 Ministry Line: +2348186253251»


23 Oct, 07:42

Be part of the RCNLagos Community on our WhatsApp Channel and Telegram:

WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va9Fuco0rGiJahdnlG31
Ministry Line: +2348186253251


22 Oct, 08:17

#HeartCheckTuesday: The Secret to Praying for Hours Without Getting Tired—It’s Not What You Think!

Imagine for a moment that prayer was never meant to be a task to tick off, something mechanical or rigidly structured by time. The truth is, 8 hours of prayer does not demand more strength than 4 hours. Four hours of prayer does not require more than 24 hours. In fact, the secret to enduring in prayer for hours, even days, is not hidden in human strength or willpower. It is all about the supply of the Spirit. And as long as that heavenly supply is present, you can pray for as long as the Spirit enables you.

We live in a time where many people glory in their ability to pray for long hours, wearing it almost like a badge of spiritual superiority. But let me remind you of this eternal truth—there are no superhumans in the place of prayer. No one is elevated beyond another by their own strength. Every time we stand in the place of prayer for hours, it is because we are being carried by an allocation from heaven. It is the Spirit that gives us the strength to sustain prayer, whether it’s 4 hours, 10 days, or longer. As long as that supply is flowing, you are upheld—not by your own capacity but by the divine provision.

Maybe you've wondered how some people are able to pray for extended hours without breaking a sweat, their eyes burning with a fervor that seems unexplainable. The answer is simple—it is not by their might, nor by their own strength. When the Spirit supplies, time becomes irrelevant. If the Spirit grants you 4 hours, then for 4 hours you will pray and not grow weary. If the Spirit grants 10 days, you will remain in prayer, upheld by His grace.

But how do we tap into this divine supply? It starts with a decision. The apostle Paul gave us the key: “I will pray.” It is that simple but powerful choice. When you say "Yes" to God’s invitation to commune with Him, heaven responds with help. The Spirit is poured out, and strength that is beyond human ability flows.

Beloved, when you choose to pray, when you say "Yes" to His invitation, heaven releases a flood of grace that will carry you. It is not about your will, your strength, or your endurance. It is all about your heart’s willingness to surrender to the help that only the Spirit can provide.

Dear HeartChecker, maybe you’ve been tired. Maybe you’ve tried to pray and found yourself burnt out or overwhelmed. But right now, you can call on the Holy Spirit. You can say, “Lord, I will pray,” and watch as His Spirit enables you to go beyond what you ever thought possible. The divine supply is waiting for you. You just have to step in.

Let us pray.



21 Oct, 22:20

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