Welcome to Ramin_tajangi, a Telegram channel created by the talented artist Ramin Tajangi. This channel is dedicated to showcasing Ramin's latest artworks, behind-the-scenes glimpses of his creative process, and exclusive updates on upcoming projects. Ramin Tajangi is a renowned painter known for his unique style that blends traditional techniques with a modern twist, creating mesmerizing pieces that captivate audiences worldwide. By joining this channel, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in Ramin's artistic world, interact with him directly, and even purchase limited edition prints of his work. Whether you are a seasoned art enthusiast or simply appreciate beauty, Ramin_tajangi has something for everyone. Don't miss out on the chance to experience the magic of Ramin Tajangi's art firsthand. Join us today and become part of our growing community of art lovers and supporters.
22 Dec, 22:08
30 Oct, 16:31
19 Jun, 18:09