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Welcome to Raaymu, a Telegram channel dedicated to exploring the world of photography and visual storytelling. Our channel is a creative space where photographers, both amateur and professional, can come together to share their work, exchange tips and tricks, and inspire one another. Raaymu, which means 'light' in a language from East Asia, embodies the essence of photography - capturing light and creating art. Whether you're interested in landscape photography, portrait photography, or experimental photography, you'll find a community of like-minded individuals here. We regularly feature photo challenges, where members can submit their best work based on a theme, and we showcase the winners for everyone to admire. In addition, we provide tutorials on various photography techniques, equipment reviews, and interviews with renowned photographers to offer valuable insights and inspiration. Join Raaymu today to connect with a passionate community of photographers and elevate your skills in the world of visual storytelling.
04 Jan, 21:00
03 Jan, 10:50
31 Dec, 21:01
27 Dec, 21:01
20 Dec, 21:00
13 Dec, 21:01
07 Dec, 17:13
05 Dec, 21:00
05 Dec, 13:28
01 Dec, 21:27
27 Nov, 21:01
22 Nov, 18:06
19 Nov, 21:14
14 Nov, 21:01
11 Nov, 15:07
08 Nov, 21:01
03 Nov, 14:40
30 Oct, 21:00
25 Oct, 17:46
18 Oct, 21:00
04 Oct, 21:00
27 Sep, 21:00
20 Sep, 21:00
14 Sep, 21:00
10 Sep, 21:00
04 Sep, 21:00
30 Aug, 21:04
23 Aug, 21:00