Quotes Funda ™ @quotesfunda Channel on Telegram

Quotes Funda



This is a channel where you can nourish your mind with POSITIVITY


Admin /Promotion ➛ @Chat2_Admin_Bot

Quotes Funda ™ (English)

Are you ready to fill your days with positivity and motivation? Look no further than Quotes Funda ™! This Telegram channel is dedicated to providing you with a daily dose of inspiration and life-changing quotes that will uplift your spirits and nourish your mind. Whether you're looking for a boost of motivation or simply seeking some positivity in your life, Quotes Funda ™ has got you covered. Join us today and start your journey towards a more positive and fulfilling life. Who is it? Quotes Funda ™ is a channel that aims to spread positivity and motivation through uplifting quotes and daily doses of inspiration. What is it? Quotes Funda ™ is a space where you can find 100% life-changing quotes that will help you stay positive and motivated. Join us now and let the positivity flow into your life! Admin /Promotion ➛ @Chat2_Admin_Bot

Quotes Funda

08 Nov, 07:15

❤️ Save the DATE ❤️

"Wednesday 8th of November 2023"

           We cordially invite you with all your friends at our home on 8th of November from 10am to 5pm on the occasion of House cleaning for Diwali.

No excuses please..

Quotes Funda

25 Oct, 03:11


. I can do this
. I love my life
. I love my job. I work with and for wonderful people
. Wellness is the natural state of my body.
. I am powerful
. I am courageous
. Everything is possible
. I'm greatful for my life
. I'm amazing
. I'm capable
. I find love everywhere in my life
. I forgive myself for not being perfect
. I am safe
. I focus on the positive
. I chose joy and ease every day
. I have the courage to live my dreams

Quotes Funda

15 Oct, 05:06

🔥 Extending warm 😇 greetings to you and your family on the occasion of 🎉Navratri. May you enjoy this festive season ❤️‍🔥 with your loved ones.

➳⃝🥳🔥Happy Navratra🔥➳⃝🥳

शुभ नवरात्रि🚩🚩🚩जय माता दी🚩🚩

Quotes Funda

13 Oct, 08:27

*W h a t i s S u c c e s s?*

*1 year old ...* *Success is.*
Can walk without support

*4 years old...* *Success is.*
Do not urinate in your pants,

*8 years old...* *Success is..*
To know the way back home.

*12 years old,* *success is..*
To have friends.

*18 years old ,* *success is.*
To get a driving license.

*23 years,* *success is.*
To graduate from a university.

*25 years old,* *success is.*
To get an earning.

*30 years old,* *success is.*
To be a family Man.

*35 years old,* *success is.*
To make money.

*45 years old,* *success is.*
To maintain the appearance of a young man.

*50 years old,* *success is.*
To provide good education for your children.

*55 years old,* *success is.*
To still be able to perform your duties well.

*60 years old,* *success.*
To still be able to keep driving license.

*65 years old,* *success is.*
To live without disease.

*70 years old,* *success is.*
Not to be a burden on any one.

*75 years old,* *success is.*
To have old friends.

*81 years old,* *success is.*
To know the way back home.

*86 years old,* *success is.*
Not to urinate in your pants again.

*90 years old...* *Success is.*
That you can walk without support again

One of the best messages I have ever read.

Life is a cycle.!
Dont expect too much from it.
Be simple, cool and happy always...

🖌@QuotesFunda 📝 |

Quotes Funda

12 Oct, 11:38


Quotes Funda

22 Sep, 01:56

उम्र थका नहीं सकती,
ठोकरें गिरा नहीं सकती,
अगर जिद हो जीतने की तो
हार भी हरा नहीं सकती.....
- ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम.

Quotes Funda

18 Sep, 15:13

Facing challenges makes you stronger ☀️

Quotes Funda

14 Sep, 15:50

Happy Hindi diwas

Quotes Funda

12 Sep, 02:06

May our parents witness our success.

@QuotesFunda 🖍

Quotes Funda

10 Sep, 05:21

पत्थर की बंदिश से भी , क्या बहती नदियां रुकती हैं
हालातों की धमकी से , क्या अपनी नजरें झुकती हैं
किस्मत से हर पन्ने पर , किस्मत लिखवाना पड़ता है
जिसमें मशाल सा जज्बा हो , वो दीप जलाना पड़ता है
वापस आना पड़ता है, फिर वापस आना पड़ता है!! 🔥🔥

Quotes Funda

10 Sep, 04:17


1. Be kind
2. Eat well
3. Exercise
4. Meditate
5. Be honest
6. Dream big
7. Be patient
8. Smile often
9. Love yourself
10. Forgive casily
11. Show gratitude
12. Think positively
13. Drink lots of water
14. Believe in yourself
15. Keep an open-mind
16. Put your needs first
17. Don't make excuses
18. Speak well of others
19. Listen to understand
20. Choose faith over fear
21. Make the most of now

@QuotesFunda 🖍

Quotes Funda

09 Sep, 03:54

Affirmations to tell yourself daily:

•I create my own reality.
•I am grateful for all that I have.
•I am happy and excited about life.
•I am healthy and full of energy.
•I am confident about who I am.
•I have inner peace and joy.

@QuotesFunda 🖍

Quotes Funda

08 Sep, 17:19

Never regret a day in your life.

Good days give you happiness, bad days gives you experience, worst days gives you lesson, and best days gives you memories.

@QuotesFunda 🖍

Quotes Funda

08 Sep, 03:27

Every day, I am acting like I am okay but you'll never know the truth.😔

🖌 @QuotesFunda 🖍

Quotes Funda

07 Sep, 01:42

Attempt 1 - Failed.
Attempt 2 - Failed.
Attempt 3 - Failed.
Attempt 4 - Failed.
Attempt 5 - Failed.
Attempt 6 - Failed.
Attempt 7 - Failed.
Attempt 8 - Failed.
Attempt 9 - Failed.
Attempt 10 - Failed.
Attempt 11 - Failed.

I'm not stopping, so why are you?


Quotes Funda

06 Sep, 01:17

You are going to be the first multi-millionaire in your family 💫

Quotes Funda

31 Aug, 07:19


"I won't" - 0%
"I can't" - 10%
"I don't know how" - 20%
"I wish I could" 30%
"I want to" - 40%
"I think I might" - 50%
"I might" - 60%
"I think I can" - 70%
"I can" - 80%
"I am" - 90%
"I did" - 100%

Quotes Funda

13 Aug, 02:25

पांव जख़्मी
पर...चले तुम
ये बहुत है।
गिर गये थे
पर...उठे तुम
ये बहुत है।
तूफ़ां के आगे
टिक न पाए भले लेकिन,
आख़िरी दम तक
लड़े तुम
ये बहुत है।

Quotes Funda

08 Aug, 04:05

जिंदगी में हौसला कभी मत हारना मेरे दोस्त
क्या पता हौसला भी तेरे हारने का ही
इंतजार कर रहा है !

Quotes Funda

06 Aug, 15:43

तुमलोग यार नहीं,
परिवार हो बे..!!🖤

हैप्पी फ्रेंडशिप डे❤️