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MDM 43 | Quiz


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تحت عنوان MDM 43 | Quiz ، يقدم قناة Telegram المثيرة للاهتمام @quiz_mdm43 نفسها كوجهة لعشاق الاختبارات والمسابقات. تهدف القناة إلى أن تكون موردًا قيمًا ستحبه بالتأكيد. انغمس في عالم الاختبارات والمسابقات ولنجعل التعلم مغامرة ممتعة معًا! إذا كنت تبحث عن تحديات مثيرة وفرص لتوسيع معرفتك ومهاراتك، فإن هذه القناة هي المكان المناسب لك. سواء كنت ترغب في اختبار معرفتك في مجال معين أو التسلية بمسابقات متنوعة، فإن @quiz_mdm43 ستلبي جميع احتياجاتك. تعتبر القناة مكانًا مثاليًا للتواصل مع أشخاص آخرين الذين يشاركونك نفس الاهتمام، كما يمكنك التواصل مع البوت MDMQuiz_Helperbot لأي سؤال أو استفسار تحتاج إلى معرفته. انضم إلينا اليوم واستمتع بالتحديات والمسابقات واجعل التعلم متعة ومغامرة!

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Feb, 02:38

🥰Importance of the genioglossus muscle(why it is called safety muscle of the tongue):

- The genioglossus muscle is crucial for protruding the tongue and preventing airway obstruction. relaxation of this muscle can cause the tongue to fall back and block the airway

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Feb, 02:38

🥰Describe nerve supply to the tongue

- Motor supply: All intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue (except the palatoglossus) are supplied by the hypoglossal nerve .

- Sensory supply:

- Anterior 2/3 of the tongue:

General sensation is supplied by the lingual nerve (a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.

Taste sensation is supplied by the chorda tympani (a branch of the facial nerve

- Posterior 1/3 of the tongue: Both general sensation and taste are supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve

-the epiglottic region and epiglottis : Supplied by the laryngeal branch of vagus nerve

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Feb, 02:38

🥰Enumerate Congenital anomalies of the tongue:

1.Aglossia: is a congenital absence of tongue.

2.Microglossia: abnormally small tongue.

3.Macroglossia: very large tongue is found in cretinism and Down’s syndrome.

4.Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie: The tongue is anchored to the floor of mouth as the frenulum extends to the tip preventing its protrusion.

5.Long frenulum: causes the tongue to fall back and close the pharynx (suffocation).

6.Bifid tongue: due to failure of fusion of the two lateral lingual swellings.

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Feb, 02:38

Give reason:

🥰The inferior surface of the tongue is suitable for rapid absorption of medicines.(Sublingual medications)

- The inferior surface of the tongue is highly vascularized containing deep lingual vein , with a thin mucous membrane that allows for rapid absorption of drugs into the bloodstream when kept sublingually

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Feb, 02:38

🥰List extrinsic muscles of the tongue, their nerve supply, and their actions?

- Nerve supply :Hypoglossal nerve
- Action: Protrudes the tongue and depresses the center of the tongue.

- Hyoglossus:
- Nerve supply: Hypoglossal nerve
- Action: Depresses the tongue.

- Styloglossus:
- Nerve supply: Hypoglossal nerve
- Action: Retracts and elevates the tongue.

- Palatoglossus:
- Nerve supply: Vagus nerve
- Action:
Elevates back of the tongue,depress palate,move palatoglossal fold toward midline

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Feb, 02:38

🥰Describe the formation of Lingual vein:

Formed by union of veins of the dorsum of the tongue and veins accompanying the hypoglossal nerve. The veins accompanying the hypoglossal nerve are formed by union of deep lingual vein and sublingual vein.

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Feb, 02:38

🥰in the case of hypoglossal nerve injury, the tongue diviate to the
same side of affected side of the tongue

🥰The developing tongue becomes separated from the alveolar process of mandible by linguo- gingival groove.

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Feb, 02:38

🥰What is the origin ofLingual artery and enumerate its branches?

Origin: Arises from the external carotid artery at the level of the tip of the greater horn of the hyoid bone in the carotid triangle.

Branches: Gives rise to the suprahyoid, dorsal lingual, and sublingual arteries and terminates as the deep lingual artery.

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Jan, 18:06

List 3 complications of bronchial carcinoid .

1. Hemoptysis and chronic cough
2. Bronchial obstruction
3. Carcinoid syndrome
4. Metastasis

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Jan, 18:06

Iist 2 tumors which are neuroendocrine in origin .

1. Small cell carcinoma
2. Bronchogenic carcinoid

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Jan, 18:06

A 56-year-old man with ischemic heart disease undergoes coronary artery bypass graft surgery under general anesthesia. Two days postoperatively, he suffered from respiratory difficulty with decreasing arterial oxygen saturation. Chest X-ray showed reduction of lung volume with mediastinal shift toward the collapsed lung

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Jan, 18:06

A 50-years-old man who has worked in a manufacturing concrete and cement where asbestos is a common component complained of 3 - month history of chest pain and weight loss. A chest X-ray reveals a pleural mass encasing his left lung. Histologic examination of the mass showed malignant spindle cells with storiform growth pattern

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Jan, 21:00

🔻كده الحمد الله كل اسئله موديول البلود كامله ع التشانل 🕊️

دعواتكم للتيم اللي مكمل 🤍💫

بالتوفيق لينا وليكم ف الامتحان اللي ب 72 درجه ده ويسترها علينا وعليكم يارب ❤️🥰

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Jan, 20:59

⭐️What are the phases of xenobiotics metabolism?

💭In phase 1
(hydroxylation), catalyzed by enzymes referred to as monooxygenases
💭In phase 2
(conjugation) with glucuronic acid,sulfate, acetate, glutathione or by methylation.

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Jan, 20:59

⭐️Enumerate properties of CYP450
💭isoforms (about 150)
💭They basically introduce substrate and other into waterone oxygen atom into water
💭NADPH, not NADH, is involved in the reactionmechanism of cytochrome P450
💭Lipids are also components of the cytochromeP450 system. The preferred lipid is phosphatidylcholine
💭polymorphicforms (genetic isoforms), some of which has low catalyticactivity.

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Jan, 20:59

⭐️what are the reactions of phase 2?
💭 Sulfation
💭Conjugation with Glutathione

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Jan, 20:59

⭐️What are the effects of xenobiotics?
💭pharmacologic, immunologic and carcinogenic effects.toxic,

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Jan, 20:59

Variation in drug response among different patients?
💭Certain cytochrome P450s exist in polymorphicforms (genetic isoforms)
➡️ some of which has low catalyticactivity so they have much stronger response

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Jan, 20:59

CYP450 is a mechanism of drug interaction?
💭Most isoforms of cytochrome P450 are inducible➡️. The administration of phenobarbital causes increase in the amount of cytochrome P450 within 4–5 days.➡️ Themechanism of induction involves increased transcription ofmRNA for cytochrome P450

MDM 43 | Quiz

05 Jan, 10:23

A 35-year-old man presents with intermittent fever, enlarged posterior cervical lymph nodes, and fatigue. He recently traveled to sub-Saharan Africa. On examination, he exhibits neurological changes and confusion.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

West African Sleeping Sickness (Trypanosoma gambiense).

What diagnostic methods can confirm this condition?

1. Microscopy to detect trypomastigotes in blood, lymph node aspirates, or CSF.

2. Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT).

MDM 43 | Quiz

05 Jan, 10:23

A 28-year-old woman reports fever, headache, myalgia, and a painless chancre at the site of a recent insect bite. She was recently on a safari in East Africa.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
East African Sleeping Sickness (Trypanosoma rhodesiense).

What complications are associated with this condition?
Rapid CNS invasion, myocarditis, kidney damage, and early death in severe cases.

MDM 43 | Quiz

05 Jan, 10:23

A farmer in Sudan develops fever, ulcerative lesions on the skin, and progressive weight loss. Laboratory findings show amastigotes in skin samples. He also reports exposure to sandflies.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
Cutaneous leishmaniasis.

MDM 43 | Quiz

05 Jan, 10:23

A 22-year-old traveler to South America presents with swelling of the right eyelid and conjunctivitis. He has a fever and general malaise. Laboratory tests reveal trypomastigotes in the blood.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
American trypansomiasis (Acute Chagas Disease.)

How is this disease transmitted?

1. By the feces of triatomine bugs.
2. Through blood transfusions, organ transplants, or congenital transmission.

MDM 43 | Quiz

05 Jan, 10:23

A patient who lived in America for several years developed edema affecting both the upper and lower eye lids with conjunctivitis. The edema involved also the cheek and neck of the same side. Later on, there was enlargement of sub- maxillary lymph node.

a. Name the most possible parasitie infection of this euse

Trypanosoma cruzi

b. Enumerate two methods of transmission of such case

1. Through the bite of a Triatoma bug (kissing bug) which transmits the parasite through its feces.

2. Through blood transfusion or organ transplantation from an infected person.

MDM 43 | Quiz

05 Jan, 10:22

أسئلة بارا المحاضرة الأخيرة


MDM 43 | Quiz

04 Jan, 14:01

A 12-year-old boy from a rural village in Bihar, India, presents to the local clinic with a two-month history of fever, weakness, and weight loss. He appears pale and lethargic. On examination, you note splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and mild pancytopenia on complete blood count.

MDM 43 | Quiz

04 Jan, 14:01

What is your diagnosis?

Visceral leishmaniasis

What are the causitive parasites?


What is the potential complication of this disease?

Post Kala Azar dermal leishmanoid

Discuss the treatment options

Sodium sitbogluconate
Meglomine antimonate

MDM 43 | Quiz

04 Jan, 14:01

How to confirm the diagnosis?

1- History
2- Clinical picture
3- Lab investigations :

* Direct :

detection of amastigote within the macrophage in blood or biopsy of L.N , spleen or bone marrow.
Culture of the parasite on NNN media ( develop mobile promastigote stage )

* Indirect:
Intradermal test ( negative during active infection but maybe positive after cure )
Detection of leishmania antigen

MDM 43 | Quiz

31 Dec, 20:10

Causes of lympatic obstruction

1. Inflammation of lymph nodes especially withfilaria
2. External-pressure on lymphatic vessels.
3. surgical removal of lymphatic vessels after operations

MDM 43 | Quiz

31 Dec, 20:10

The lymphatic system has three main functions:

1. Fluid Balance betweenblood and tissues (fluid haemostasis)

2. Fat and Nutrient Absorption: It absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the intestine through lacteals.

3. Immune Defense: It is part of the immune system, filtering lymph and helping defend against bacteria and other pathogens.

التفاصيل الزيادة في شرح هذا الجزء ملغية(حوالي 4 slides في المحاضرة 😇)

MDM 43 | Quiz

31 Dec, 20:10

Intrinsic lymph pump is enhanced by EXERCISE

MDM 43 | Quiz

31 Dec, 20:09

أسئلة المحاضرة السابعة فسيولوجي :

Lymphatic system


MDM 43 | Quiz

31 Dec, 20:09

Enumerate forms of chemotactic substances?
(a) some of the bacterial or
viral toxins
(b) degenerative products of the inflamed tissues themselves
(c) several reaction products of the “complement complex” activated in inflamed tissues, (d) several reaction products caused by plasma clotting in the inflamed area

MDM 43 | Quiz

31 Dec, 20:09

Enumerate functions of T lymphocytes?
T helper cells: They are concerned primarily with cellular immunity, they secrete IL-4 and IL-5
T memory cell:These cells are readily converted to effector cells by exposure to the same antigen
Cytotoxic T cells:attack and destroy foreign cells by inserting perforins and by initiating apoptosis.
Suppressor T cells:It inhibits the T helper and cytotoxic T cells

MDM 43 | Quiz

31 Dec, 20:09

Enumerate functions of B lymphocytes?
Exposure of B cells to a specific antigen leads to its activation
and differentiation into:
1) Plasma cells which secrete large quantities of antibodies
(immunoglobulins) into the general circulation.
2) Memory B cells, which remain dormant and activated with
second exposure to the same antigen ------- more rapid and
powerful antibody release.

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Dec, 15:37

Enumerate the classical triad of toxoplasmosis

1. Reactive germinal center (follicular hyperplasia)
2. Peri follicular epithelioid histocytes (mini granulomas)
3. Patches of monocytoid B cells

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Dec, 15:37

A 20 year old woman came to the hospital 2 days after her kitten bit her hand . She complains of red skin papules , fever and swelling of axillary lymph nodes

What's your diagnosis ?
Cat scratch disease

Describe the microscopic picture.
Nicrotizing stellate abscess surrounded by palisading histocytes (suppurative granuloma)

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Dec, 15:37

A nice lady 30 years old presented with unilateral painless swelling at the posterior aspect of her neck for 30 days which was insidious onset and gradually progressive course. History of repeated abortion 3 times. She had a kitten in her house.

a. What is your diagnosis?


b. Describe the microscopic picture.

Histologic triad on microscopy

1- Micro Granuloma

2- Reactive follicular hyperplasia

3- patches of monocytoid B-cells

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Dec, 15:37

Male patient 15y old suffering from generalized lymphadenopathy with fever, sore throat, fatigue, malaise, and headache. Also, he has pain in left hypochondrium. Microscopic examination of LN biopsy showed atypical RS-like immunoblasts

What's your diagnosis?

Infectious mononucleosis

Mention the pattern of hyperplasia which this disease belong to.

Reactive inter follicular hyperplasia

MDM 43 | Quiz

09 Dec, 15:35

اسئلة المحاضرة الثانية باثو :

Non neoplastic disease of lymph nodes


MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Dec, 14:18

Enumerate fates of cystiene

1- Synthesis of glutathione (by condensation with glycine and glutamate).2- Synthesis of COA (converted to 2-aminoethylmercaptan “thiolethylamine” by decarboxylation).3- Synthesis of bile salts (by forming taurine).4- Detoxication of aromatic compounds.5- Fate of sulfur: liberated as hydrogen sulfide(H2S), sulfite (SO3) or thiosulfate, all are oxidized to sulfate (SO4). Thiosulfate is used in detoxication of cyanides forming thiocyanate.

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Dec, 14:18

The conversion of L-methionine to S-adenosylmethionine

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Dec, 14:18

Important transmethylation reactions

MDM 43 | Quiz

28 Nov, 19:37

Describe pyaemic abscess:

are usually multiple, peripheral with central yellow area surrounded by hyperemic red area.

MDM 43 | Quiz

28 Nov, 19:37

🧑‍⚕️ Enumerate clinical and pathological manifestation of toxaemia:

toxic symptoms: (due to cytokine release): fever, weakness, pallor, headache and rigors.

Degeneration: in parenchymatous organs such as cloudy swelling, hydropic degeneration and fatty changes.

Necrosis: acute heart failure due to toxic myocarditis and acute adrenal insufficiency due to toxic necrosis of adrenal cortex.

Bone marrow depression: causing anaemia and leukopenia Septic shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

MDM 43 | Quiz

28 Nov, 19:37

Enumerate clinical ,pathological manifestation of Septicaemia? 

- Effect of toxaemia

- Haemolysis of RBCs, petechial hemorrhage in skin and mucous membranes due to capillary destruction by bacteria and their toxins

- Serofibrinous and suppurative inflammation in the serous sacs

- Acute bacterial endocarditis

- Acute splenic swelling: the spleen is acutely enlarged with soft friable cut section. The sinusoids are filled with neutrophils and macrophages.

MDM 43 | Quiz

28 Nov, 19:37

🧑‍⚕️What is the pathological manifestation of acute splenic swelling?

- acutely enlarged
- cut section is soft, friable
- sinusoids are filled with neutrophils and macrophages.

MDM 43 | Quiz

28 Nov, 19:37


Portal pyaemia occurs due to septic thrombophlebitis in portal area such as acute cholecystitis and acute appendicitis.

MDM 43 | Quiz

28 Nov, 19:37

🧑‍⚕️Give reason:

- pyaemic abscesses is peripheral ?

Due to impaction of small septic emboli in small peripheral vessels of these organs.

- petechial hemorrhage in skin and mucous membranes occur in Septicaemia?

due to capillary destruction by bacteria and their toxins.

MDM 43 | Quiz

28 Nov, 19:37


MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:07

Zanamivir administered byinhalation for ttt of influenza A and B

MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:07

🚨How can antiviral agents interfere with viral replication?

Inhibition of viral attachment

Inhibition of viral penetration

Inhibition of uncoating of viral nucleic acid

Inhibition of synthesis of viral nucleic acid

Inhibition of release of new viruses

MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:07

🚨 Enumerate 2 clinical uses of Ribavirin?

Severe lower respiratory infection by RSV

Acute and chronic hepatits C

MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:07

🚨Enumerate clinical uses of Amantadine.

1-ttt and prevention of diseases caused by type 2A influenza virus

2-ttt of parkinsonism

MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:07

🚨Enumerate 4 adverse effects of Amantadine.

Depression ,psychosis ,insomnia

Congestive heart failure and orthostatic hypotension

Urinary retention

Skin rash

MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:07

🚨Mention 3 Adverse effects of Ribavirin .

1- Dose - dependent hemolytic anemia

2- Dyspnea,Fatigue , irritability, cough


MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:07

🚨What is the mechanism of action of Amantadine?

Inhibition of viral attachment to host cell

Inhibition of viral penetration to host cell

Inhibition of uncoating of viral nucleic acid

MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:07

🚨What is the Mechanism of action of Ribavirin?

Is phosphorylated intracellularly by host cell enzymes to be active , Ribavirin triphosphate inhibits replication of awide range of DNA and RNA viruses ( inhibits viral RNA polymerase) as RSV , influenza A and B ,HIV ,HCV

MDM 43 | Quiz

23 Nov, 18:06

اسئلة المحاضرة الثامنه فارما :

Antiviral drugs


MDM 43 | Quiz

22 Nov, 20:23

What is the chloride shift (Hamburger phenomenon), and why is it important in CO₂ transport?

Answer: The chloride shift, or Hamburger phenomenon, is the exchange of chloride ions (Cl⁻) and bicarbonate ions (HCO₃⁻) across the red blood cell membrane. As bicarbonate ions are produced from CO₂ in RBCs, they move into the plasma, and Cl⁻ ions move into RBCs to maintain electrical neutrality. This process helps transport CO₂ efficiently by allowing RBCs and plasma to carry large amounts of bicarbonate.

MDM 43 | Quiz

22 Nov, 20:23

How does an increase in CO₂ concentration in the tissues affect the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen?

Answer: An increase in CO₂ concentration in tissues raises H⁺ concentration, which lowers the pH. This acid environment decreases hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen (Bohr Effect), promoting oxygen release to tissues where it’s needed for metabolism.

MDM 43 | Quiz

22 Nov, 20:23

Describe the role of bicarbonate ions in CO₂ transport from tissues to the lungs.

Answer: In tissues, CO₂ diffuses into RBCs and is converted to bicarbonate ions (HCO₃⁻), which then move into the plasma. In the lungs, this process is reversed: bicarbonate ions enter RBCs, convert back to CO₂, and are then expelled through exhalation. Bicarbonate serves as the primary form of CO₂ transport, accounting for about 90% of CO₂ transport in blood.

MDM 43 | Quiz

15 Nov, 08:51

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ♥️
جمعة مباركة يا ٤٣ 🫶

عارفين ان لسه فى عملي واخيرا هنقول استراحة محارب من الريسب لحد معاد الفاينل ولكن MFM كان ليها راي اخر وهنبدا blood عالطول وتبا لاستراحة محارب😭😭

الكل ناوي ياخد اجازة حرام عارف عارف 😂 بس للاسف التيمات متقدرش تاخدها عشان نقدر نوفر داتا اليومين دول 😭😭

وبعد كل الرغي دا نقول المهم بقي 🌚

محتاجين أفراد جديدة لتيم كويز 🙈 والتيمات كلها عموما لأن بيكم نقدر نعمل كل الشغل دا ونقدر نساعد الدفعة بشكل أكبر ومديول البلود بعد مدعكة ماسك وسفس وريسب باذن الله هيكون المحطة الهينة فى العام دا ♥️

اللي حابب ينضم معانا والاكيد الشغل مش المديول دا خالص 😂 يبعت على اليوزر بتاعي 🌚 @MDM43

وبالتوفيق فى العملي أن شاء الله يا دكاترة ♥️

MDM 43 | Quiz

11 Nov, 20:50

🔹شامل فسيو

MDM 43 | Quiz

11 Nov, 20:50

🔹شامل باثو

MDM 43 | Quiz

10 Nov, 11:28

🔹شامل الهستو

MDM 43 | Quiz

10 Nov, 11:28

🔹شامل اناتومي
جزء ٢

MDM 43 | Quiz

10 Nov, 11:28

🔹 شامل اناتومي
جزء ١

MDM 43 | Quiz

10 Nov, 11:28

🔹شامل فارما

MDM 43 | Quiz

10 Nov, 11:28

🔹شامل فارما
Autacoids & Bronchial asthma

MDM 43 | Quiz

10 Nov, 11:28

وعشان تيم كويز معاكم اول باول كان لازم شوامل المواد تنزل لمحتوي الاند ♥️🔥

🔹شامل هستو

🔹شامل اناتومي 1, 2

🔹شامل فارما 👈 Antibiotics
Autacoids & Bronchial asthma 👈

🔹شامل باثو

🔹شامل فسيو

🔹 شامل ميكرو ( فايلات دكتور عزة )

🔹 شامل بايو

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Nov, 17:56

Give reason : TB infection is common after AIDS .

Because AIDS affects T helper lymphocytes

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Nov, 17:56

Give reason : CASEOUS NECROSIS occurs as a result of TB infection.

1. Release of cytokines
2. End arteries obliterans
3. Type 4 hypersensitivity

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Nov, 17:56

Give reason : hilar lymph nodes are matted (fused) in primary pulmonary TB .

Due to spread of infection to perinodal fat

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Nov, 17:56

Give reason : reactivation may occur leading to secondary pulmonary TB .

1. Lowered immunity in AIDS or debilitating disease
2. Hodgkins lymphoma
3. Immunosuppressant drugs

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Nov, 17:56

Enumerate the triad of GHON'S COMPLEX .

1. Ghon's focus : small subpleural areas (1cm) in upper parts of lower lobes or lower parts of upper lobes (middle lung) caused by coaleascent caseating tubercles
2. Lymphadinitis
3. Lymphangitis

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Nov, 17:56

Give reason : secondary pulmonary TB is characterized by less involvement of lymphnodes than primary pulmonary TB.

Because lymphocytes in secondary pulmonary TB secrete Macrophage Migrating Inhibition Factor MIF lead to less lymph node involvement and enhance the local immune response

MDM 43 | Quiz

08 Nov, 17:56

Compare between chronic fibrocaseous pulmonary TB and acute bronchopneumonia

MDM 43 | Quiz

30 Oct, 18:00

List 4 parts of the parietal pleura
2- costal
3- mediastinal
4- diaphragmatic

MDM 43 | Quiz

30 Oct, 18:00

Name the blood supply of the visceral pleura
Bronchial vessels

MDM 43 | Quiz

30 Oct, 18:00

Enumerate 3 lymph nodes drain the parietal pleura
1-parasternal lymph nodes
2-intercostal lymph nodes
3-diaphragmatic lymph nodes

MDM 43 | Quiz

30 Oct, 18:00

Enumerate sensory branches of phrenic nerve:

1/ central part of diaphragm

2/ mediastinal part of diaphragmatic pleura

3/fibrous bricardium and parietal layer of serous pericardiam

4/ gallbladder from the right phrenic