Pure Writer Releases @purewriter Channel on Telegram

Pure Writer Releases


Changelogs in this channel are usually written in Chinese recently, because it is more efficient for us, if you are interested in these content, you can use the Translate option in Telegram's Context Menu to get translations. ❤️

Pure Writer Releases (English)

Are you a fan of Pure Writer and want to stay updated on all the latest releases and updates? Look no further than the Pure Writer Releases Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing users with detailed changelogs and information about the latest updates to Pure Writer. While the content is primarily in Chinese, users can easily translate the posts using Telegram's Translate option in the Context Menu. Stay informed and never miss out on any new features or improvements to Pure Writer by joining the Pure Writer Releases channel today. Stay connected and be the first to know about all the exciting developments in the world of Pure Writer!

Pure Writer Releases

08 Jan, 10:32

Pure Writer Android v25.8.2
* Optimize the cloud sync merge slow issue, the time for local merge and check is shortened from an average of 7 seconds to about 2 seconds, and fix the problem that some Daily Statistics data is not merged

Pure Writer Releases

05 Jan, 06:38



Pure Writer Releases

30 Dec, 05:09

Smooth Cursor for the Desktop:

Pure Writer Releases

21 Dec, 12:50

今天冬至,我们的桌面端用户数终于超过了一万!正好夏至到冬至,历时整整半年。与此同时,源代码 Commits 数目达到了 1405。

Pure Writer Desktop v2.2.59


Pure Writer Releases

11 Dec, 02:47

Pure Writer Desktop v2.2.50 released: https://writer.drakeet.com/desktop2_en

Pure Writer Releases

10 Dec, 01:26

* 修复「每日统计」

Pure Writer Releases

08 Dec, 05:25

Pure Writer v25.8.0
* Fixed the issue where OneDrive cloud backup may automatically log out due to a continuous network failure to connect to Microsoft servers, which is usually unnecessary
* 修复 OneDrive 云备份可能因为网络持续连不上微软服务器而自动退出登录,这通常是没必要的

Pure Writer Releases

05 Dec, 09:48

Pure Writer v25.7.5
* 修复 使用新桌面版后,「每日统计」可能不准确

Pure Writer Releases

29 Nov, 05:25


Pure Writer Releases

29 Nov, 04:13

Pure Writer v25.7.1
* Fix OneDrive & Aliyun HTTP 400 & 500

Pure Writer Releases

25 Nov, 05:47

纯纯写作 v25.7.0
* 修复 云同步可能未能及时将最后一次修改内容同步到云端

Pure Writer Releases

16 Nov, 05:28

Support Korean

Pure Writer Releases

16 Nov, 02:11


Pure Writer Releases

11 Nov, 01:07

Android 25.6.8
* 支持 删除默认书 / Support deleting the default book

Pure Writer Releases

08 Nov, 04:25


Pure Writer Releases

08 Nov, 02:02


Pure Writer Releases

03 Nov, 07:52

纯纯写作 v25.6.7 版本,支持删除默认书了。
注意:这是测试版,如果您没有很强烈删除默认书的需求,请暂时从 Google Play 下载最新版。

Pure Writer Releases

02 Nov, 01:09

* 支持 Windows 系统自定义的「文档」位置,如果存在旧的 Documents 文件夹和自定义的「文档」,将自动迁移
* Support Windows system custom "Documents" location, if there are old Documents folder and custom "Documents," it will be automatically migrated.

Pure Writer Releases

29 Oct, 01:29

Add Open Source Licenses

Pure Writer Releases

28 Oct, 09:13


Pure Writer Releases

27 Oct, 01:11

* 修复 左键点击不灵或者右键呼出菜单不灵
* 支持 Windows 任务栏文字名称
* 更多字体、更多语言

* Fixed the issue where left-clicking was not responsive or right-clicking to bring up the menu was not responsive
* Support for Windows taskbar text names
* More fonts, more languages

Pure Writer Releases

27 Oct, 01:10


Pure Writer Releases

22 Oct, 05:08

* 修复 云同步授权失败问题
* 支持 更多系统字体,请先在系统中安装:Klee One Regular,LXGW Bright GB Regular,LXGW WenKai GB,LXGW WenKai TC Regular,Xiaolai SC

Pure Writer Releases

21 Oct, 06:40

桌面版 v2.2.7
* 修复 如果 Windows 系统中没有制定默认浏览器,那么阿里云盘授权页面无法打开,进而导致无法授权且遇到 404 错误
* 修复 在部分 Windows 屏幕上两侧留白过大,导致一行内容很短
* 修复 使用「覆盖」进行恢复时,当前文章没有刷新且可能遇到 db 文件被锁定的问题
* 加深 白色主题字体
* 修复 在 Windows 上如果浏览器是由纯纯写作打开的那么关闭纯纯写作后浏览器会被一并关闭

Pure Writer Releases

18 Oct, 13:00


Pure Writer Releases

18 Oct, 10:06

macOS Apple M Silicon

Pure Writer Releases

16 Oct, 08:51

看到有人说笔记软件相比音乐播放器更赚钱,感觉是一种误会,音乐播放器的 Telegram 频道能有一万多订阅者(比如椒盐音乐的频道,看起来很火热),而纯纯写作这个频道多年来都只有三千多订阅,增长非常困难,二者前途可见一斑。曾经开发纯纯写作很多年(大概 2017-2020 年),月收入都很难突破三千,若不是更长久的坚持和不断做到最好,还真是挺难的一个赛道。
另外,卖得贵不等于更赚钱,比如今天到目前为止,一个 148 的永久会员也没有卖出🥲
我常常觉得,我们这个在世界范围内出售的 App 收入恐怕还不如我家楼下无名理发师每次剪头发收 160 元赚钱多。
无论如何,从这三千多订阅数看来(不是没宣传,App 设置和关于页面中都显式介绍了本频道),实在有点惨淡,一切尽在不言中。

Pure Writer Releases

09 Oct, 00:33

纯纯写作桌面版 v2.2.0
* 支持 自动更新,以后一般情况下不需要再手动下载、安装更新了!
Windows 的话,在安装这个 v2.2.0 版本之前,请先卸载 v2.1.9 版本!卸载方式:右键点击「开始」,选择「安装的应用」或「程序与功能」,然后在软件列表中找到「Pure Writer 2」v2.1.9 版本,点击「...」、「卸载」🙏

* Supports automatic updates. Generally, you no longer need to download and install updates manually!

⚠️ Important Notes on Windows v2.1.9 Version:

Before installing version v2.2.0, please uninstall version v2.1.9 first!

How to uninstall: Right-click on "Start," select "Installed Apps" or "Programs and Features," then find "Pure Writer 2" version v2.1.9 in the list of software, click on "...", and then "Uninstall." 🙏


Pure Writer Releases

16 Sep, 07:26

Desktop v2.1.9: https://writer.drakeet.com/desktop2_en
* 修复「OneDrive」点击登出时软件无响应

Pure Writer Releases

11 Sep, 12:39

Android v25.6.2

Pure Writer Releases

11 Sep, 12:26

Desktop v2.1.8: https://writer.drakeet.com/desktop2_en