Team Petrovsky @profpetrovsky Channel on Telegram

Team Petrovsky


Vaccination science

Team Petrovsky - Vaccination Science (English)

Join Team Petrovsky's Telegram channel, @profpetrovsky, to stay informed about the latest developments in the field of vaccination science. Led by Dr. Petrovsky, a renowned expert in the field, this channel provides a platform for discussion, education, and updates on all things related to vaccinations. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a researcher, or simply someone interested in learning more about vaccines, this channel is the perfect place for you to expand your knowledge. Dr. Petrovsky shares insights, research findings, and important news about vaccines, helping you stay up-to-date on this crucial aspect of public health. From breakthroughs in vaccine technology to debunking myths and misinformation, Team Petrovsky covers it all. Don't miss out on the opportunity to join this community of like-minded individuals dedicated to advancing vaccination science for the betterment of society. Stay informed, stay educated, and be a part of the Team Petrovsky movement today!

Team Petrovsky

17 Jan, 20:44

Nik was very pleased to help with this documentary exposing real vaccine injuries.

Team Petrovsky

11 Jan, 00:26

Seems like the people of Australia need to step up this year to regain some of the power given to bureaucrats and regulators.

Team Petrovsky

07 Jan, 17:08

Is students can do it how is it that the TGA is incapable of measuring DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines?

Team Petrovsky

24 Dec, 06:00

Nikolai and I would like to wish you all a very safe, happy and a Christmas full of good cheer.

Team Petrovsky

14 Dec, 00:00

For those that don’t have Facebook here is the link on Nikolai’s LinkedIn

Team Petrovsky

13 Dec, 20:01

The tide is turning …

Team Petrovsky

11 Dec, 07:00

Team Petrovsky

10 Dec, 02:10

Stop the social media minimum age ban. Worried this is going to lead further interference between parent and child.

Team Petrovsky

09 Dec, 02:22

This vindicates everything Nikolai has been saying ….

Team Petrovsky

30 Nov, 12:29

Should Nikolai run for the Senate?

Team Petrovsky

28 Nov, 19:31

The inserted X post from Phillip Burkhault adds to this showing the plasmid DNA can get into normal cells and last for weeks – this does not prove it has integrated – this would require the cellular DNA to be sequenced to show the added plasmid DNA has indeed become integrated. Nevertheless, it shows the potential for this.
Whatever the explanation, those who declined to have any mRNA vaccines can at least sleep easy at night knowing they have not been injected with any potentially toxic substance containing unknown levels of unknown contaminants, the antithesis of a quality drug product, and the continued approval of which demonstrates the incapacity of the TGA to do their job. Just as RFK plans to take a broom to the FDA so our government should be taking a broom to the TGA.

Now Found in the blood and in Organoid

Chakraborty had the curiosity most of our regulators lack.
He didn’t have to lift a pipette. Just had to know how to download data from the NCBI SRA and scan it for sequences that others don’t care to look for.

He covers 3 Studies.
One of the studies likely underrepresents the DNA as the study used a Qiagen
protocol to capture RNAwhich selects against DNA. This would explain the high Spike to Vector sequencing ratio observed. In other words, the study favored capturing RNA and may have even used a DNaseI in that protocol so its safe to assume the DNA loads, when measured with a kit designed to capture DNA would actually be much higher.

The list is much longer than this but see his paper for the fill list of patients.
The second study also used this Qiagen kit.

The 3rd study also used Qiagen kits.

This one has some low numbers of SV40 reads in patients that received Moderna but notice the Vectors reads are much higher than the SV40 reads. These should be the same in count.
Also notice the SRR ids are sequential and this was run on a sequencer that has such a large sequencing capacity that barcodes were most likely used to pool all of these samples on the same run. That means that index hopping is in play. Although the sequencing used is an MGI sequencer which is known to how lower index hopping rates than Illumina, they are not zero.

Team Petrovsky

28 Nov, 19:31

If I had to guess, there may be some index hopping from Pfizer samples on this run which get mistaken for samples that were Moderna vaxxed.
Important to keep an open mind as very few Pfizer and Moderna vials have actually been sequenced and its not safe to assume every lot used the same plasmid. They were in fact DNase-ing these lots and likely assumed no one would ever know if they swapped plasmids…and if they got caught, they would have a liability shield to protect them.
I have started to download these samples to see if they in fact have the same Sequencer Chip ID in the FastQ files. Its alot of data and this may take some time to confirm.
Keep in mind these are studies looking at Blood which has a high turn over rate. I bet if you looked in Lymph nodes and other tissues like tumors, you would find persistence that lasted much longer than this.
In other news, Phillip Buckhaults treated human organoids with vaccines and found the DNA to be sticking around for a month across multiple cell divisions and washes.

This is similar to the results we saw with OvCar3 cell lines. We don’t know if this DNA is integrated or episomal but that probably doesn’t matter as
Kwon et al teaches us that chronic stimulation of the cGAS-STING pathway can lead to oncogenesis.

So once again, the fact checkers are in retreat.
It’s not there!
You eat DNA all day long!
Fine, It’s there but it wont get into the cell!
So what if it gets into the cell, it will be destroyed!
It will never get into the nucleus even though there is no nucleus during cell division!
And Masks work!
Vaccines stop transmission!
Misinformation kills Grandma!
You have seen this movie before. It’s ending isn’t pretty and better


Team Petrovsky

28 Nov, 19:31

Ignore the cat cartoon at the start – this article alerts to some serious scientific questions to do with contamination mRNA vaccines. What is most concerning of all is that some of the data comes from individuals receiving mRNA vaccines and being experimented on here in Adelaide, by a Flinders University/SAMHRI team.
Little did they know when jabbing these study participants with Pfizer mRNA vaccines that their raw data which they were obliged to make publicly available when publishing their paper, could become the smoking gun to prove the mRNA vaccines had major DNA and old RNA contamination.
While several scientists around the world have published work showing DNA levels in vials of Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines are far in excess of acceptable levels, and have testified on this to US congressional hearings, the TGA on their website have tried to dismiss these reports as misinformation, claiming the know better.    The TGA similarly claimed the AstraZeneca adenovirus vaccine was perfectly safe until it was clearly shown by other more astute European regulators not to be, after which TGA were forced to belatedly change their tune, while still continuing to promote its use. 
Why is the TGA so determined to have everyone believe there is no problem and why is the question of DNA contamination such an important one?
There are multiple issues at play here, which if this is proven would mean that the TGA is incapable of doing their job.
Firstly, if DNA contamination limits in the mRNA vials exceed the prescribed limits, then it means that all doses of mRNA are not fit for purpose as their quality system has failed. If a test for one contaminant is inaccurate, then what about the other tests performed to ensure the vaccines are of adequate quality to be released. Failure of a key test means that contaminants could be widely varying from batch to batch without the manufacturer or the regulator being aware of this. This is a very serious quality system failure.  A competent regulator upon recognising such an issue is compelled to withdraw all supplies of the product until the problem could be characterised and fixed.  The TGA clearly does not want to go there, as this product recall would be very public, and the public would soon become aware that the TGA had not properly investigating the issue when it was first raised.  
Second, the DNA contaminants might have harmful effects if they exceed the regulatory limits. DNA is inflammatory and hence excessive doses can cause side effects including fever, myalgia and fatigue. Hence if some batches of mRNA had high levels of DNA contamination, then this could explain the reports that some batches of the mRNA vaccines were associated with a much higher rate of serious side effects and post-vaccination deaths than other batches.
Third, there is a risk that contaminating DNA might get integrated into the genome of the vaccine recipient’s cells. Initially, it was claimed by the authorities and fact checkers that mRNA vaccines cannot get integrated into the genome as this would first require that the mRNA be converted to DNA, which it was claimed could not happen in the human body (in fact this was proven not to be strictly true as endogenous retroviruses in the human genome upon activation by inflammation can induce reverse transcriptase required to convert mRNA to DNA).  But the real problem is that if the mRNA is contaminated with DNA then that DNA doesn’t require conversion to get inserted into the cellular genome, it is already in the right form. This is one reason the allowable amount of DNA contamination is kept very low to minimise such risk.
Fourth, the greater the amount of DNA contamination, the greater the risk that complete pieces of DNA plasmids are present including for example the SV40 promoter which can more readily cause issues such as mutagenesis if they get accidentally inserted into the genome.

Team Petrovsky

28 Nov, 19:31

So should we trust the TGA’s attempts at reassurance and ignore the warnings of the many scientists who insist the mRNA vaccines have excess levels of DNA contamination which could prove harmful?
Enter the study by Chakraboty that is described below and attached.  Ingeniously he used the sequence data generated by 3 clinical trials including the one performed in Adelaide to look for evidence of contamination in the RNA sequence data extracted from the patient’s own blood pre and post vaccination. What better proof that the mRNA vaccines contained contaminating DNA then to detect it in the blood of recently vaccinated subjects!  Similar concept to testing for mercury poising by measuring mercury in a person’s blood as opposed to just trying to measure it in the water they may have been drinking and getting it from.
Remarkably, Chakraboty not only found sequences corresponding to the spike protein mRNA in the blood (showing the method was working), but also found sequences corresponding to the plasmid DNA known to be contaminating the mRNA including key sequences in those plasmids including the SV40 promoter and kanamycin resistance genes.
Interestingly and as an aside this immediately puts to the lie to several claims made by fact checkers and bodies like the TGA.  They claim that almost all the mRNA vaccine stays locally in the injection site and very little if any goes elsewhere in the body. This data shows that the vaccine components are readily detectable in the blood just 24 hours after injection. Indeed, if they claim that the vast majority of the vaccine is still local at this time, this makes the detected contamination in the blood all the more worrying as maybe this indicates hundred or thousands times more contaminant would be found at the injection site?  It also refutes claims by the Red Cross etc that mRNA doesn’t get into the blood- it clearly does almost immediately after injection and hence will be in donor blood.  They also claim that mRNA is broken down in seconds to minutes. As shown by other published studies spike mRNA is still easily detectable in the blood 2 weeks after immunisation, which would be impossible if what they claimed to be the half-life of the mRNA was in any way true.
So why be so concerned about the Adelaide data? Well in all the other studies the amount of contamination found was extremely low relative to the amount of spike mRNA – that is what you would expect. The TGA claim that the amount of contaminating DNA is less than one thousandth the amount of mRNA – a lot of data out there says that is not true, but maybe it is still less than one hundredth the level of mRNA. So you would expect vector reads to be much less than the number of spike reads. But look at the Adelaide data – the vector reads are much more than the number of spike reads. Was there more contaminant than active vaccine in the vials? One interesting possibility raised by Chakraboty is that the plasmid DNA has also been converted to mRNA in the process so that it is actually in contaminating mRNA in the vial – this seems amongst the most plausible as the blood was treated with DNAse to break down any DNA before being sequenced.  But why wasn’t this similarly seen to the same extent in the other study data – did it reflect when they were done as the Adelaide trial was in 2021, whereas the other studies seem to come from 2022, 2023. Is so this would seem to suggest that the early mRNA vaccines may have been full of contaminants that were progressively removed as the companies got more expertise in making them.  While such an improvement might seem admirable, it is completely unacceptable from a regulatory perspective as it is no longer the same vaccine. Hence it should go back through the whole development process and trials. Even although the newer product might be purer what would happen for example if the impurities were responsible for the effectiveness of the early batches – this would mean the modified purer vaccine is no longer effective.

Team Petrovsky

28 Nov, 19:27

As promised - information recently received and reviewed by The Team - please ignore any grammatical errors as it was done late at night.

Team Petrovsky

28 Nov, 10:25

Please share - so many people may be interested in the fact that the tides are turning

Team Petrovsky

28 Nov, 09:52

This does beg the question of, if the Appeal wins then will Malinauskas and Picton tender their resignations, along with the CEOs of SA Health and the local health networks who all pushed through this mandate and the staff terminations, just as Alan Joyce and the board were forced to do at Qantas when they were found to have acted unlawfully? Could Kerrie Freeman, the CEO of SALHN until last week, have seen the writing on the wall for SA Health when she decided to jump ship to become CEO of Brisbane City Council on a comfortable $800k salary? While she may think she has escaped, Freeman will be subpoenaed back to Adelaide for cross-examination in Prof Petrovsky's legal actions to quiz her on her role in targeting him for acting as an expert witness in the Judicial review and the Teague case. It will be intriguing how she plans to defend against this given she put this in writing when seeking to dismiss him. Notably, the targeting of an expert witness is not only in contempt of court, but it is also a criminal offence under section 116B of the SAET Act. Many other senior SA Health, SALHN and Flinders University officials will be subpoenaed for cross-examination in those proceedings to prove their complicity in the unlawful targeting of Prof Petrovsky. The truth will thereby finally come out and the perpetrators will be visible to all. Hopefully all in time for the next state election. It would take very adept footwork by Peter Malinauskas and Chris Picton to try to change the state legislation to try and render such criminal prosecutions void. In any case, are they so ready to sacrifice their own political careers to save a few SA Health bureaucrats acting beyond the law? The SA govt currently have an opportunity to show they are honourable people, by accepting fault on behalf of SA Health and working to set things right and compensating those harmed by their actions, including Prof. Petrovsky. Or Peter Malinauskas and Chris Picton can continue to support the dirty tricks of SA Health and their lawyers and see what voters think about this. Maybe it is time for everyone to write to them again and remind them of their responsibilities as the SA government leaders? The federal and state elections are bearing down. Now is the time for SA politicians to show their mettle and tackle SA Health. A good place to start in addition to compensating the victims, might be an independent inquiry into hospital ramping, the proton therapy debacle and the conduct of SA Health throughout the pandemic.

Team Petrovsky

28 Nov, 09:52

I do have The Team working on the information - however in the meantime: Yesterday the appeal of the SA Health vaccine mandates in the SA Employment tribunal (the Teague case) was heard. This was an appeal of the same case in which Prof Petrovsky gave expert evidence, triggering SA Health to target him and set out in concert with Flinders University to destroy him and his vaccine research team. For those who don't know the Teague case, this was a case that challenged the SA Health vaccine mandate brought in by Dr Nicola Spurrier in Oct 2022. Using this mandate she sought to terminate the employment of over 600 SA health staff who were opposed to her mandates. SA Health is now facing hundreds of unfair dismissal cases as a direct consequence of her actions. As the expression goes, she has blood on her hands. The appeal yesterday challenged the finding of Justice Dolphin that the SA health vaccine mandates were lawful and reasonable. Counsel did a great job on behalf of the Appellants explaining just why the SA Health mandates should have been held at first instance to be unlawful and unreasonable, including how SA had failed to undertake proper consultation as required. SA Health's Counsel suggested that the appeal should not be allowed to proceed because the mandates had since been dropped (but not before over 600 staff had been terminated by SA Health). The bench asked SA Health how not hearing the appeal could possibly be serving the interests of justice. A great question. It was a shame that most of the appellants were not present to see SA Health's counsel floundering to justify their attempts at dirty tricks - remember that the SA govt played similar dirty tricks in the earlier SA Judicial Review when Peter Malinauskas recognised the govt could not win on the science in that case, so he changed the legislation to render the outcome mute, thereby depriving the Applicants of their day in court and a verdict. Dirty tricks indeed. Maybe this is a Government that also thinks it is OK to play dirty tricks behind the line of play when the umpire is not looking? Thankfully the dirty tricks of SA health didn't find favour with the court this time around. The bench went on to question why SA Health would seek to introduce their vaccine mandate so late in the pandemic and why if they thought it important they didn't introduce it in 2021 during the peak of the pandemic (which would also have afforded them plenty of time for consultation). Instead Spurrier bulldozed it through in a matter of weeks in late 2022 with minimal if any consultation when the government's Emergency Power mandates were ending. Why indeed? And they seemed keen to know why the SA health mandate sought to wield the big stick of termination of employment for those who didn't comply, when this was not even a feature of the emergency power mandates which preceded it? Why indeed? The Bench queried whether the true motive for SA Health in introducing their mandate was to allow them to terminate the affected staff so as to cut costs, a logical proposition given this is exactly what Qantas also unlawfully did when terminating staff under cover of the pandemic. While the final outcome of the Appeal is far from certain, it was refreshing to see the Bench asking very pertinent questions and at least entertaining the notion that SA Health and thereby the SA government may have acted unlawfully and unreasonably in imposing the SA health mandates.

Team Petrovsky

27 Nov, 00:47

Interesting information has come to light today to prove the vaccines distributed in Australia were highly contaminated. I will post more information later this week, once The Team have validated the information

Team Petrovsky

27 Nov, 00:46

Team Petrovsky

26 Nov, 03:51

Team Petrovsky

20 Nov, 10:02

The inconvenient patient. ABC have put together a documentary on Covid injuries.

Team Petrovsky

17 Nov, 07:38

Shameful but not surprising

Team Petrovsky

12 Nov, 10:18

Teaser; Nik Petrovsky sat down with Alex Antic today to discuss the recent Covid inquiry result; and a range of other hot topics, including the SA Health and Flinders University, will post the interview in the coming days

Team Petrovsky

11 Nov, 22:24

If only Australia would take note

Team Petrovsky

11 Nov, 22:24

Team Petrovsky

14 Sep, 23:29

We have been working closely with Charlie Teo on brain cancer research - this is an opportunity for a fantastic night out whilst helping a great cause.

Team Petrovsky

06 Sep, 08:20

This will be a great night. Please spread the word

Team Petrovsky

06 Sep, 07:39

Team Petrovsky

29 Jul, 20:47

Team Petrovsky

04 Jul, 06:15

Don’t forget to follow me on substack where I will be posting interviews, documents and more updates -

Team Petrovsky

03 Jul, 05:27

Team Petrovsky

03 Jul, 01:16

Team Petrovsky

03 Jul, 00:20

Team Petrovsky

19 Jun, 06:33

Sarah Game asked the Attorney General today about Prof Petrovsky being targeted and why the SA Govt isn’t supporting a cancer trial. See link

Team Petrovsky

17 Jun, 10:49

This has been one of the most read stories this week. !!!!

Team Petrovsky

15 Jun, 04:28

Please go online and comment

Team Petrovsky

14 Jun, 00:45

Team Petrovsky

11 Jun, 05:28

Team Petrovsky

06 Jun, 07:08

By way of update we now have just 1 week left before Flinders University/SALHN plans to lock us out of our final last lab with their clear intent to bring to an end all our ongoing research including the cancer vaccine trial. We are clearly dealing with some very dishonest actors who have no empathy or compassion. We have appealed to our state leaders Peter Malinauskas and Chris Picton, but to date they have refused to engage with the real issues and take steps within their power to protect our cancer research.
So where do we go from here? If those running this campaign think that by destroying all our research the problem is going to go away they are in for a very rude shock. If we are not allowed do our research, the only thing left is for us is to invest our energy into exposing and bringing the bad apples to account. They need to learn that it is not OK to destroy valuable research, it is not OK to lie and commit perjury, it not OK to victimise those who speak out, it is not OK to destroy cancer trials.
It is not OK for them to gang up together and abuse their powers to target and destroy those who try to speak the truth. The bureaucrats who have targeted us and made our team's lives hell for the last 4 years, need to be brought to account. So the fight has only begun. At the same time we will be doing our best to try and move what of our research we can save out of South Australia as they are demanding. What is left of our once mighty team that conquered COVID look forward to moving somewhere where the leaders actually care about their constituents' health.
SA currently has massive ambulance ramping, has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on projects like the failed proton facility, has cancer services that are in disarray and yet are prepared to spend a fortune in legal costs to destroy the one team who have delivered an actual vaccine that has saved lives and not caused any serious side effects. No matter how much they try to undermine our team and our vaccine, the extensive peer-reviewed published literature on SpikoGen vaccine and its efficacy does not lie - unlike the journalists of the articles that sought to gaslight us.

Team Petrovsky

13 May, 09:37

Today 5 security guards came intermittently through the day to lock our staff out of the offices which they were packing up to move as they have demanded. 5 security guards for two female scientists in their 30’s, a young Technician in his 20’s - and Nik, it was pure harassment and intimidation ordered by FU and SA health

Team Petrovsky

13 May, 02:31

A sad day for Australian science. With the acquiescence of the Federal Court at the hearing last Friday, Flinders University and SALHN over the weekend changed all the locks to prevent us accessing our research offices at Flinders and removed our IT access, thereby ensuring maximal disruption to our vaccine research and ongoing cancer trials. The rulings of the Federal Court have set a precedent where no research in Australia can in future be protected against destruction by malevolent University or health system bureaucrats in pursuit of personal vendettas. This means all the codes of research conduct set down by the NHMRC and ARC as well as the Australia animal welfare legislation mean nothing with the court failing to provide protection to our ongoing vaccine research, our research animals and our clinical trial patients. This is all done under the direct watch of our SA state politicians, including Peter Malinauskas and Chris Picton. Please keep writing your letters expressing your disappointment at their failed leadership, and share on social media, but remember to always remain respectful as we should not stoop to the level of our protagonists.

Team Petrovsky

08 May, 22:30

Today 9th May 2024 is a big day for our team – Flinders University in collusion with SALHN (effectively SA Health) have written to say they will be changing the locks on the offices we have occupied at FMC for the last 20 years. They have indicated that cancer vaccine trials mean nothing to them, their quest of Flinders University and SA bureaucrats to destroy leading South Australian research is far more important than worrying about cancer patients. Flinders University and SAHLN are poised to set a legal precedent in Australia that even the most successful research program can be destroyed at the whim of a bureaucrat’s pen – no justification required. Informed consent, academic freedom, and bodily integrity have now been rendered meaningless terms of the Australian legal lexicon, and replaced by authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and autocracy. Is this the Australia any of us want to live in? Back in court today.

Team Petrovsky

07 May, 22:14

The Flinders University (FU) campaign to silence Prof. Petrovsky and suppress academic freedom continued in early 2022.
Karen Ashford (FU Head of Media) to Colin Stirling; Jonathon Craig; Robert Saint; Peter Eastwood (FU senior management):  "In the event that Petrovsky gives evidence contrary to SA and national health imperatives on vaccination, might this have a bearing on his employment with SA Health?  Would he need approval to appear in Court in a professional capacity?  And by extension Flinders regarding his academic status, particularly if he is referred to by Flinders title in this media coverage. Noting consideration is being given to mandatory vaccination at Flinders and if there is likely to be a statement soon, this could lead to media coverage regarding Petrovsky as a witness in a case apposing mandatory vaccination but the university considering the same thing".
After reading this email (more to come) what do you think about the truth of FU’s claims removal of his academic status and employment had nothing to do with his media comments and expert testimony?
We need your help to fund the legal fight to expose what really went on behind the scenes in SA and Australia throughout the pandemic to silence academics brave enough to speak out.  These emails expose a deliberate intent by Flinders University to suppress academic free speech.