ThankYou, brethren! We are bombarded with Kind Messages appreciating edge. I wish it serves you well when time comes. ThankYou Sonic for making this!
Btw, @MrP_temp Premium is open with 20% Discount Cheers!
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 20:01
200+ Members who received it free, better React to this! FIRST PART of the Update = already correct!!
1) $1014xx S/R tested✅ 2) "First a Pump to $104000"✅
Today's Freebies start from This message: 5 Messages
Love You!
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 19:11
First 100 members who have already texted, are getting it at the moment
Let's stop here please, I should have given sonic's ID, too many DMs on my ID are clogging my device
Remaining can see wizard's outlook
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 19:09
Hey A humble request, let's end it. Sonic will send to all who texted✅
Inbox is bombarded... & you are fine with Wizard's outlook I have shared free above anyway scroll up please, it is 70% - 90% same as mine so he Got you covered
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 19:03
You have free wizard update anyway in line with my outlook
But you can get P Update Free too, tell name of 3 P-Team traders (not Mr.P) and get it free from @MrP_temp
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 18:38
Premium Members, FOMC Update posted 8 minutes ago in Macro Update & Alert Section
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 17:36
I am Typing my Macro FOMC bullets for Premium and Suddenly a Wizard X's Update comes, and It is about 75% in line with what I am already typing (just that I'll aim to make it slightly more precise price/time wise)
But damn, Two independent Methods - yet again Me & Wiz reaching super similar Conclusions
Because I'm happy, I share this FREE🌟
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 17:24
I'll speak of these 3-4 narratives later after FOMC dilemma
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 17:23
Btw I have atleast 3-4 Narratives, to tell you that We will see an Altseason within 2 months at very worst. If not, earlier
But today, protect money against Volatility - stay safe. It's possible this is last QT meeting, still a QT I mean so remain open to one final sell-off UNLESS Powell Uncle gives clear sign
Either way, By next meeting I PREDICT: An altseason would have ALREADY started just around next meeting's time
ETH is about to find crazy demand, in 2 months
Not necessarily in immediate short term. In fact immediate short term it can be one final down
Let's see
Mr. P Signals
29 Jan, 17:21
It has reached point where People in Premium Have started to Think Mr.P is an AI Heck
Jokes apart I Believe J (Former BCW Tech Support) is AI J is my forever Fav Brother 🫡