The Professor UPSC टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

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अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 04:35
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The Professor UPSC द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
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As they will help you in last minute revision in end of preparation
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Steps for Amendment (Under Article 368):
1. Introduction of the Bill: Can be introduced in either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha, but not in State Legislatures.
2. Passage in Parliament: Requires either simple majority, special majority, or special majority with state ratification, depending on the type of amendment.
3. President’s Assent: The President cannot refuse to sign a Constitutional Amendment Bill once passed by Parliament.
4. Amendment Comes into Effect: After Presidential assent, the amendment is added to the Constitution.
1. Introduction of the Bill: Can be introduced in either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha, but not in State Legislatures.
2. Passage in Parliament: Requires either simple majority, special majority, or special majority with state ratification, depending on the type of amendment.
3. President’s Assent: The President cannot refuse to sign a Constitutional Amendment Bill once passed by Parliament.
4. Amendment Comes into Effect: After Presidential assent, the amendment is added to the Constitution.