أحدث المنشورات من The Professor UPSC (@professor678) على Telegram

منشورات The Professor UPSC على Telegram

The Professor UPSC
YT LINK- https://youtube.com/@theprofessor196
6,347 مشترك
194 صورة
5 فيديو
آخر تحديث 06.03.2025 04:35

قنوات مشابهة

133,214 مشترك
29,898 مشترك
17,509 مشترك

أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة The Professor UPSC على Telegram

The Professor UPSC

03 Mar, 06:41


Rocket and jet engine 🚂
The Professor UPSC

02 Mar, 07:21

The Professor UPSC pinned «If you need any help in note making or solving pyqs you can reach out us at @professor_699»
The Professor UPSC

02 Mar, 07:20


If you need any help in note making or solving pyqs you can reach out us at @professor_699
The Professor UPSC

02 Mar, 07:19


Doctrine of basic structure ✍️✍️
The Professor UPSC

02 Mar, 07:17

The Professor UPSC pinned «Compile these one pager As they will help you in last minute revision in end of preparation Thank you 🤩»
The Professor UPSC

02 Mar, 07:17


Compile these one pager
As they will help you in last minute revision in end of preparation
Thank you 🤩
The Professor UPSC

02 Mar, 07:16


Steps for Amendment (Under Article 368):
1. Introduction of the Bill: Can be introduced in either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha, but not in State Legislatures.
2. Passage in Parliament: Requires either simple majority, special majority, or special majority with state ratification, depending on the type of amendment.
3. President’s Assent: The President cannot refuse to sign a Constitutional Amendment Bill once passed by Parliament.
4. Amendment Comes into Effect: After Presidential assent, the amendment is added to the Constitution.
The Professor UPSC

02 Mar, 06:54


Election commission of India
The Professor UPSC

02 Mar, 05:44


Financial committees ✍️
The Professor UPSC

01 Mar, 13:41


President rule
Important for this year prelims