Pre - and advanced students -Iqra college (@preandadvanced)の最新投稿

Pre - and advanced students -Iqra college のテレグラム投稿

Pre - and advanced students -Iqra college
1,084 人の購読者
4 枚の写真
6 本の動画
最終更新日 06.03.2025 11:15

Pre - and advanced students -Iqra college によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

Pre - and advanced students -Iqra college

17 May, 05:34


Dhagayo English kaaga ku horumari.
Pre - and advanced students -Iqra college

13 May, 17:58


Video questions - The Story Of Daud Kim
"I Thought.. I Can't Be A Muslim!"

1. How did the brother get the name Daud? (01:15 )

2. According to Daud, how are the Muslims in Indonesia? (5:05)

3. How did Daud feel when he took his Shahaada?(12:48)

4. How was Daud's mother's reaction when he became a Muslim? (13:13)

5. What was one challenge of becoming a Muslim for Duad? (15:12)

6. What impressed Daud the most about our Prophet (pbuh)? (18:28)

7. What was the most interesting thing about this story for you? Which part? Why?