Welcome to PRAVDA, the official Telegram channel for truth-seekers and critical thinkers! Join us on a journey to uncover the real stories behind the headlines and explore the depths of information that mainstream media often overlooks. PRAVDA, which means 'truth' in Russian, is a community of individuals who are passionate about digging deep into the facts and unveiling the hidden truths that shape our world. Our channel is dedicated to promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability in all aspects of society. From politics and current events to science and culture, PRAVDA covers a wide range of topics with a focus on unbiased reporting and analysis. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or someone who is just starting to question the narratives presented to you, PRAVDA offers a platform for open dialogue and critical thinking. Join us today and be part of a community that values truth above all else. Together, we can uncover the real stories behind the noise and build a more informed, empowered society.
24 Nov, 21:28
23 Nov, 21:00
23 Nov, 08:39
19 Nov, 16:52
19 Nov, 16:50
04 Nov, 10:59
02 Nov, 18:53
02 Nov, 06:37