★ Version: V12.0.3.0
★ Released: 2021-01-10
↓ POCOF1-V12.0.3.0-persist.img.zip [0.16M]
Fastboot ROM: bigota.d.miui.com
Due to bad flash or some other adventures when
partition gets messed up, many Poco F1 devices loose sensors or have other similar issues.You need to flash stock
provided in the stock fastboot rom (.tgz). The /persist
partition is locked in the fastboot mode and it can only be flashed from recovery.We have made this zip which will do the following in order -
1. Copy content of
2. Make backup of
at /sdcard/persist.bak.img
3. Flash stock
4. Copy back the content from Step 1
Though it is safe to do this and there is nothing to loose as Poco F1 doesn't have L1 anymore, take precautions and do it at your own risk.
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