Welcome to the Telegram channel "لِـ عُمـريꨄ︎"! This channel, managed by user @plvk_1997, is a place where you can find beautiful and thought-provoking content in Arabic. The channel description hints at deep and meaningful discussions, reflecting on the absence of some people in our lives despite their presence in our hearts. The channel started on December 2, 2022, with a focus on Libya, the capital of the white winter. Join us on this journey of introspection and contemplation as we explore the complexities of human emotions and relationships. Stay tuned for updates and engaging conversations that will make you reflect on your own experiences and feelings. Subscribe now to "لِـ عُمـريꨄ︎" and join a community of like-minded individuals seeking meaningful connections and discussions. Don't miss out on the opportunity to engage with others in deep conversations that touch the soul. Explore the depths of human emotions and relationships with us on this fascinating channel. Subscribe today and start your journey towards self-discovery and connection.
01 Jan, 23:58
01 Jan, 02:03
06 Dec, 02:56
30 Nov, 22:07
30 Nov, 16:59
27 Nov, 13:19
22 Nov, 23:14
13 Nov, 04:38
09 Nov, 21:38
31 Oct, 23:10
30 Oct, 22:25
30 Oct, 21:52
29 Oct, 14:28
29 Oct, 01:23
21 Oct, 13:38
13 Oct, 15:39