Docs de Permacultura @permacultura_docs Channel on Telegram

Docs de Permacultura


Documentos, videos e información sobre permacultura.
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Permacultura: El Canal Definitivo para Documentos e Información (Spanish)

¡Bienvenidos a Docs de Permacultura! Este canal de Telegram es el lugar perfecto para encontrar una amplia variedad de documentos, videos e información sobre permacultura. Si eres un amante de la naturaleza, la sostenibilidad y la agricultura ecológica, este es el canal que estabas buscando. Aquí podrás aprender sobre las últimas técnicas y tendencias en permacultura, así como encontrar recursos prácticos para aplicar en tu propia vida diaria. Ya sea que seas un principiante curioso o un experto en la materia, encontrarás contenido relevante y valioso en este canal. Además, si tienes alguna pregunta o deseas compartir información con otros miembros de la comunidad, puedes hacerlo a través de nuestro bot @DocsPermaBot. Únete a nosotros en este viaje hacia la sostenibilidad y la armonía con la naturaleza. ¡Te esperamos en Docs de Permacultura!

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:37

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:37

La Caja Verde, la nevera para vegetales sin electricidad.

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:37

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:37


Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:37

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32


GEAR: Individual Equipment
-Line 1: Personal Equipment
-Line 2: Fighting Load
-Line 3: Sustainment Load

Training Program
Week Zero Task List
-Task 1 Physical Assessment
-Task 2 Locate Facilities
Mission Analysis: METT-TC
-Task 3 Assess Equipment Needs
-Task 4 Complete introductory Ruck March

Fitness Plan Week 1
Fitness Plan Week 2
Fitness Plan Week 3
Fitness Plan Week 4

Will is the Weapon
IMT: Individual Movement Techniques
Individual Field Craft

Marksmanship Fundamentals
-Handgun Grip
-Sight Alignment/Sight Picture
-Point of Aim vs. Point of Impact
-Breathing Control/Trigger Control
The Dime Drill
Rifle Zero
Critical Skill Evaluation - Basic Rifle Qualification

Land Navigation
-Reading Grid Coordinates
-Identifying Terrain Features
-Grid-Magnetic Angle
-Map Reading Exercise

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32

Botanica - Plantas Y Flores Medicinales Con Foto.pdf.pdf

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32


Intersection is the location of an unknown point by successively occupying at least two (preferably three) known positions on the ground and then map sighting on the unknown location. It is used to locate distant or inaccessible points or objects such as enemy targets and danger areas. There are two methods of intersection: the map and compass method and the straightedge method.

When using the map and compass method–

Orient the map using the compass.
Locate and mark your position on the map.
Determine the magnetic azimuth to the unknown position using the compass.
Convert the magnetic azimuth to grid azimuth.
Draw a line on the map from your position on this grid azimuth.
Move to a second known point and repeat steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
The location of the unknown position is where the lines cross on the map. Determine the grid coordinates to the desired accuracy.

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32


Resection is the method of locating one’s position on a map by determining the grid azimuth to at least two well-defined locations that can be pinpointed on the map. For greater accuracy, the desired method of resection would be to use three or more well-defined locations.

When using the map and compass method–

Orient the map using the compass.
Identify two or three known distant locations on the ground and mark them on the map.
Measure the magnetic azimuth to one of the known positions from your location using a compass.
Convert the magnetic azimuth to a grid azimuth.
Convert the grid azimuth to a back azimuth. Using a protractor, draw a line for the back azimuth on the map from the known position back toward your unknown position.
Repeat 3, 4, and 5 for a second position and a third position, if desired.
The intersection of the lines is your location. Determine the grid coordinates to the desired accuracy.

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32


On a typical UTM-derived topo map, each grid represents an area of 1,000m square. The grid note on the map denotes the region, which is a 100,000m square. In USNG coordinates this is expressed by two letters: in this case, QA. In UTM, this is grid 0740.

When plotting grid coordinates, always read RIGHT and UP.

4 digit – accurate to within 1,000m

To find the grid location of an object on the map, first find the closest easting line to the west of your target location. Then, find the closest northing line to the south of your target location. In this example, these are 50 and 83 respectively. This gives us the four digit grid location QA5083.

6 digit – accurate to within 100m

Go RIGHT and UP from the southwest corner of the four digit grid location in 100m increments. The example is 500m to the east of line 50 and 300m north of line 83, giving us QA505833.

8 digit – accurate to within 10m

Go RIGHT and UP from the six digit location in 10m increments. The example is QA50508330,

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32

An azimuth is the horizontal angle measured clockwise from a north base line to a straight line between two points on a map.

To measure a grid azimuth, draw a straight line between the starting point and ending point. Find where this direction line intersects a vertical grid line. Place the index mark of a protractor on this point of intersection, and align 0° (north) and 180° (south) on the grid line. Then, read the value of angle for your line of direction on the protractor.

To plot a grid azimuth from a known point on the map, place the index mark of the protractor over the center of the known point. Ensure it is aligned by finding a north-south grid line that intersects the protractor and counting the number of degrees to that grid line from both 0° and 180°; if the number of degrees to the grid line is the same for each, the protractor is aligned with the map grid. Mark the map at the desired value of angle on the protractor, and draw a straight line connecting it to the known point.

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32


Using the map above, a method of measuring angle (such as a protractor), and a method of measuring 10m increments at a 1:50,000 scale (such as the 1:50,000 triangle ruler located on a military protractor), follow these directions:

1. Identify the terrain features located at QA56508301 and QA55888188
2. You have shot one magnetic azimuth of 120° to the feature at QA56508301 and another magnetic azimuth of 149° to the feature at QA55888188. Find your 8 digit grid location using resection.
3. Plot a grid azimuth of 90° from your location and find the 8 digit grid coordinates for the point where this azimuth intersects a major road.
4. You shot a magnetic azimuth of 25° from the location in step 2, and a magnetic azimuth of 305° from the location in step 3. Using intersection, find the 8 digit grid coordinates of the unknown location and identify the terrain feature there.

The final terrain feature is named on the map. What is its name?

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32



1. Hill: An area of high ground from which ground slopes away on all sides.

2. Saddle: An area between two hills, where the ground slopes up on two sides, and down on two sides.

3. Valley: Low ground between two ridgelines or high areas.

4. Ridge: Elongated, sloping high-ground area. Contour lines of a ridge will form v’s and u’s that point toward the lower ground

5. Depression: Sinkhole or other low point in terrain characterized by steep or sheer walls.


6. Draw: A small area of low ground between spurs.

7. Spur: A smaller version of a ridge, usually extending off of a ridge.


8. Cliff: A vertical or near vertical drop-off. Contour lines indicating a cliff will converge, or nearly converge.

9. Cuts and Fills: A man-made cut through high-ground, or fill in low-ground, respectively. Mountain roads and railroads will often correlate with these features. On the map, the stubby lines of a cut or fill point toward the lower ground.

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32

Identify the numbered terrain features in this example.

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32


The G-M angle is the angular difference between grid north and magnetic north. Most map margins include a declination diagram showing this value for the area. If magnetic north is to the right (east) of grid north, the map has an easterly G-M angle; if it is to the left (west) of grid north, the map has a westerly G-M angle. Azimuths must be converted between grid or magnetic accordingly.

Easterly G-M conversion:

Magnetic to grid – ADD G-M
Grid to magnetic – SUBTRACT G-M

Westerly G-M conversion:

Magnetic to grid – SUBTRACT G-M
Grid to magnetic – ADD G-M

It is vitally important when navigating by map and compass to account for the difference between grid north and magnetic north, otherwise all azimuths taken from compass to map or vice versa will be off by the number of degrees in the G-M angle. The further the distance traveled on an incorrect azimuth, the further away it will take you from your intended objective.

Docs de Permacultura

03 Jul, 11:32


Navigating by map and compass is a critical skill. Many different types of maps are available, but USGS topographical maps in a 1:50,000 scale are preferable. These maps are freely available for public access, and can be printed by area through sites such as

Typical components of a map margin:

1 – Grid Note. This is the location of the grid square, typically expressed according to some variation of the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system. This map, which is a section of a 7.5 minute quadrangle provided by USGS, has the USNG spatial address of 17SQA.

2 – Scale. The scale is a representative fraction that gives the ratio of a map distance to the corresponding distance on the Earth’s surface. On this map, one unit of measure on the map equals 50,000 units of the same measure on the ground.

3 – Bar Scales. Bar scales are rulers used to convert map distance to ground distance.

4 – Declination Diagram. Shows the relationship between grid north and magnetic north.





