Are you looking for part-time job opportunities in Singapore? Look no further than the SG Ad-hoc Part Time Jobs Hunt Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to helping job seekers find full-time, part-time, events, and ad hoc job positions with no contract and flexible working hours. With fast hiring processes and prompt responses to enquiries, SG Ad-hoc Part Time Jobs Hunt is the go-to channel for those searching for immediate job opportunities. Whether you are a student looking for a part-time job to fit around your studies, a working professional seeking extra income, or someone in between jobs looking for temporary work, this channel has something for everyone. You can easily connect with potential employers and job opportunities by contacting the provided numbers - 93232052, 93232039, or 87330427. Additionally, if you are an employer looking to post job vacancies for free, you can reach out to Grace at 87330427. Don't miss out on the chance to explore various job options and kickstart your career advancement. Visit the SG Ad-hoc Part Time Jobs Hunt channel on Telegram today or check out their website at for more information and job postings. Find the perfect part-time job that suits your schedule and preferences with SG Ad-hoc Part Time Jobs Hunt!