PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay! @paguyfess Channel on Telegram

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!


Only for paguy purpose.

On duty: Close.
Kritik, saran, aduan: @KrisarPF_bot
Twibbon: @TwibbonPFbot

PAGUYFESS (Indonesian)

PAGUYFESS adalah channel Telegram yang didedikasikan untuk kepentingan paguy. Dengan mengikuti channel ini, Anda akan mendapatkan konten-konten yang dikhususkan untuk membantu paguy dalam menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari. Channel ini menyediakan informasi terbaru, tips, dan trik terkait paguy yang mungkin berguna bagi para pengikutnya.

Jadi siapa sebenarnya yang dapat bergabung dengan PAGUYFESS? Channel ini terbuka untuk siapa pun yang memiliki kepentingan terhadap paguy, baik mereka yang sudah lama terlibat dalam paguy maupun yang masih baru mengenalnya. Dengan bergabung dengan PAGUYFESS, Anda akan menjadi bagian dari komunitas paguy yang solid dan saling mendukung.

Untuk bergabung dengan PAGUYFESS, Anda cukup mengakses tautan berikut: dan Jika Anda memiliki kritik, saran, atau aduan, Anda juga dapat langsung menghubungi admin channel melalui @KrisarPF_bot. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat menggunakan @TwibbonPFbot untuk membuat twibbon yang mendukung paguy.

Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Bergabunglah dengan PAGUYFESS sekarang dan jadilah bagian dari komunitas paguy yang aktif dan informatif!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 09:05

Gimana event siang hari ini, Peps? Seru banget kaaan? Sekian tadi sesi Manage Your Color hari ini! Kita simpan energi sebentar karena habis ini masih ada sesi lainnya. Pada penasaran gak habis ini bakal ada sesi apa? πŸ‘€ Makanya, pantengin Paguyfess terus yaa. Terima kasih udah berpartisipasi di sesi Manage Your Color siang ini, Pepssie!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 09:03

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle, famguy or paguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #BIL as my shade has been around since 2005 with a softer tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:59

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle/famguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #BIL as my shade has been around since 2004 with a softer tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:56

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle, paguy, or famguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #BIL as my shade has been around since 2008 with a softer tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:54

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle/paguy/or famguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #INA as my shade has been around since 2004 with a darker tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:53

Hello, I'm #IRISH! I own a blank coloring book that needs to be colored immediately, but I cannot do so with my own color. There are some spots where much brighter colors are needed! Thus, I'm looking for WAKEONE portrayers (Kep1er, Zerobaseone, EVNNE, Izna, and etc..) with no twins allowed. It's the shape of a circle that is why I need the fitting colors for. My color shades tend to transmute into #BIL and with you we'll make a great blend!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:52

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a famguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #BIL as my shade has been around since 2005 with a darker tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:52

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a paguy or famguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #INA as my shade has been around since 2000 with a darker tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:51

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle, paguy, or famguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #BIL as my shade has been around since 2001 with a darker tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:51

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle or paguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #ENG as my shade has been around since 2005 with a darker tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:50

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle or paguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #INA as my shade has been around since 2008 with a softer tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:50

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle or paguyuban. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #BIL as my shade has been around since 2000 with a softer tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:49

Hello, I'm #IRISH! I own a blank coloring book that needs to be colored immediately, but I cannot do so with my own color. There are some spots where much brighter colors are needed! Thus, I'm looking for THE BOYZ roleplayers except Hyunjae. It's the shape of circle/dorm with no twins that is why I need the fitting colors for. My color shades tend to transmute into #INA and with you we'll make a great blend!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:48

Hello, I'm #IRISH! I own a blank coloring book that needs to be colored immediately, but I cannot do so with my own color. There are some spots where much brighter colors are needed! Thus, I'm looking for BOYS and GIRLS 04-07 liners. It's the shape of a paguy that is why I need the fitting colors for. My color shades tend to transmute into #BIL and with you we'll make a great blend!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:47

Hello, I'm #IRISH! I own a blank coloring book that needs to be colored immediately, but I cannot do so with my own color. There are some spots where much brighter colors are needed! Thus, I'm looking for people within the liners of 1995-2006. It's the shape of Famguy that is why I need the fitting colors for. My color #BIL and with you we'll make a great blend!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:46

Hello, I'm #IRISH! I own a blank coloring book that needs to be colored immediately, but I cannot do so with my own color. There are some spots where much brighter colors are needed! Thus, I'm looking for someone who's use He Xinlong from BOYSTORY. It's the shape of a paguy that is why I need the fitting colors for. My color shades tend to transmute into #BIL and with you we'll make a great blend!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:46

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a circle or paguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #INA as my shade has been around since 2000 with a softer tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:46

Aloha! It's #GREEN speaking. I have numerous shades to offer and I'm curious about what shapes I can fill in whether it's a Paguy or Famguy. Amongst all my different hues, I transmute into #BIL as my shade has been around since 1988 with a darker tint. It's been a while since I painted a color, so it would be great to give a little hint of my color in something you wish to create!

PAGUYFESS. #ColorFunDay!

24 Nov, 08:44

Hello, I'm #IRISH! I own a blank coloring book that needs to be colored immediately, but I cannot do so with my own color. There are some spots where much brighter colors are needed! Thus, I'm looking for ALL WATANABE HARUTO POTRAYERS. It's the shape of a circle that is why I need the fitting colors for. My color shades tend to transmute into #BIL and with you we'll make a great blend!





