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Welcome to the 🥇🎖🏅ارگ2023🎹 Telegram channel, also known as @orrg2018! This channel is dedicated to sharing the best and newest sets of Kurdish, Turkish, Persian, Azerbaijani, Arabic, and organ music themes. If you are a fan of these genres and enjoy listening to a variety of music, this channel is perfect for you. You can find and listen to a wide selection of songs and music themes in different languages and styles.
Do you want to share your own music with the channel? Simply send your songs to the channel's admin at @mobin7432. Remember, advertising is not allowed on this channel, and only music related content is shared. You can even request a song from a movie and have it uploaded under your name.
Whether you are a music enthusiast, a musician, or simply someone who enjoys listening to different music styles, the 🥇🎖🏅ارگ2023🎹 channel has something for everyone. Stay tuned for the latest updates and enjoy the wonderful world of music right at your fingertips. Download the Organ Android Daut 4.2 app and enhance your music experience today!
04 Dec, 11:52
30 Nov, 21:41
25 Oct, 23:22
28 Aug, 20:35
12 Jul, 09:09