أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة Ophthalmology على Telegram
12 Feb, 09:59
Correct Answer - A A i.e Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
03 Feb, 02:26
Correct Answer - B B i.e. Concussion injury
23 Jan, 09:15
Correct Answer - B B i.e. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
Central retinal artery occlusion characteristically presents with sudden painless loss of vision, cherry red spot & cattle-truck appearanceQ (of retinal veins usually).
Source of emboli from carotid artery & heart disease, and thrombus from arteriosclerosis along with hypertension & arteritis are predisposing factors.
09 Dec, 10:26
Correct Answer - D Ans. is 'd' i.e., All the above
It is a form of anterior and intermediate uveitis.
The condition is usually unilateral and chronic in nature and is characterized by a chronic non-granulomatous uveitis and eventually results in iris heterochromia (a change in the colour of iris).
The disease has following characteristic features : i) Heterochromia of iris ii) Diffuse stromal iris atrophy iii) Fine KPs at back of cornea iv) Faint aqueous flare v) Absence of posterior synechiae vi) A fairly common rubeosis iridis, sometimes associated with neovascularisation of the angle of anterior chamber. vii) Comparatively early development of complicated cataract and secondary glaucoma (usually open angle type). Glaucoma has been reported in 10-59% of cases.
Treatment Fuch's heterchromic uveitis responds variable to steroids and cycloplegics.
The complications of long term use of these drugs may at times outweigh their potential benefits.
Therefore, treatment withtopical steroids is given to iritis which is sufficiently active to require the treatment, otherwise the patient is routinely followed without giving any treatment.
Cataract responds well to most forms of intraocular surgeries, including the standard IOL implantation.
Hyphemia may occur because of rubeosis iridis (neovascularization of iris).
Glaucoma control may be somewhat more problematic, with surgical options indicated for later forms of disease
19 Nov, 23:01
Correct Answer - D Ans. D: Anterior dislocation of the lens
Factors responsible for hypermetropia:
Short axial length of the eyeball
Curvature hypermetropia commonly occurs as a factor in astigmatism (corneal plana)
Index hypermetropia accounts for the hypermetropia of old age due to increased refractive index of the cortex of the lens relative to the nucleus so that overall refractive power of the lens decreases.
It may be associated with diabetes, tumors, microphthalmia (a growth dysfunction during fetus development) and fovea hypoplasia, a condition that affects the blood vessels in the retina. While these conditions may result in hypermetropia, one of the most commonly cited causes of farsightedness is considered to be aging.