♦️ Measures of disease frequency
♦️ Measurements of mortality
♦️ Preventive medicine
♦️ Health system in Sudan
♦️ Public health care
♦️ Program management
♦️ Epidemiology triad
♦️ Epidemiology of non-communicable diseases
♦️ Epidemiology Rapid nutrition assessment
♦️ Surveillance
♦️ Malaria
♦️ Measles
♦️ Leprosy
♦️ Tuberculosis (TB)
♦️ Family Medicine introduction & principals
♦️ Levels of prevention
♦️ Lifestyle in prevention of disease
♦️ Referral system
♦️ Screening and cancer screening
♦️ Antenatal and postnatal Care
♦️ Smoking cessation
♦️ Counseling
♦️ Care across life
♦️ Consultation skills