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Хуевая Одесса | ППО INFO | monitor ЗСУ is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing the latest information and updates about the city of Odessa in Ukraine. With a unique approach to news and content, this channel aims to keep its subscribers informed and engaged with all the happenings in and around Odessa. From local events and cultural news to political developments and community initiatives, odesa_info1 covers it all. The channel also features a section called 'monitor ЗСУ', which focuses on monitoring the activities and updates related to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. If you are looking to stay connected with the pulse of Odessa and want to be in the know about everything that's happening in this vibrant city, odesa_info1 is the channel to follow. With regular updates and insightful commentary, this channel serves as a one-stop destination for all things Odessa. Join odesa_info1 on Telegram today and experience the essence of this beautiful Ukrainian city through a new lens. Stay informed, stay engaged, and stay connected with Хуевая Одесса | ППО INFO | monitor ЗСУ.
13 Feb, 16:14
12 Feb, 20:24
10 Feb, 16:59
05 Feb, 23:21
31 Jan, 19:18
31 Jan, 17:59
30 Jan, 23:21
29 Jan, 00:17
28 Jan, 23:57
22 Jan, 19:37
21 Jan, 20:00
16 Jan, 21:58
28 Dec, 20:05
24 Dec, 13:50
13 Dec, 09:54
11 Dec, 21:19
05 Dec, 23:05
27 Nov, 16:49
26 Nov, 10:17
18 Aug, 14:53
10 Aug, 11:10
09 Aug, 19:28
08 Aug, 15:23
19 Jul, 07:47
11 Jul, 05:42
08 Jul, 08:17
05 Jul, 05:02
25 Jun, 07:45
20 Jun, 16:29
10 Jun, 16:07
10 Jun, 09:42
10 Jun, 09:29
09 Jun, 15:24
09 Jun, 15:07
08 Jun, 11:06
08 Jun, 10:48