Последние посты Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN) (@numafjobvacancy) в Telegram

Посты канала Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)
"Patience is a key for everything"

#Our mission is, serving generation Freely
#For any supports you can communicate via personal telegram👇

"Willing to serve is our slogan"
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Последний контент, опубликованный в Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN) на Telegram

Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

09 Dec, 15:59


External Vacancy Announcement

1. Branch Manager
2. Manager, Banking Operation Management- I
3. Senior Customer Service Officer, Cash - I
4. Internal Controller
5. Customer Service officer
6. Senior Credit Analysis & Appraisal Officer -II
7. Senior Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer -II
8. Compliance Management Officer
9. Junior Secretary
10. Mechanic
11. Driver -I

#Siinqee_Bank #Baankii_Siinqee    #ሲንቄ_ባንክ
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

08 Dec, 13:00


🆕Vacancy@Abbahawa Trading PLC
▪️Job Position 1 - System Assistant
▪️Job Position 2 - Promoter
▪️Job Position 3 - Area Sales Supervisor
▪️Job Position 4 - Distribution Coordinator
▪️Job Position 5 - Graphic Designer
▪️Job Position 6 - Research & Innovation Division Head
▪️Job Position 7 - Branding & Promotion Manager
🔎Find More Details here

Deadline: December 21/ 2024
#️⃣Join below Telegram channel to get latest job vacancy👇
☑️Itti fayyadamaa, waliif qoodaa!!
☑️Use and share it to your friends!!
#️⃣BHN, always wish you all the best!!
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

05 Dec, 13:54


External Vacancy Announcement
The Cooperative Bank of Oromia (Coopbank) is a prominent financial institution in Ethiopia, established to provide banking services that cater specifically to the needs of its members and the broader community. Founded in 2004, Coopbank operates under the principles of cooperative banking, which emphasizes mutual assistance and community development. The bank has positioned itself as a key player in promoting economic growth and social welfare across the country.
Coopbank’s mission is to empower communities through financial inclusion, sustainable development, and innovative banking solutions. The bank envisions a future where all members of society have access to financial resources that enable them to improve their livelihoods and contribute positively to their communities. This aligns with its purpose: “Empowering Community Transforming Lives!”
To strengthen its work units, the bank is seeking qualified, motivated, and skilled applicants who fulfill the following requirements to fill its vacant positions.
Use the below links to apply the vacancies.

1. Job title: Manager Operation Management I
Job Location: Under Mekelle District
🔗Registration Links:
For Mehoni Branch: https://career55.sapsf.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=3277&company=cooperat05
For Lachi Branch: https://career55.sapsf.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=3278&company=cooperat05
For Edage Hamus Branch: https://career55.sapsf.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=3279&company=cooperat05
For Enticho Branch: https://career55.sapsf.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=3280&company=cooperat05

2. Job title: Collateral Valuator
Job Location: Mekelle District Office

🔗 Registration link: https://career55.sapsf.eu/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=3524&company=cooperat05

Interested applicants should submit their education credential and relevant work experience through the below link. The document should be PDF format and each file size shall not exceed 1MB.
• Remuneration: As per the bank’s salary and benefits structure.
• Closing date: 5 working days from the date of the announcement.
• Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
• Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
• Application deadline: December 10, 2024.
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

04 Dec, 11:20


🆕Vacancy@Africa Insurance Company (S.C.)
▪️Job Position 1 - Administrative Assistant-II
▪️Job Position 2- Risk & Compliance Management Officer -III
▪️Job Position 3 - Planning and Research Officer -III
▪️Job Position 4 - Risk & Compliance Management Officer -III
▪️Job Position 5 - Marketing and Product Development Supervisor
▪️Job Position 6 - Branch  Manager I
🔎Find More Details here

Deadline: December 06/24

Deadline: December 06/24
#️⃣Join below Telegram channel to get latest job vacancy👇
☑️Itti fayyadamaa, waliif qoodaa!!
☑️Use and share it to your friends!!
#️⃣BHN, always wish you all the best!!
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

04 Dec, 04:58


🆕Vacancy@Nile Insurance Company S.C
▪️Job Position 1- Accountant
▪️Job Position 2 - Senior Accountant
▪️Job Position 3 - Investment and Management Accounts Unit Head
🔎Find More Details here

Deadline: December 06/24

#️⃣Join below Telegram channel to get latest job vacancy👇
☑️Itti fayyadamaa, waliif qoodaa!!
☑️Use and share it to your friends!!
#️⃣BHN, always wish you all the best!!
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

03 Dec, 09:38


🆕Vacancy@Cooperative Bank of Oromia (Coopbank)
▪️Job Position 1 -  Principal Information Security Risk and Compliance Analyst
▪️Job Position 2 -  Principal Information Security Engineer
▪️Job Position 3 -  Principal Information Security Analyst
▪️Job Position 4 -  Senior Information Security Risk and Compliance Analyst
🔎Find More Details here

Deadline: December 07/24

#️⃣Join below Telegram channel to get latest job vacancy👇
☑️Itti fayyadamaa, waliif qoodaa!!
☑️Use and share it to your friends!!
#️⃣BHN, always wish you all the best!!
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

26 Nov, 15:15


Call for Written Exam

#Siinqee_Bank    #Baankii_Siinqee    #ሲንቄ_ባንክ
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

26 Nov, 13:17


🆕Vacancy@Safaricom Ethiopia
▪️Job Position 1- Specialist: Data Analyst
▪️Job Position 2 - Specialist: Business Intelligence (Power BI)
▪️Job Position 3 - Specialist Data Engineer (Big Data)
▪️Job Position 4 - Specialist – Enterprise Integration
▪️Job Position 5 - Specialist – Devops Engineer
▪️Job Position 6 - Digital Channels Backend Developer
▪️Job Position 7 - DevOps Engineer (Big Data)
▪️Job Position 8 - Data Analytics Developer – CVM
🔎Find More Details here

Deadline: Different

#️⃣Join below Telegram channel to get latest job vacancy👇
☑️Itti fayyadamaa, waliif qoodaa!!
☑️Use and share it to your friends!!
#️⃣BHN, always wish you all the best!!
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

19 Nov, 09:15


🆕Vacancy@Siket Bank SC
▪️Job Position 1 - Senior Interest Free Banking Officer
▪️Job Position 2 - Interest Free Banking Officer
▪️Job Position 3 - KYC Officer
▪️Job Position 4 - Attorney
▪️Job Position 5 - Senior Reconciliation and Settlement Officer
▪️Job Position 6 - Senior Cash Consignment Officer
▪️Job Position 7 - Cash Consignment Officer
▪️Job Position 8 - Legal Clerk
🔎Find More Details here

Deadline: November 25/ 2024

#️⃣Join below Telegram channel to get latest job vacancy👇
☑️Itti fayyadamaa, waliif qoodaa!!
☑️Use and share it to your friends!!
#️⃣BHN, always wish you all the best!!
Beeksisa Hojii Numaaf( BHN)

11 Nov, 09:44


🆕Vacancy@Development Bank of Ethiopia
#For Fresh Graduates
▪️Job Position 1 - Trainee Civil Engineer
▪️Job Position 2 - Trainee Mechanical Engineer
▪️Job Position 3 - Trainee Information Technology Officer
▪️Job Position 3 - Trainee Information Technology Officer
▪️Job Position 5 - Trainee Attorney/ Legal Trainee
▪️Job Position 6 - Trainee Agricultural Engineer
🔎Find More Details here

Deadline: November 15/24

#️⃣Join below Telegram channel to get latest job vacancy👇
☑️Itti fayyadamaa, waliif qoodaa!!
☑️Use and share it to your friends!!
#️⃣BHN, always wish you all the best!!