Welcome to the '9 September' Telegram channel, where history comes alive every day. If you have a passion for historical events and important dates in the past, this is the perfect place for you. Our channel, managed by the username @npaoe, is dedicated to sharing interesting facts, significant events, and milestones that have taken place on the 9th of September throughout history. From key battles to groundbreaking discoveries, our curated content will keep you engaged and informed. Who is it? It is a channel that caters to history enthusiasts who want to expand their knowledge and learn more about the significance of this specific date. What is it? It is a platform where you can delve into the past and uncover the rich tapestry of events that have shaped our world. Join us at t.me/itnbo and embark on a journey through time with '9 September'.
08 Jan, 17:05
03 Jan, 20:56
29 Dec, 16:37
24 Dec, 19:40
24 Dec, 17:51
23 Dec, 19:51
22 Dec, 20:31
18 Dec, 17:20
14 Dec, 21:22
11 Dec, 16:45
25 Nov, 21:08
20 Nov, 16:09
19 Nov, 13:19
15 Nov, 02:32
14 Nov, 20:38
06 Nov, 20:24
04 Nov, 15:55
02 Nov, 23:38
30 Oct, 17:00
23 Oct, 19:05
22 Oct, 21:28
16 Oct, 06:44
14 Oct, 21:58