Srila Bodhayan Maharaj: Guru Maharaj's behavior. Guru Maharaj, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaj. His behavior is the absolute example of a Vaishnava. Of a Vaishnava's nature, there are four main qualities. First quality is humility. His humility was excellent. No one can compare with him. He is an example of humility. For that reason other Vaishnava were attracted to him. It would always be a nice connection. And then his tolerance. Amongst the Vaishnavas communities, societies, there are so many problems. But he was not one of these problems; he never engaged in discord. He was always in his mood, his divine mood. He felt it this tolerance. He never criticized any soul, no one at all. I never heard any criticism to others. Instead of criticism his nature was to glorify. He made a habit of glorifying the devotees. Here, I can give one example of his nature. Once Madhava Maharaj -- Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Maharaj, my Guru Maharaj, and group of devotees from Caitanya Gaudiya Math, went to Jagannath Temple and made big sankirtan in front of Jagannath. Guru Maharaj was leading this kirtan: Jaya Jaya Jagahhatha, Sri Sacinandana. Tribhubana kore Yanre charana vandan, like this. At that time one thief, one pickpocket put his hand in a small bag of Gurudeva's. Actually Guru Maharaj used to take this bag if someone gave pranami (donation). So, one pickpocket put his hand for taking that amount of money from him. But he did not care for all that. One disciple of Madhava Maharaj, at that time he was a brahmachari, now his name is Bhakti Prasad Puri Maharaj, he caught this pickpocket's hand and saying with shouting: "Maharaj, pakarlia pakarlia". It means, "I catch him, catch that pickpocket!" Then Maharaj was telling him: "Hey now! Why do you break my mood? Forget about money, give him the money". But this mood is not common, it will not commonly appear again. This kind of mood was there, then instead of that he was glorifying the thief, instead of threatening him, he was glorifying. "He needed money, so because of that reason he came here to take the money from us. So, what's the harm?" This was His mood. So, that is why each Vaishnava, each person had no conflict with him. We cannot think of all that. After his departure, when we brought his transcendental body from Jagannath Puri to Mayapur, at that time more than five thousand people came to see His body. All Acharyas from ISKCON and from different Gaudiya Maths, who were near around Mayapur, everybody came to see him, with groups of their disciples. It was the 22nd of November 1999. There's small piece of land. Actually our Math is too small. Can you imagine this, in this way can you think? No one, no one can, no one has any kind of conflictions with him. Since his joining, he always kept connection with so many Vaishnavas. I even saw those whom we are calling sahajiyas babaji. They also used to come, to visit and see Gurudev. Even Lalita Prasad Thakur, Prabhupada's brother, his disciples also like to keep his photo in their temple, still. After his departure they called me to their temple to arrange a festival. They wanted to make festivals in my presence. So, I went there with a group of devotees and I was there the whole night and day, the 24 hours performing Harinam Sankirtan. From 6 o'clock in the morning until next 6 o'clock in the next morning. Harinam Sankirtan, then nagar sankirtan, then a big feast with speeches about the glories of our Gurudev. But they are sahajiya! Everyone could see the qualities of Srila Gurudeva. So, you can imagine this, his divine nature. The nature of a Vaishnava is ajata satraba. Ajata satraba --- means who has no enemy. He is absolute free from enemies. Everybody was happy to know him. Absolutely he was an example of that nature. So, in this way he was honored by all Vaishnava communities.