Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु @nitaibhikshu Channel on Telegram

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु


Begging for the mercy of Srila Nitaipreshthji Gurudeva and Sri Nityananda Ram. ~निताइ-भिक्षु das

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु (Hindi)

निताइ-भिक्षु नामक चैनल में हम सभी श्रील निताइप्रेष्ठजी गुरुदेव और श्री नित्यानंद राम के अनुग्रह के लिए भिक्षाभाव में आगे बढ़ रहे हैं। यह चैनल निताइ-भिक्षु das जी के अनुभवों को सहेजने और साझा करने का एक स्थान है। निताइ-भिक्षु द्वारा साझा की जाने वाली अंबरल जानकारी और अनुभव से यह चैनल आपको मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक उत्थान में मदद करेगा। निताइ-भिक्षु das जी के साथ जुड़कर, आप उनकी गहरी ध्यानभूमि में से गुज़रेंगे और देवों के अच्छे अनुभवों का एहसास करेंगे। यदि आप भी चाहते हैं कि आपका मन शांत और संतुलित रहे, तो निताइ-भिक्षु चैनल जॉइन करें और निताइप्रेष्ठजी गुरुदेव और श्री नित्यानंद राम के प्रति अपना समर्पण प्रकट करें। यह चैनल आपके जीवन में एक नया रोशनी का स्रोत बन सकता है और आपको अध्यात्मिक उत्थान में मदद कर सकता है।

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

10 Jan, 07:43

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

08 Jan, 18:46

One time I suggested something to Srila Gurudev about our future generations who are all His grandchildren and great grand etc. I suggested that we become a ritvik movement and submit all prospects to Srila Gurudev Nitaipreshthji.

Gurudev's response was not in favor of this but His explanation of why is so heartwarming and humble.

Gurudev said that it is offensive to the future Acharyas to come if we consider the end of the Parampara is with our Srila Gurudev alone.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

07 Jan, 16:57

Apply me and mine spiritually rather than in the material sense that we are accustomed to thinking in.

We should all feel Vatsalya / Dasya for Srila Nitaipreshthji because He is Our Gurudev. When I think of Him I think He is mine to serve in any possible way, but the stress is put on the word mine.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

30 Dec, 20:07

Daily I have been thinking how fortunate I am. Srila Gurudev is my ever well wisher and real friend and Father. With Him I am completely secure.

Our Srila Prabhupada came to New York for me! (Not to sound puffed up) He personally came for all of us Western devotees. Without Him we would never know Krishna, what to speak of Sri Sri Gour Nityananda.

This type of Kripa has never been given before. Our Guru Maharaj is the embodiment of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Param Gurudev Bhaktishastri Parampada Mahashay. We have such a great facility to successfully perform bhajan in this very life by being given such a wonderful and secure shelter in Srila Gurudev.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

08 Dec, 23:19

Happy Gita Jayanti!

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

08 Dec, 23:18

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

07 Dec, 15:52

Mantra Guru Parampara In Gaudiya Math- B. S. Govind Maharaj : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

07 Dec, 15:15

Stream Offering to Grandfather: Srila Bhaktishastri Parampada das Mahashay by Nitai-Bhikshu das | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

07 Dec, 13:47

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

07 Dec, 13:32

Srila Gurudev glorifying Srila Param Gurudev and Srila Prabhupada

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

01 Dec, 04:52

Having the shelter of Srila Nitaipreshthji is the greatest and safest position anyone could ever aspire to be in.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

26 Nov, 21:33

All glories to our spiritual father Srila Gurudev Nitaipreshthji

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

26 Nov, 21:32

While initiating Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Gaura Kishora das babaji used the divine Ganga sand rather than a traditional japa mala. This unconventional bhagavata-marga initiation is well-documented and reflects his renounced, intensely spiritual nature, and his sole focus on the essence of devotion which is smarana or dhyana through all bhakti practices rather than the external formalities of the practices. Neophyte believers of only the pancharatriki marga foolishly reject this initiation because they don't have the full sukriti of understanding the bhagavata-marga which considers only the inner core substance of bhakti which is the devotional consciousness in everything one does. His only photo also shows him very deep in meditation. He was a top dhyananandi or bhajananandi nityasiddha associate of the Lord. He used to say that every day is the day for staying absorbed in smarana. The duty of the soul is to celebrate a tithi holy day simply by deep smarana and do the same for normal days too. There is no need of any elaborate rituals or special sadhana, if you remain absorbed in smarana you celebrate the tithi and please the tithi personality in the topmost way and you make everyday into a tithi too by constant smarana. Same for Vamshidas babaji.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

26 Nov, 19:42

Prabhupada on Roopa Dhyana vs Kirtana

While he establishes the superiority of kirtana over fruitive or impersonal dhyana to become one with the absolute, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada does accept the consideration that roopa dhyana can be considered a more intimate expression of divine love than kirtana quoting Pippalayana and that such dhyana and kirtana nourish each other:

"However, Vaiṣṇavas like Pippalāyana have declared smaraṇa (remembrance) to be a more intimate expression of divine love than kīrtana. This statement holds profound significance. Here, smaraṇa or dhyāna does not refer to the mechanical recitation of mantras or the meditation practiced by those seeking material enjoyment or impersonal liberation (sāyujya-mokṣa). Rather, it signifies the complete manifestation of the Lord's eternal, transcendental form within the heart (roopa dhyana). True smaraṇa is the matured state of divine remembrance, where the eternal vision of Bhagavān as the embodiment of sac-cid-ānanda form becomes firmly established in the devotee's consciousness."

"In this elevated state, the devotee remains ever aware of their eternal identity: "I am the eternal servant of the Lord." Through such perfected dhyāna, the sensory faculties—such as speech, vision, and touch—merge seamlessly with the heart’s meditative absorption in the Lord. This state of remembrance enhances the sweetness of kīrtana manifold, as dhyāna and kīrtana become inseparably intertwined, complementing and nourishing each other."

(SBSSTP in Weekly Gaudīya Patrīka 5th Volume, Issue 4 from Bengali)

Srila Prabhupada never says that any kind of voluntary loving effort to meditate on the divine form is speculative or imaginary dhyana. SB, CB, HNC, etc. clearly mention that an effort should be made to imagine the form.


There is no mention of shravan/kirtan/japa in the below two verses from SB & CB, they only talk of trying to imagine the divine form of the Lord in one's heart which is an independent form among the nine kinds of bhakti known as smarana, just like shravana and kirtana are independent forms of bhakti on their own.

yad-yad-dhiyā ta
urugāya vibhāvayanti
tat-tad-vapuḥ praṇayase
(SB 3.9.11)

Brahma Prayed to the Lord, “That That (yad yad) Divine Forms of Yours which your devotees try to IMAGINE (VIBHAVAYANTI) constantly and repeatedly over prolonged periods of time, those (tad) those (tad) specific Forms spontaneously appear in their hearts and become alive and MANIFESTED (PRANAYASE) only by Your causeless mercy (sad-anugrahaya).”

yad-yad-dhiyā = their hearts
urugāya vibhāvayanti = repeatedly trying to imagine or visualize those Forms of Yours
tad-tad = those specific
vapuḥ =Forms
praṇayase = spontaneously manifest in their hearts
sad-anugrahāya = by Your causeless mercy

Chaitanya Bhāgavata, Madhya-khaṇḍa 23.512:

je khāne je-rūpa
bhakta-gaṇe kare DHYĀN
sei rūpe sei khāne
prabhu vidyamān

je = in whichever
khāne = place
je = and in whatever
rūpa = form
bhakta-gaṇe = the devotees
kare = practice
DHYĀN = His Dhyan (meditation)
sei = in that very
rūpe = form
sei = and in that very
khāne = place
prabhu = the Lord
vidyamān = instantly manifests Himself

"In whichever place and in whatever form, the devotees practice His DHYĀN, in that very form and in that very place, the Lord manifests Himself without any delay."

Haridasa Thakura states in Harinam Chintamani 15.43 to Lord Gauranga and Srila Bhaktivinoda explains it in his commentary:

shyamsundarera rupa DHYANA KARIBENA

”MAKE AN EFFORT TO MEDITATE on the form of Shyamsundara.”

Dhyana karibena means try to do the dhyana on the form as described in the scriptures even if the form is not arising, so it can't be speculative dhyana as the form being imagined is based on the scriptures and such a voluntary effort to imagine the divine form in pure smarana is expressly recommended.

Nrisinghananda was not doing kirtana/japa/shravan when he was making the road for Gaura in pure dhyan but Gaura accepted it.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

18 Nov, 21:41

HDG Srila Bhakti Kumud Santa Goswami Maharaja singing for his dear Godbrother HDG Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswami Maharaja

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

17 Nov, 18:09

Never think that the prayers of a Sadhu are just words. Lord Advaita Acharyadev brought Lord Krishna and Baladevji simply with Tulasi, Ganga Jal, and sincere cries.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

14 Nov, 17:11

Nitai Bhakts are free from politics

Being a disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Gurudev Nitaipreshthji puts us in a wonderful situation for many reasons but one reason is sticking out to me especially on days like today.

We the sisyas of Srila Gurudev are free from politics and are only concerned with the good qualities of the Vaishnavas from the various Bhaktivinod Dhara sangas.

Unlike the other Vaishnavas who have many Uncles, our Param Gurudev Srila Bhaktishastri Parampada Mahashay only initiated our Gurudev and one married couple that we have lost track of. So in this way, we have no Uncles, Aunts, or cousins. Although this may sound sad, it puts us in such a position that we are aloof from all internal or external arguments. Ironically this was also the mood of our Param Gurudev as He never wanted much disturbance in his smaran and bhajan.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

14 Nov, 16:39

[The following is excerpted from a 20 May 2001 interview by Gourapriya Das (RVN) and translated by Anuradha Dasi]
RVN: Sripad Bodhayan Maharaj, please tell the readers of this Internet interview about who you are and how you came to Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math. Tell us about the establishment of the Math. When was it founded? Tell about yourself personally, please.
Srila Bodhayan Maharaj: (Maharaj laughs) I was born in a Vaishnava family. My grandfather, Madan Mohan Prabhu was a disciple of Prabhupada Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati Goswami Thakur. By his inspiration everyone in our whole family are Vaishnavas and all are disciples of our Spiritual Master, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaj. Also by my grandfather's inspiration, my whole family has the mentality of Vaishnavas and thus I became a servant of Srimad Mahaprabhu. I am not a Vaishnava yet, I am trying to be a Vaishnava. Officially I took initiation from Guru Maharaj on January 21, 1986. It was Putrada Ekadasi. Unofficially, I had a connection with him (Srila Gurudeva) since my childhood. I took birth in 1964. So between 1964 and 1986, that means, how long? When I was 21 years old, at that time, I took the first initiation from him. When I took initiation he had no established Math. He had no buildings. He later gave initiation to my whole family, in our house (Purba-Ashram). At that time there was no question of staying in Math. The family was inspired to approach him to keep one place for Vaishnava practices, so after his inevitable departure we could continue to gather with others. Following repeated requests, he agreed. He gave us permission to open a centre, a small place in Mayapur, but only for bhajan. It was 1987 when we purchased that small piece of land, and thus our Math was situated and now stands. There is a history behind Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math name. Guru Maharaja's personal deities, Radha-Gopinath, ultimate need (prayajana tattva). For that reason, he kept this name. He had a personal temple, which was given by the Bengali King of the Burdwan District at Burdwan, Kalna. Previously the King had named the temple Ananta Vasudev Temple. But when he got the temple, Gurudeva immediately re-named it Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math. After that he saw there was not enough facility for his preaching to follow in the footprints of his beloved Srila Bhaktissidhanta Sarasvati Goswami Thakur. He left that Temple and gave the responsibility to his youngest brother, Nani Gopal Chakravarti. So, that first temple once again became Ananta Vasudev Temple and Gopinath Gaudiya Math had no home. Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math official start came in 1987, when we purchased the Mayapur land. And in 1989 we built one small building there. Guru Maharaj gradually started to spend time there. Actually not gradually, but frequently he did bhajan there. Often people would come to take darshan. Guru Maharaj was feeling that the Deities of Sri Radha-Gopinath should be established and served there. By the desire of Srila Guru Maharaj and the devotees, Sri Radha-Gopinath appeared on May 7, 1990. After the Deities appeared Srila Guru Maharaj made a habit of remaining with Them there and started to make arrangements for the facilities as they presently appear. Also on that same day, due to certain circumstances, Guru Maharaj asked me to remain with him. That's when I thought of coming into the Math. He told me that an auspicious date was approaching, May 28, 1990, and that should be the day to join him. I followed his advice and I have been here ever since.
RVN: In a few words, please tell us about Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Maharaj. Who is he? Whose disciple is he? Tell us of his merits and accomplishments. Tell us about his relations with other Vaishnavas. Please introduce us to your Guru Maharaj.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

14 Nov, 16:39

Srila Bodhayan Maharaj: Guru Maharaj's behavior. Guru Maharaj, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaj. His behavior is the absolute example of a Vaishnava. Of a Vaishnava's nature, there are four main qualities. First quality is humility. His humility was excellent. No one can compare with him. He is an example of humility. For that reason other Vaishnava were attracted to him. It would always be a nice connection. And then his tolerance. Amongst the Vaishnavas communities, societies, there are so many problems. But he was not one of these problems; he never engaged in discord. He was always in his mood, his divine mood. He felt it this tolerance. He never criticized any soul, no one at all. I never heard any criticism to others. Instead of criticism his nature was to glorify. He made a habit of glorifying the devotees. Here, I can give one example of his nature. Once Madhava Maharaj -- Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Maharaj, my Guru Maharaj, and group of devotees from Caitanya Gaudiya Math, went to Jagannath Temple and made big sankirtan in front of Jagannath. Guru Maharaj was leading this kirtanJaya Jaya Jagahhatha, Sri Sacinandana. Tribhubana kore Yanre charana vandan, like this. At that time one thief, one pickpocket put his hand in a small bag of Gurudeva's. Actually Guru Maharaj used to take this bag if someone gave pranami (donation). So, one pickpocket put his hand for taking that amount of money from him. But he did not care for all that. One disciple of Madhava Maharaj, at that time he was a brahmachari, now his name is Bhakti Prasad Puri Maharaj, he caught this pickpocket's hand and saying with shouting: "Maharaj, pakarlia pakarlia". It means, "I catch him, catch that pickpocket!" Then Maharaj was telling him: "Hey now! Why do you break my mood? Forget about money, give him the money". But this mood is not common, it will not commonly appear again. This kind of mood was there, then instead of that he was glorifying the thief, instead of threatening him, he was glorifying. "He needed money, so because of that reason he came here to take the money from us. So, what's the harm?" This was His mood. So, that is why each Vaishnava, each person had no conflict with him. We cannot think of all that. After his departure, when we brought his transcendental body from Jagannath Puri to Mayapur, at that time more than five thousand people came to see His body. All Acharyas from ISKCON and from different Gaudiya Maths, who were near around Mayapur, everybody came to see him, with groups of their disciples. It was the 22nd of November 1999. There's small piece of land. Actually our Math is too small. Can you imagine this, in this way can you think? No one, no one can, no one has any kind of conflictions with him. Since his joining, he always kept connection with so many Vaishnavas. I even saw those whom we are calling sahajiyas babaji. They also used to come, to visit and see Gurudev. Even Lalita Prasad Thakur, Prabhupada's brother, his disciples also like to keep his photo in their temple, still. After his departure they called me to their temple to arrange a festival. They wanted to make festivals in my presence. So, I went there with a group of devotees and I was there the whole night and day, the 24 hours performing Harinam Sankirtan. From 6 o'clock in the morning until next 6 o'clock in the next morning. Harinam Sankirtan, then nagar sankirtan, then a big feast with speeches about the glories of our Gurudev. But they are sahajiya! Everyone could see the qualities of Srila Gurudeva. So, you can imagine this, his divine nature. The nature of a Vaishnava is ajata satrabaAjata satraba --- means who has no enemy. He is absolute free from enemies. Everybody was happy to know him. Absolutely he was an example of that nature. So, in this way he was honored by all Vaishnava communities.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

13 Nov, 18:35

Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu can facilitate all Rasas & Lilas

The Lord is described as "GaurNarayan," "GaurNarasingha," "GaurKrishna," etc. For Sri Murari Guptaji, He is "GaurRam." So not only are the moods (rasas) all present within Caitanya Vaishnavism but also all of the pastimes (lilas) are also fully present within Gaur Lila Itself!

In this way, Gaur Lila is even more complete (purna) than even Krishna Lila!

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

10 Nov, 07:45

Today is my Vartma Pradarsaka Guru's Appearance Day. It is my request for all the Vaishnavas & Vaishnavis to continue to give Her Kripa so that She can remain in the service of Sri Guru & Gauranga. ❤️🙏

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

05 Nov, 22:53

All glories to MY (AMAR/MERE) GURUDEV!

Being His sisya is the greatest title I hold.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

04 Nov, 22:21

All glories to Srila Bhaktirakshak Sridhar Dev Goswamiji's successor, His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisundar Govindadev Maharaj

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

04 Nov, 22:19

Joy Srila Bhaktivedanta Vaman & Srila Bhaktivedanta Trivikram Maharajji!!

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

03 Nov, 14:29

We still have not forgotten You Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharyadev Maharajji!

The most merciful Acharya in the line of Srila Bhaktirakshak Sridhardev Goswami (Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math) ❤️

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

02 Nov, 22:58

Sculpted krishna from cowdung

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

24 Oct, 05:27

His Marriage and Social Life

It was at the age of fourteen or fifteen that Mahaprabhu was married to Lakshmi-priya, the daughter of Vallabhacharya, also of Nadia. By this time Nimai Pandit was considered one of the best scholars of Nadia, which was the renowned seat of nyaya philosophy and Sanskrit learning. What to speak of the Smarta (caste) pandits, the logicians were all afraid of confronting Him in literary discussion. Being a married man, He went to eastern Bengal by the banks of the Padma river for the acquirement of wealth. There He displayed His learning and obtained a good sum of money. It was at this time that He preached Vaishavism at intervals. After teaching Tapan Mishra the principles of Vaishnavism, He ordered him to go and live in Benares. During His residence in East Bengal, His wife Lakshmi-priya left this world from the effects of a snake bite. On returning home, He found His mother in a mourning state. He consoled her by speaking about the uncertainty of human affairs. It was at His mother’s request that He married Vishnupriya, the daughter of Raj pandit Sanatan Mishra.

Nimai’s comrades joined Him on His return from touring. He was now so renowned that He was considered to be the best pandit in Nadia. Keshava Mishra of Kashmir, who had called himself the Great Digvijayi, came to Nadia to debate with the pandits of that place. Afraid of the so-called conquering pandit, the professors of Nadia left their town on the pretense of another invitation. Keshava Mishra met Nimai at Barokona Ghat in Mayapur, and after a very short discussion he was defeated by the boy, and humiliation obliged him to decamp. Nimai Pandit was now the most important scholar of his time.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, Lord Chaitanya traveled to Gaya with a host of His students and there took His spiritual initiation from Ishvara Puri, a Vaishnava sannyasi and disciple of the renowned Madhavendra Puri. Upon His return to Nadia, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu began vigorous preaching of the Vaishnava principles. His divine nature became so strongly represented that Adwaita Prabhu, Srivas Pandit, and others, who had accepted the Vaishnava faith prior to the birth of Lord Chaitanya, were astonished at the change in the young man. He was no longer simply a contentious naiyaika, a wrangling smarta, or a criticizing rhetorician. He swooned upon hearing the name of Krishna and behaved as an inspired man under the influence of His divine sentiment. It was described by Murari Gupta, an eyewitness, that He showed His divine powers in the house of Srivas Pandit in the presence of hundreds of His followers who were mostly well- read scholars. It was at this time that He opened a nocturnal school of sankirtan (congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy names) in the compound of Srivas Pandit with His sincere followers. There He preached, sang, danced, and expressed all sorts of spiritual emotions. Nityananda Prabhu (an incarnation of Balaram, the first expansion of Krishna), who also was a preacher of Vaishnavism and had just completed His travels all over India, joined Him by that time. In fact, a host of pandit preachers of Vaishnavism, all sincere at heart, came and joined Him from different parts of Bengal. Nadia now became the regular seat of a host of Vaishnava acharyas (leaders) whose mission it was to spiritualize mankind with the highest influence of the Vaishnava creed.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

24 Oct, 05:23

His Early Pastimes

Another miraculous act has been related. A Brahmana on pilgrimage became a guest in the house of Jagannath Mishra. The Brahmana cooked his food and said his grace while meditating on Krishna. In the meantime, the lad came and ate up the cooked rice. The Brahmana, astonished at the lad’s act, cooked again at the request of Jagannath Mishra. The lad again ate up the cooked rice while the Brahmana was offering the rice to Krishna by meditation. The Brahmana was persuaded to cook for the third time. This time, all the residents of the house had fallen asleep and the lad showed Himself as Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he blessed the traveler. The Brahmana was then lost in ecstasy at the appearance of the object of his worship.

It has also been stated that two thieves stole away the lad from His father’s door, intending to steal His jewels, and giving Him sweets on the way. The lad exercised His illusory energy however, and directed the thieves back toward His own house. The thieves, for fear of detection, left the boy there and fled.

Another miraculous act has been described of the lad’s demanding and getting from Hiranya and Jagadish all the offerings they had collected for worshiping Krishna on the day of Ekadashi. When only four years of age, He sat on rejected cooking pots which were considered unholy by His mother. He explained to His mother that there was no question of holiness or unholiness regarding earthen pots thrown away after the cooking was over. These anecdotes relate to Lord Chaitanya’s tender age up to the fifth year.

In His eighth year, He was admitted into the school of Gangadas Pandit in Ganganagar close to the village of Mayapur. In two years He became well read in Sanskrit grammar and rhetoric. His readings after that were of the nature of personal study in His own house where He had found many important books belonging to His father, who was a scholar himself. It appears that He read the smriti (scriptures) in His own study and the nyaya (logic) also, in competition with His friends, who were then studying under the celebrated Pandit Raghunath Shiromani.

After His tenth year of age, Nimai became a learned scholar in grammar, rhetoric, the smriti and the nyaya. It was after this that His elder brother Vishvarupa left home and accepted the ashram (status) of sannyasi (ascetic). Though a very young boy, Nimai consoled His parents saying that He would serve them with a view to please God. Just after that, His father left this world. His mother was exceedingly aggrieved, and Lord Chaitanya, with His usual contented demeanor, consoled His widowed mother.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

24 Oct, 04:43

His Appearance

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born in Mayapur in the town of Nadia, just after sunset on the evening of the 23rd Phalguna 1407 Shakabda, corresponding to February 18th, 1486 of the Christian Era. The moon was eclipsed at the time of His birth, and the people of Nadia were then engaged, as usual on such occasions, in bathing in the Bhagirathi (Ganges River) with loud cheers of “Haribol!” His father, Jagannath Mishra, was a poor Brahmana (priest) of the Vedic order, and His mother Sachidevi was a woman of ideal character. Both descended from Brahmana families originally residing in Sylhet. Mahaprabhu was a beautiful child, and the ladies of the town came to present Him with gifts. His mother’s father, Pandit Nilambar Chakravarti, a renowned astrologer, foretold that the child would be a great personage in time, and he therefore gave Him the name Vishvambhar. The ladies of the neighborhood called Him Gaurahari because of His golden complexion, and His mother called Him Nimai because there was a neem tree near the place where He was born. The boy was very beautiful and everyone loved to see Him every day. As He grew up He became a mischievous and frolicsome lad. After His fifth year He was admitted into a school where He mastered the Bengali language in a very short time.

Most of Lord Chaitanya’s contemporary biographers have mentioned certain anecdotes regarding Him, which are simple records of His early miracles. It is said that when He was an infant in His mother’s arms, He wept continually, and when the neighboring ladies and His mother cried “Haribol,” He would stop. Thus there was a continuation of the utterance of “Haribol” in the house, foretelling the future mission of the Lord. It has also been stated that when His mother once gave Him sweets to eat, He ate clay instead of the food. When His mother asked for the reason, He stated that as every sweet was nothing but clay transformed, He could eat clay just as well. His mother, who was also the wife of a scholar, explained that every element in a particular state was adapted to a special use. Earth, while in the state of a jug, could be used as a water pot, but in the state of a brick such a use was not possible. Clay, therefore, in the form of sweets was usable as food and not clay in its other states. The lad was convinced and admitted His foolishness in eating the clay and agreed to avoid the mistake in the future.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

21 Oct, 19:48

*Mother Yasoda Churning Butter*

Yasodaji woke up at 4am and laying her son on the bed, she went downstairs and started churning yogurt. She started singing about the childhood pastimes of her son. The pot of yogurts sounded just like the rear of a mrdanga while churning. The bangles on her hands are making sweet sounds like kartalas.

Just imagine how beautiful she must be, being Krsna’s mother! She is wearing exquisite cloth, and the beads of perspiration emanating due to the churning look just like pearls. Her braid has loosened and flowers from the braid are slipping off. And she is immersed in singing Govinda Damodara Madhaveti...

9 October 199, Mathura

Hear the entire katha here:

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Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

16 Oct, 01:53

When Hanuman met Vibhishan at the residence of Ravana in Lanka, He asked Him how He, being a staunch devotee of Shri Rama, could live among all those demons. Vibhishan gave an example, that it is like the tounge being positioned between all the teeth. Appropriate caution is required at all times.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

09 Oct, 04:41

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

07 Oct, 21:07

Namah Om Gaurangapadaya Nitaipreshtaya Bhutale Srimate Bhaktiratna Sadhu iti Namine Ekachakra Nityalila Shabda Brahma Vitarine Sravana Bhakti Sara Lila Smarana Rasa Pradayine

All glories to You Guru Maharaj. I always think of You before touching my japa mala. You are the source of my energy and everyone else's. Simply You being Yourself surcharges us to do our sadhana to our best ability.

I'm this way i have seen how You are Uttam Adhikari. Your presence makes people take the names of God. I've seen

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

02 Oct, 08:20

Very rare Video of Srila Maharaj ji 🙏🙇🏻‍♂️

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

19 Sep, 22:35

Putana in her previous life saw the beautiful child Lord Vamana and desired to have Him to breastfeed. Because of this thought Lord Vamanadev granted that request in Krishna Lila.

In this way, Lord Vamanadev is also a Vatsalya deity.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

11 Sep, 04:53

The realization I have gotten after all this time being quiet is that worshipping Srila Gurudev (and other forms of Sri Guru, for example His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, Srila Gour Govinda Maharaj, Srila Bhaktivaibhav Puri Maharaj, etc.) is higher than worshipping Sri Sri Radha Krishna directly.

The reason for this is because within the heart of our Sri Guru rests Sri Sri Radha Krishna and the Guru Himself is a representative of Lord Nityananda Ram.

So in my chanting of Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, I envision Srila Gurudev's chest where Sri Sri Radha Krishna rest.

In my chanting of Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, I envision Srila Gurudev's Divine Feet, Face, and whole form.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

10 Sep, 13:25

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

06 Sep, 07:36

I've seen many times people become inimical towards their Gurudev and lose complete faith in bhakti altogether. This is because they couldn't stick out Mayadevi's attacks. Literally those were all "better" devotees than myself and still they were not allowed to stay as sisyas amongst their Gurudev. Their only fault was not holding on and trying to overlook whatever their mind was tricking them with. Had they waited out the attacks of Maya they would have seen the signs indicating that their Guru is SadGuru and the only Guru for them. But because of their taking their own mind's advice, they jumped off the boat and decided to swim across the Atlantic manually. We all know their fate.

I say that to emphasize my point that Srila Gurudev is always right. He is looking to help us in all ways possible to advance our relationship with Sri Gaur Radha Govindadev.

When Gurudev preached Nitai Gaur Nam, people thought He was fanatic. When Gurudev preached Nitai Vayulekhan they thought He went mad 😆. Now Gurudev is glorifying Lord Shambu heavily and they imagine He is Mayavadi. I mean you can't please people...but you can please your disciples!

Gurudev is the cause for any glimpses of Krishna that are fortunate enough to receive.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

23 Aug, 04:48

What I am saying all along but no one listens to me. The race for number of rounds is not good without quality. Those who are pushing unqualified apathetic neophytes to artificially chant a lot of quantity of rounds without telling them to focus on quality, especially on the most basic principle of spashtha, very precise, slow, steady, and blissful pronunciation first, may be leading others on the path of offensive chanting which may elongate one's stay in this material world for many more lives as offenses to Harinama, including varna vyavadhana, are the most difficult sins to remove in the entire material creation because they are spiritual sins.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

20 Aug, 01:52


Gurudev never said not to chant Gauranga and Nityananda on beads. He made us to focus on completing our prescribed Harinam and within Nitainam Akshar everything exists. So in this way, one who is doing Nitainam Vayulekhan is getting the benefit of chanting Nityananda Gauranga Nam.

HOWEVER, if Nitai Gaur Nam is available to a bhakt, why would they not indulge in chanting it? This is concentrated Harinam in a capsule that also makes one think it's too simple to actually work.

Let us take up this wonderful sadhana on an auspicious day like Sri Balaram Jayanti!

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

06 Aug, 21:19

I reread this from our Srila Prabhupada and was appreciating how concise this work is (only 48 verses) and correlating to the seasons of the year it is as well.

Realizations of a निताइ भिक्षु

06 Aug, 21:18