یه کانالی هست مال یکی از رفقاس که قراره قرعه کشی حجم بزرگی رو استارت بزنه
هرکسی خواست تو این قرعه کشی باشه کانال زیر سر بزنه
Are you interested in learning how to buy and sell NFTs? Look no further than our Telegram channel, nftdgm! We are dedicated to providing the best NFT collections and teaching you how to earn at least $4000 per month through trading. With 24-hour support, you can rest assured that you will have the guidance you need every step of the way. Join us today and let us help you navigate the world of NFTs and start making a profit. Follow @edmin_nfx for more information and updates. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a successful NFT trader!
11 Sep, 20:29
17 Dec, 19:01
17 Dec, 11:46
15 Dec, 09:54
15 Dec, 09:37
13 Dec, 14:36
12 Dec, 20:28
12 Dec, 17:54
12 Dec, 17:52
12 Dec, 17:42