3جی بی اتصالات انترنت به 99_افغانی ❤️
10جی بیMTN انترنت به 200_افغانی
7جی بی افغان بیسیم انترنت به 180افغانی ❤️
Welcome to نرخ اسعار دالر هرات خراسان Telegram channel, also known as @nerkhyabkhorasan! If you're looking for accurate and real-time exchange rates for the dollar in the Khorasan region, then this is the perfect channel for you. With the 💰نرخ یاب دقیق و لحظهای هرات 💯, you can stay updated on the latest exchange rates and make informed decisions about your financial transactions. Whether you are a business owner, traveler, or simply someone who wants to keep track of exchange rates, this channel provides valuable information that can help you get the best deals. Join @nerkhyabkhorasan today and start monitoring the dollar exchange rates in Khorasan with ease!
21 Nov, 18:59