Nekogram Test APKs @nekotestapks Channel on Telegram

Nekogram Test APKs


Official TEST APKs channel for Nekogram. APKs in this channel contain pre-release features, but might be unstable and buggy. Take your own risks to use it.

News channel: @NekoUpdates


Nekogram Test APKs (English)

Are you a fan of Nekogram and want to get access to the latest features before anyone else? Look no further! Welcome to the official TEST APKs channel for Nekogram, where you can find pre-release features to try out. The APKs in this channel may be unstable and buggy, so it's important to take your own risks when using them. By joining this channel, you'll have the opportunity to test new features and provide valuable feedback to help improve the app. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to experience what Nekogram has to offer!

Don't forget to also check out our news channel, @NekoUpdates, to stay informed about all the latest developments and announcements. Join us today and be part of the exciting world of Nekogram! Ready to test the waters? Click on the link below to join us: tg://nya

Nekogram Test APKs

08 Feb, 09:21

send the original file, as a streamable video (like what tdesktop does)

Nekogram Test APKs

27 Jan, 06:45

Nekogram Test APKs

30 Dec, 11:33

added 2K and 4K video quality options (

fixed bad performance in photo viewer(official issue), left is official, bars going above red line is bad

fixed issues with streaming

Nekogram Test APKs

29 Dec, 14:39

*Android 7.1 and lower isn't fully supported currently, may crash
fixed, re-download apk

Nekogram Test APKs

29 Dec, 13:55

watch videos in other apps without fully downloading them

Nekogram Test APKs

23 Dec, 02:22

ah, yes, Deleted Account is a popular app on Telegram

Nekogram Test APKs

08 Dec, 09:10

Nekogram Test APKs

02 Sep, 04:02

Telegram: a crypto firm with a sideline in messaging

Nekogram Test APKs

01 Jul, 08:22

Telegram is throttling upload and download requests server-side, non-premium users may have negative impact on speed with download boost enabled.

Nekogram Test APKs

01 Jan, 08:24

Nekogram Test APKs

26 Apr, 12:13

APKs in this channel contain pre-release features, but might be unstable and buggy. Take your own risks to use it.

There isn't any test version at the moment.

Nekogram Test APKs

04 May, 11:43

Channel created