Naviga_App Channel @naviga_app Channel on Telegram

Naviga_App Channel


Leading the decentralized digital marketing revolution.
Empowering everyone by connecting your goals & sharing success!
Bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3!

Naviga_App Channel (English)

Welcome to the Naviga_App Channel, your go-to destination for all things related to the decentralized digital marketing revolution! This channel, also known as @naviga_app, is at the forefront of empowering individuals by connecting their goals and sharing success stories. Naviga_App is dedicated to bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3, offering a seamless transition into the new era of digital marketing.

As a member of the Naviga_App Channel, you will have access to valuable insights, tips, and resources on how to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. Whether you are a seasoned marketer or just starting your journey, this channel is designed to cater to all levels of expertise.

By joining Naviga_App, you will be part of a community that values collaboration, innovation, and creativity. You will have the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and stay updated on the latest trends in the industry.

To stay connected with Naviga_App and take part in the decentralized digital marketing revolution, visit our website at You can also access additional resources and links through our Linktree profile:

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be part of a movement that is reshaping the future of digital marketing. Join the Naviga_App Channel today and embark on a journey towards success and empowerment!

Naviga_App Channel

22 Jan, 07:00

The app that rewards you for your time! Watch videos, participate in surveys, collect points, and then exchange them for real prizes and vouchers

Naviga_App Channel

19 Jan, 06:59

The app that rewards you for your time! Watch videos, participate in surveys, collect points, and then exchange them for real prizes and vouchers

Naviga_App Channel

27 Dec, 07:28

Now you can reach the right audience with a high engagement rate, try Naviga today!
الآن يمكنك الوصول إلى الجمهور المناسب بمعدل تفاعل مرتفع، جرب نافيغا اليوم!

Naviga_App Channel

22 Dec, 06:54

التطبيق الذي يُكافئك على وقتك! شاهد فيديوهات، وشارك في استطلاعات الرأي، واجمع النقاط، ثم استبدلها بقسائم و جوائز حقيقية.
الرابط في البايو
The app that rewards you for your time! Watch videos, participate in surveys, collect points, and then exchange them for real prizes and vouchers

Naviga_App Channel

18 Dec, 09:14

للمتحدثين باللغة العربية، يرجى متابعة القناة العربية كون هذه القناة هي للغة الانكليزية

Naviga_App Channel

11 Dec, 10:33

The app that rewards you for your time! Watch videos, participate in surveys, collect points, and then exchange them for real prizes and vouchers
Link in Bio

Naviga_App Channel

11 Dec, 07:36

Remember to add your email , to be able to help you in case you forgot your password

Naviga_App Channel

11 Dec, 07:35

Now you can see your username inside account, beside balance number

Naviga_App Channel

04 Dec, 07:01

Take charge of your social media advertising results and slash those extra fees! Naviga empowers you to do just that. Ready to level up?
Link in Bio

Naviga_App Channel

19 Nov, 07:39

الحوار جميل بين ادارة التطبيق والمستخدمين. انضموا لنا في قروب تلغرام العربي

Naviga_App Channel

18 Nov, 11:41

Now you can know where to find us and what you need to know!

Naviga_App Channel

18 Nov, 08:05

رابط القروب

Naviga_App Channel

14 Nov, 16:35

Stop wasting your time, watch videos, answer questions, collect points, exchange to vouchers and money. That simple!
توقف عن تضييع الوقت، شاهد فيديوهات، اجب عن الاسئلة، اجمع نقاط، استبدلها لقسائم ومبالغ مالية. بهذه البساطة!

Naviga_App Channel

07 Nov, 12:26

كيفية استخدام التطبيق ودعوة الأصدقاء
How to use the App and invite your friends

Naviga_App Channel

04 Nov, 16:50

أطلق حملاتك الإعلانية مع نافيجا!
وداعاً للتكاليف العالية والاستهداف غير الفعّال. مع نافيجا، يحصل المعلنون على الأدوات اللازمة للوصول إلى الجمهور المناسب وتحقيق أقصى تأثير - دون تكاليف باهظة. ابدأ حملتك اليوم واختبر استهدافاً دقيقاً ونتائج فعّالة بتكلفة مناسبة!
Launch Your Campaigns with Naviga!

Say goodbye to high costs and ineffective targeting. With Naviga, advertisers get the tools they need to reach the right audience and maximize impact—without breaking the bank. Start your campaign today and experience cost-effective, precise targeting and real results!

Naviga_App Channel

20 Oct, 15:09

Stop wasting your time, watch videos, answer questions, collect points, exchange to vouchers and money. That simple!
توقف عن تضييع الوقت، شاهد فيديوهات، اجب عن الاسئلة، اجمع نقاط، استبدلها لقسائم ومبالغ مالية. بهذه البساطة!