بدللك وبتطلع معو مشوار وبجبلك هدية وبتحكيه..
الأمان هو شخص بس يتخلى عنك كل شي حتى حالك
بتلاقيه جنبك موجود لأنك بأسوأ حالاتك..
الأمان هو شخص..
تقبلك ودافع عنك وقت الكل شافك سيء وغلط..
لهيك بتلاقي كتار ناس حواليك..
بس مافي غير شخص معك.. 🖤
🥺🌙 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒖𝒏𝒂𝒓||قمري is a Telegram channel that aims to provide a space for individuals to reconnect with their inner selves. The title, which translates to 'My Lunar,' signifies a journey of self-discovery and reflection, much like the phases of the moon. The channel's username, @mylunar11_7r, embodies this exploration of the self in the context of the lunar cycle. The description of the channel reflects a message of returning to oneself, with the phrase 'وكُنّا دائمًا نعودُ ؛ إلا هذه المرّه' meaning 'We always come back; except this time.' This sentiment suggests a new beginning or approach to self-care and personal growth. The channel emphasizes the importance of leaving things to God and trusting in His divine plan, as indicated by the quote 'مَن تَرَك شَيئًا للهِ عَوَّضَهُ اللهُ بِأفْضَل مِمَّا تَرَك' meaning 'Whoever leaves something to God, God will compensate him with something better.' The channel was created on 9/1/2021, symbolizing a fresh start and the beginning of a journey towards self-improvement and spiritual growth. With a mystical and introspective theme represented by emojis such as 🧚🏻♀️, @mylunar11_7r invites individuals to explore their inner worlds and connect with the divine through reflection and mindfulness. Join this channel to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.
15 Feb, 07:54
15 Feb, 07:54
15 Feb, 07:54
15 Feb, 07:54
15 Feb, 07:54
12 Feb, 18:25
12 Feb, 18:19
12 Feb, 18:17
12 Feb, 18:15
10 Feb, 17:38
08 Feb, 16:31
06 Feb, 09:17
06 Feb, 09:17
06 Feb, 09:17
05 Feb, 16:16
05 Feb, 16:16
04 Feb, 16:25
04 Feb, 16:22
04 Feb, 16:14
04 Feb, 16:13
04 Feb, 16:09
04 Feb, 16:04
04 Feb, 16:03
04 Feb, 16:01
04 Feb, 16:00
22 Jan, 10:04
22 Jan, 10:04
22 Jan, 10:04
22 Jan, 10:03
22 Jan, 10:03
22 Jan, 10:03
22 Jan, 10:02
22 Jan, 09:59
21 Jan, 11:18
18 Jan, 04:10
18 Jan, 04:10
15 Jan, 11:12
15 Jan, 11:08
15 Jan, 11:08
15 Jan, 11:08
15 Jan, 11:08
15 Jan, 11:08
15 Jan, 11:06
15 Jan, 11:05
15 Jan, 11:02
15 Jan, 11:02
15 Jan, 11:00
15 Jan, 10:59
14 Jan, 10:02
08 Jan, 22:11
08 Jan, 22:11
08 Jan, 22:11
08 Jan, 22:11
06 Jan, 09:37
06 Jan, 09:37
06 Jan, 09:37
03 Jan, 12:38
03 Jan, 12:38
03 Jan, 12:24
26 Dec, 20:16
26 Dec, 20:16
26 Dec, 20:16
07 Dec, 20:46
07 Dec, 20:46
07 Dec, 20:46
07 Dec, 19:13
03 Dec, 18:39
02 Dec, 19:16
22 Nov, 21:11
22 Nov, 21:10
22 Nov, 21:10
22 Nov, 21:09
22 Nov, 21:08
22 Nov, 07:17
22 Nov, 07:17
22 Nov, 07:17
22 Nov, 07:17
19 Nov, 20:48
19 Nov, 20:48
19 Nov, 20:47
19 Nov, 20:02
25 Oct, 19:42
25 Oct, 19:20
25 Oct, 19:19
25 Oct, 19:18
23 Oct, 02:19
23 Oct, 02:19
22 Oct, 19:53
22 Oct, 19:53
22 Oct, 18:52
21 Oct, 19:38
21 Oct, 19:33
21 Oct, 19:33
21 Oct, 19:33
21 Oct, 07:45
20 Oct, 19:28
20 Oct, 19:28