satirlar sizlargaham ilindim
✍️🎤 Xayrulla Hamidov
♻️ @MUSOFIR ♻️
☝️obuna bo'ling!☝️
Welcome to Musofir FM, a Telegram channel dedicated to all things related to birds and birdhouses. If you are a bird enthusiast or interested in learning more about building birdhouses, this channel is perfect for you. Musofir FM provides valuable information, tips, and tricks on how to create the perfect home for our feathered friends.
Who is Musofir FM? Musofir FM is a community of bird lovers who share a passion for creating safe and comfortable spaces for birds. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced birdhouse builder, you will find inspiration and guidance on this channel.
What is Musofir FM? Musofir FM is a platform where you can discover new birdhouse designs, learn about different bird species, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your love for birds. The channel is managed by @omadbekisaev1, who is dedicated to providing quality content and fostering a supportive community.
Join Musofir FM today to embark on a journey of creativity, conservation, and camaraderie. Let's build a better world for our avian friends together!
25 Aug, 09:11
20 Feb, 19:33
09 Sep, 20:24
20 May, 17:29
15 May, 20:37
10 May, 18:12
21 Apr, 00:47
20 Apr, 21:27
18 Apr, 01:46
09 Apr, 02:39
07 Apr, 22:00
Yaqinlarga ulashib qo'ying!
07 Apr, 21:56