Dr.Murtadha’s Notes


Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 12:33


Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 11:23


Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 11:02


Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 11:02

Video 1 :- Ascending Tract Pathways :-


Video 2 :- Ascending Tract Lesions :-


Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 10:36


Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 10:36

Normal coagulation and how to assess it

Primary Homeostasis defect

Secondary homeostasis defect

Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 10:34


Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 10:34

WBC disorders

Leukemia types overview

Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 10:32

السلام عليكم مُبارك عليكم الشهر الفضيل
هذني فيديوات توضيحية لموضوع الانيميا
د.احمد زيني


Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 10:32


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 09:21

Cranial nerves that carry parasympathetic fibers :-

Mnemonic ( 1973 )

10 = vagus nerve
9 = glossopharyngeal nerve
7 = facial nerve
3 = Oculomotor nerve

Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 09:20

Horner ‘s syndrome :-

This condition results from lesions that interrupt the ipsilateral sympathetic nervous supply to the head, eye, neck.

- internal carotid (sympathetic) plexus supply :-

1. Pupillary dilator muscle(dilate pupil)

2. Muller (tarsal) muscle (elevate eyelid)

3.sweat gland(sweating)

- Clinical features of Horner’s syndrome :-

1. Triad of Horner’s syndrome :-

A. Miosis (constricted pupil ) due to impaired innervation of pupillary dilator muscle by sympathetic plexus )

B. Ptosis (droop eyelid ) due to impaired innervation of muller muscle (superior tarsal muscle) by sympathetic trunk

C. Anhidrosis ( absence of sweating ) due to impaired innervation of sweat gland by sympathetic trunk

2.Other Features :-

A.apparent Enophthalmos:- Impaired function of the superior tarsal muscle (müller) also results in an elevated lower eyelid.
So upper eyelid is dropped and lower eyelid is elevated which result of apparent enophthalmos

B.Facial flushing (due to vasodilation)as the vasoconstrictive effect of the sympathetic nervous system is lost.

These features occur ipsilaterally at the same side of lesion .

Mnemonic for Triad of Horner’s Syndrome :-


sympathetic trunk
P:- ptosis
A:- Anhidrosis
M:- Miosis

Dr.Murtadha’s Notes

20 Jan, 09:20

Horner’s Syndrome