Rakhmonov's channel のテレグラム投稿
Private channel of Shukhrat Shavkatovich
2,117 人の購読者
740 枚の写真
108 本の動画
最終更新日 09.03.2025 05:15

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Rakhmonov's channel によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
Interesting facts about animals
Sharing is caring
Sharing is caring
A woodpecker preparing for winter starts by finding a dead tree and meticulously making holes to store acorns. Each hole is carefully crafted; if it's too large, other birds can easily steal the acorns, and if it's too small, the acorns can break and spoil. By the end of summer, the woodpecker's precise work is complete. The ripened acorns are placed in the holes, with a single large tree trunk capable of holding around 50,000 acorns, ensuring the bird has enough food for a satisfying winter
Credits to the amazing Photographer.
Credits to the amazing Photographer.
Assalomu alaykum hurmatli o'quvchilar, kim SamDU talabasi bo'lib menda yoki markazimizda o'qib B1, B2, C1 sertifikat olgan bo'lsa, iltimos sertifikatning nusxasi, fakultet, yo'nalish va to'liq ism familiyani lichkaga yozib yuborishingizni so'rab qolardik!