Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023 @mtimed2023 Channel on Telegram

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023 (English)

Are you an aspiring medical student looking for the latest updates and information on the Faculty of Medicine at MTI University? Look no further than the official Telegram channel for the academic year 2022/2023 - @mtimed2023! This channel is your go-to source for all things related to the Faculty of Medicine at MTI University, providing you with news, announcements, important dates, and valuable resources to help you succeed in your academic journey. Whether you are a current student, a prospective student, or simply interested in medical education, this channel has something for everyone. Stay connected with fellow students, professors, and university staff, and get all the support you need to excel in your medical studies. Join @mtimed2023 today and stay informed and inspired on your path to becoming a successful medical professional!

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

06 Feb, 18:38

Good evening

Attached the Schedule for the 2nd Semester (Spring 2025)

Good Luck 😊

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Feb, 15:11

مساء الخير يا دكاتره
ارجو الدخول علي الاستبيان و برجاء مليء الاستبيان كاملاً للأهميه

شكرا جزيلا

وبالتوفيق دايما يارب

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Feb, 15:11


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Feb, 15:11


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Feb, 15:11


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Feb, 15:11


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Feb, 15:11


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Feb, 15:11


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

27 Jan, 16:44

‎مساء الخير...
‎ كل عام وانتم بخير .
‎ نرجو العلم بأن الفرصه متاحه للتظلمات لمده ٣ ايام من يوم الثلاثاء ٢٠٢٥/١/٢٨ وحتي الخميس ٢٠٢٥/١/٣٠

‎ علما بأن التكلفة ٢٠٠ جنيها للمقرر الدراسي الواحد.
‎ويتم الدفع في الادارة المالية في مبني الجامعة الرئيسي بالهضبة الوسطي ويتم تسليم ايصال الدفع وطلب التظلم لإدارة شئون الطلاب بالكلية.

‎بالتوفيق للجميع.

Good evening...

Please note that if you have any complains about the final grads the request is available for 3 days from Tuesday 28/1/2025 until Thursday 30/1/2025 only.

Note that the cost is EGP 200 per course.

Payment should be made at the Financial Department in the main university building on Mokaatam , then you need to submit the payment receipt and the recalculation request form to the Student Affairs Department at the Medicine Faculty campus

Good luck to all.

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

08 Jan, 09:32


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

06 Jan, 09:07

إعلان حملة التبرع بالدم في كلية الطب

بالتعاون مع الهلال الأحمر المصري، ندعوكم للمشاركة في حملة التبرع بالدم لدعم المرضى والمحتاجين:

📅 التاريخ: الموافق اليوم 6 يناير 2024
📍 المكان: داخل كلية الطب
الوقت: من الساعة 11 صباحًا حتى 3 عصرًا

تبرعك يصنع الفرق!
• كل وحدة دم تُنقذ حياة ثلاثة أشخاص.
• اجعل عطائك مستمرًا وشجع زملاءك على المشاركة.

خلّي الخير عادة… وابدأ اليوم!

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

04 Jan, 12:21

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM End module and Practical Exams ANNOUNCEMENT.pdf

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

29 Dec, 07:49


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

20 Dec, 11:16

3rd Year - 13th Week - SCHEDULE.pdf

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

17 Dec, 14:19

Good evening

Attached results for Neuroscience II Continous assessment and Practical Exams

Good luck

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

11 Dec, 21:59


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

11 Dec, 21:58


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

11 Dec, 21:57

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

10 Dec, 17:51

Good evening

Attached the announcement for PSYCOLOGY (MPC III 329) FINAL EXAM which will be on Tuseday 24/12/2024

And also attached the announcement for PSYCOLOGY REVISION which will be on Saturday 14/12/2024 at 12 pm on Microsoft Teams

Good luck

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

10 Dec, 17:51


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

10 Dec, 17:51

ANNOUNCEMENT-MPC III 329 (Psycology).pdf

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

06 Dec, 14:03

3rd Year - 11th Week - SCHEDULE.pdf

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

05 Dec, 13:28

Good evening

Attached the announcement for Neuroscience II End-module and practical exams

Good luck

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

05 Dec, 13:27


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Dec, 08:44

Good morning

Attached the announcement for NEU II assignment which will open on Tuesday 3/12/2024 and close on Tuesday 10/12/2024

Good luck

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

11 Nov, 00:11

[29/10, 1:21 pm] Dr Dina Sayed (Quality Head MTI): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWhU9xhagqYAG5ZhWDwkkvAA1qo86U1pun1PJQZ-8cxMmcNg/viewform?usp=sf_link
[29/10, 1:21 pm] Dr Dina Sayed (Quality Head MTI): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDP1cJR7_zUmJko2JhXigvYuCTYWoMWKi6xnVNwx7TBGdknQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

08 Nov, 12:24

3rd Year - 7th Week - SCHEDULE.pdf

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

05 Nov, 10:03

صباح الخير

برجاء العلم أن اسطوانات الكتب متاحة للاستلام من مكتبة الكلية يوميا من الأحد للخميس من الساعة ٩ صباحا إلى ٣ ظهرا

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

03 Nov, 15:36

Good evening

Attached MUS III 325 Continuous assessment and Practical Exams Results

Good luck 😊

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

03 Nov, 07:18

3rd Year - 6th Week - SCHEDULE.pdf

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

24 Oct, 12:51

أبناءنا طلبة الفرقة الثالثة

بناءا على رغباتكم قررت إدارة الكلية فاصل زمني مدته ٦٠ دقيقة بين الامتحان النظري والعملي لمقرر MUS III 325 على أن يستمر الطلاب في البقاء داخل المدرجات لحين بداية الامتحان العملي

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

22 Oct, 09:28

Dear 3rd Year Students

Attached the announcement for MUS III 325 End-module and Practical exams

Also attached your distribution in the Lecture Rooms

Please check your distribution before coming to the Exam

Good Luck 😊

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

11 Oct, 16:12

3rd Year - 3rd Week - FALL 2024.pdf

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

02 Oct, 12:26

Attached the distribution for Anatomy Practical Sessions tomorrow Thursday 3/10/2024

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

02 Oct, 12:25

Document from Dr. Salwa Morsy

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

27 Sep, 12:54

Good evening dear 3rd Year Students

Kindly find the attached schedule for the 1st semester (Fall 2024)

And attached the students' group distribution, Kindly be strict to your group

Good luck 😊

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

24 Aug, 08:24

مرفق كشف باسماء الطلبه المقيدين في الدوره العسكريه رقم (44) في المده من 31/8 حتي12/9 و سيتم اضافتهم في جروب علي تطبيق (wahtsapp) و علي من لم يجد نفسه في الجروب للدوره التوجه الي مكتب شئون الطلبة فورا للاضافة

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

13 Aug, 12:47

Gentle Reminder
‏Dear valuable Students,
‏Because we count a lot on your opinion, you are requested to fill in the form ( Satisfaction Survey)
‏Your Voice Makes a difference

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Aug, 13:32

Dear valuable Students,
Because we count a lot on your opinion, you are requested to fill in the form ( satisfaction Survey)

Deadline is on Saturday 3/8/2024

Your Voice Makes a difference

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

01 Aug, 13:31


Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

10 Jul, 15:22

مساء الخير
نود التنبيه ان اخر موعد لدفع المصاريف والتسجيل للكورس الصيفي هو يوم الخميس ١٨ يوليو لسنة ٢٠٢٤ علما بانه لن يتم الدخول للامتحانات الا بسداد المصروفات والتسجيل
ولمن دفع برجاء التوجه الي مكتب شئون الطلبة بالكلية للتسجيل

Dear all please be noted that Thursday 18 July 2024 will be the last day for Summer semester Payment and Registration
If you paid please go to the Student Affairs office in the Faculty of Medicine for Registration

Faculty of Medicine MTI University Official 2022/2023

03 Jul, 17:44

مساء الخير
مرفق جدول الفصل الصيفي ٢٠٢٤ للفرق الثلاثة الاولي
علما بأن الدفع في إدارة الجامعة والتسجيل في مقر الكلية بمكتب شئون الطلبة
ملحوظة : يرجي التوجه قبل الدفع الي مقر الكلية لإحضار ورقة بعدد الساعات المسموح بتسجيلها قبل التوجه الي إدارة الجامعة
سعر الساعة ٣٠٠٠ مصري