This channel is helpful for students studying in maharashtra MSBTE board. It covers Computer and IT diploma subjects. Please share channel link with your friends.
Computer & IT Diploma MSBTE によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
Computer & IT Diploma MSBTE
31 Jul, 14:07
Hi all our c++ oop class starts from tomorrow If anyone wants to join plz pay the fees and contact me on 8446547150 immediately Thank you
Computer & IT Diploma MSBTE
19 Jul, 14:04
*Online OOP C++ course for MSBTE diploma students*
👉 Features 1. We will cover your all syllabus 2. Notes will share 3. All day to day programs will share 4. Practice for Important questions according to board exam 5.Teaching medium is in bilingual i.e Marathi and English only. So everyone can understand properly
👉We already completed C,C++,Java,Python batches.
👉-Teacher having 7+years of experience
👉Total Fees - Rs. 700
👉Class time - 5.30am to 6.30am
👉We will start batch after 20 registrations Not waiting for particular date. So please pay the fees and register.
👉Contact - 8446547150
👉Please share this message with Second year comp IT students
Computer & IT Diploma MSBTE
09 Jul, 18:14
Hello Students after taking long break I will restart my video preparation from tomorrow. Please be connect with my YouTube channel. Thank you.
खूप दिवसांच्या सुट्टीनंतर अखेर मी उद्यापासून नवीन subject related video तयार करण्यास सुरुवात करीत आहेत. सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांनी आपल्या यूट्यूब चॅनल ला नियमित visit करीत रहा. धन्यवाद.
Computer & IT Diploma MSBTE
23 Apr, 13:52
*Fast Track C Programming class for MSBTE CO,IT,EJ students*
- Online session from 2/5/2023 to 10/5/2023
- All topics will cover through programming
- All units Notes will provide
- Fees is only Rs.300
Google Pay number 8446547150
please contact for more details on same number
*We have successfully completed our C++ Java Python batches in last two year*
Prof. Sagar Apune
Computer & IT Diploma MSBTE
05 Apr, 16:13
Computer & IT Diploma MSBTE
31 Jan, 06:38
Online Java Programming class for SY starts from 5th Feb 2023 as per msbte syllabus Fees- 1200 Contact- 8446547150
Computer & IT Diploma MSBTE
31 Jan, 05:25
Hi all we will start *Python online class* from 04/02/2023 time 9:00pm to 9:50pm total fees- 1200 for new students as per msbte syllabus