Motivation AAJ is not just a Telegram channel, it is a source of inspiration and positivity in your daily life. With the username 'motivationalthoughtsbyaj', this channel is dedicated to providing you with the motivation you need to overcome any obstacles and achieve your goals. Whether you're feeling down, stressed, or simply in need of a pick-me-up, Motivation AAJ is here to uplift your spirits and help you stay focused on your dreams. Who is Motivation AAJ? It is a platform created by AJ, a passionate individual who believes in the power of positive thinking and self-motivation. What is Motivation AAJ? It is a channel filled with motivational quotes, inspirational stories, and practical tips to help you improve your mindset and outlook on life. Join Motivation AAJ today and start your journey towards a happier, more fulfilling life!
12 Feb, 16:05
12 Feb, 16:05
12 Feb, 16:04
12 Feb, 16:04
12 Feb, 16:02
12 Feb, 16:01
12 Feb, 16:00
12 Feb, 07:37
28 Jan, 08:52
28 Jan, 08:51
28 Jan, 08:50
28 Jan, 08:43
28 Jan, 05:24
28 Jan, 02:43
28 Jan, 02:38
28 Jan, 02:34
24 Jan, 04:22
24 Jan, 04:20
24 Jan, 04:20
24 Jan, 04:19
24 Jan, 04:19
23 Jan, 16:35
23 Jan, 16:35
23 Jan, 12:53
23 Jan, 12:52
23 Jan, 12:52
18 Jan, 12:09
18 Jan, 12:08
18 Jan, 12:07
18 Jan, 11:57
18 Jan, 04:39
18 Jan, 04:39
18 Jan, 04:39
18 Jan, 04:39
18 Jan, 04:39
18 Jan, 04:39
12 Jan, 16:38
12 Jan, 15:21
12 Jan, 12:46
11 Jan, 16:00
11 Jan, 15:40
11 Jan, 15:40
11 Jan, 15:32
11 Jan, 15:32
11 Jan, 03:04
11 Jan, 03:01
11 Jan, 01:02
11 Jan, 01:00
11 Jan, 00:57
11 Jan, 00:51
11 Jan, 00:50
09 Jan, 15:40
30 Nov, 11:13
30 Nov, 10:37
30 Nov, 06:23
30 Nov, 06:19
30 Nov, 02:49
29 Nov, 15:08
29 Nov, 15:05
29 Nov, 15:05
29 Nov, 15:05
29 Nov, 15:05
29 Nov, 15:04
22 Nov, 03:11
Remember, you don’t have to be fully healed to be a light for others. We can lift each other up while still on our own journey. Even as we walk through our own struggles, there’s always room to cheer someone on, to offer kindness, and to create spaces where we can heal together.
22 Nov, 03:09
21 Nov, 14:17
21 Nov, 10:41
21 Nov, 07:07
21 Nov, 06:48
21 Nov, 05:35
21 Nov, 04:39
21 Nov, 03:30
In case you’ve forgotten, you belong in every room you enter, no question is silly, your mistakes are forgivable, your truth is important, your input is valuable, and in every way imaginable—you matter.
21 Nov, 03:29
21 Nov, 03:23
21 Nov, 03:22
20 Nov, 13:46
20 Nov, 13:42
20 Nov, 13:42
20 Nov, 04:16
20 Nov, 03:37
Your kindness speaks louder than your credentials, your heart shines brighter than your house, your character outweighs your appearance, your authenticity is worth more than your car, and your integrity matters more than your income.
20 Nov, 03:34
20 Nov, 03:34
20 Nov, 03:33
20 Nov, 03:33
19 Nov, 15:55
12 Nov, 02:36
12 Nov, 02:35
12 Nov, 02:33
11 Nov, 16:15
11 Nov, 16:04
11 Nov, 16:02
11 Nov, 16:01
11 Nov, 15:53
11 Nov, 15:52
11 Nov, 05:03
03 Nov, 09:09
03 Nov, 09:05
03 Nov, 09:04
03 Nov, 09:04
03 Nov, 09:04
03 Nov, 09:03
03 Nov, 09:02
03 Nov, 09:01
03 Nov, 09:01
03 Nov, 09:01
03 Nov, 08:59
01 Nov, 08:27
01 Nov, 08:27
01 Nov, 08:26
01 Nov, 08:26
01 Nov, 08:26
01 Nov, 08:24
01 Nov, 08:24
01 Nov, 08:23
01 Nov, 08:19
31 Oct, 11:15
30 Oct, 09:01
30 Oct, 08:35
30 Oct, 08:33
30 Oct, 08:20
29 Oct, 16:30
29 Oct, 16:26
29 Oct, 16:26
29 Oct, 13:24
29 Oct, 13:13
29 Oct, 13:12