Morgan C Jonas @morgancjonas Channel on Telegram

Morgan C Jonas


Host - MCJ Report
State Leader - Freedom Party of Victoria

MCJ Report: Your Source for Victoria Politics (English)

Are you a resident of Victoria and interested in staying informed about the latest political developments in the state? Look no further than the MCJ Report Telegram channel, hosted by the knowledgeable and experienced Morgan C Jonas. As the State Leader of the Freedom Party of Victoria, Morgan brings a unique perspective to his reporting, offering insights and analysis that you won't find anywhere else

The MCJ Report covers a wide range of topics, from local government decisions to state-wide policies and everything in between. Whether you're a political junkie looking for in-depth analysis or a casual observer wanting to stay up-to-date, this channel has something for everyone

Morgan C Jonas, also known as @morgancjonas, is dedicated to providing accurate and unbiased information to his audience. With years of experience in the political arena, he has established himself as a trusted source for all things Victoria politics

Join the MCJ Report Telegram channel today to be a part of the conversation and get exclusive access to breaking news, interviews, and more. Stay informed, stay engaged, and stay ahead of the curve with MCJ Report.

Morgan C Jonas

25 Jan, 21:46

Today we are celebrating Australia Day

Morgan C Jonas

19 Jan, 05:39

Australia Day celebrations in Melbourne set to be huge!

Please share this around

Morgan C Jonas

11 Jan, 05:17


Morgan C Jonas

08 Jan, 23:44

Processed carbohydrates are trash.

- Minimal nutritional value
- Does not satisfy hunger
- Weight gain
- May have unwanted, added elements
- Associated with health problems

The best thing humans can do for their immediate health and quality of life is to take control of their diet -- the secondary bonus benefit being the undermining of big pharma that thrives off illness.

Furthermore, no big government will ever genuinely encourage a populous to take control of their personal health because doing so will diminish their perceived need.

Morgan C Jonas

07 Jan, 23:42

Very good news.

It appears the influence of figures like Dana White and Elon Musk, coupled with significant user loss, has led Mark Zuckerberg to reconsider and adjust Meta's approach to free speech restrictions.

The question is, is it too little too late?

Morgan C Jonas

05 Jan, 05:53

Tommy Robinson was right from day one. As far I am concerned, the man is an asset to humanity.

Morgan C Jonas

05 Jan, 02:30

Taxpayers in Victoria should not be forced to foot the bill on drug testing for those who choose to consume illicit drugs.

Drug users must consume at their own risk!

Morgan C Jonas

31 Dec, 07:07

Wishing you all a happy new year. May 2025 bring you fulfilment and happiness.

Morgan C Jonas

26 Dec, 23:33

Thank you to all the incredible nurses who reached out to me yesterday after my post. The position has now been filled.

Morgan C Jonas

26 Dec, 08:54

In the past 25 years, the Victorian Liberals have held government for one term.

Morgan C Jonas

26 Dec, 07:45

I have a late Christmas present for Brad Battin.

But in all seriousness, I wish him the best of luck.

Also, congratulations to John on his productive, new book.

Morgan C Jonas

25 Dec, 22:27

I am looking for an in-home Nurse, Koo Wee Rup. Immediate start. Please email [email protected]

Morgan C Jonas

24 Dec, 21:27

Merry Christmas!

Morgan C Jonas

24 Dec, 06:01

Politics has a tendency to attract ill-intended people whilst repelling good-intended people - the disastrous result being the downfall of society.
Solving this crisis requires large-scale, counter-intuitive action of honourable people who genuinely seek to serve.
Fill out the form via the link below to express your interest in running in the 2025 federal election. (Victoria only)

Morgan C Jonas

22 Dec, 22:47

Our government is filled with people who thrive off exploiting the public purse. For the sake of our country's future, we MUST purge these characters in exchange for those who understand private sector dynamics and wish to fulfill the real objectives of Public Service.

Morgan C Jonas

22 Dec, 01:31

You are needed to save Australia. Register your interest to run in the Federal Election for Victoria -

Morgan C Jonas

13 Dec, 06:56

The only way to restore cohesion and prosperity to Australia is for patriotic minor-parties to unite in rock-solid cooperation under the shared objective of putting our people first.

It can happen, it must happen.

Morgan C Jonas

12 Dec, 00:33

I welcome the Federal Court's ruling today, which determined that John Pesutto defamed Moira Deeming.

Morgan C Jonas

08 Dec, 22:34

mRNA is not welcome in Australia.

Melbourne has attained the dubious title of the only city in the Southern Hemisphere to manufacture mRNA vaccines - a substance that has destroyed countless amounts of lives.

For the sake of humanity and everything decent, this operation must be shut down.

Morgan C Jonas

05 Dec, 23:45

I am very disturbed to hear about Melbourne's Adass synagogue that was targeted in an arson attack early this morning. (Friday, 06/12)

In typical fashion, most politicians have joined the 'violent extremism has no place in Australia...' choir. However, empty platitudes do nothing to keep Australia safe.

The real fact of the matter is that hatred and unrest is brewing throughout our communities.

Impressionable university students are being indoctrinated with radical dogma and incompatible immigration policies are disrupting social cohesion, putting Australians at risk.

Furthermore, The Australian National Security has classified the risk of a terrorism in Australia as "probable", indicating a higher than 50% chance of a terror attack within the next 12 months.

The only solution to this crisis is a drastic change of government.

You, the people, have this power.

Picture: Sky News

Morgan C Jonas

05 Dec, 23:14

The image in this post features the parents of 20-year-old man from Western Australia who, armed with a machete, invaded a family home and subsequently died following a physical confrontation with the father of the house.

I do not know the circumstances or events that led this young man to commit such an act. What I do know is that life is valuable, and every loss of life is tragic - my thoughts and prayers go out to the parents.

However, that being said, the rough background, personal suffering or altered state of consciousness of a machete-wielding home invader is irrelevant to a man tasked with protecting his family.

Castle Law is needed in Australia to ensure peoples' legal immunity when defending their home and those in it. This is simply a matter of human rights.

Morgan C Jonas

04 Dec, 23:56

Follow me over on x

Morgan C Jonas

03 Dec, 08:03

Live with Avi now

Morgan C Jonas

03 Dec, 02:08

Imagine visiting a venue, buying a beer, only for the proceeds of your purchase to be distributed to shareholders over the other side of the world.

This is the reality in Australia.

To that end, I would like to encourage all venues to declare their ownership status to the public. I personally would much rather support 100% Australian owned venues, as opposed to foreign owned.

Furthermore, I consider it utterly disgraceful that hospitality giant Australian Venue Co, owned by a Chinese equity firm, took it upon themselves to subvert our culture by undermining a national Australian tradition. This is the definition of foreign interference, and our politicians are sitting on their hands.

Australian owned businesses are the heartbeat of our country. Please support them.

Vote very wisely in the next federal election.

Morgan C Jonas

01 Dec, 02:19

The only thing worse than a corrupt government is a complicit opposition party.

Morgan C Jonas

30 Nov, 06:14

Excuse me?

Morgan C Jonas

26 Nov, 00:01

Most Australians would agree.

Morgan C Jonas

24 Nov, 00:58

In case you missed the memo!

Morgan C Jonas

23 Nov, 23:50

Job well done.

Morgan C Jonas

23 Nov, 23:40

Youth offenders who commit violent crimes should be met with adult consequences.

Morgan C Jonas

20 Nov, 22:09

How's your day going? Mine is just fine.

Morgan C Jonas

20 Nov, 03:04

Sending a warm congratulations to Aidan McLindon who has officially been elected to Mayor of Whittlesea.

It's important to note that Whittlesea is Labor heartland. The tide is turning!

Morgan C Jonas

18 Nov, 23:12

Shut it down.

Morgan C Jonas

18 Nov, 22:20

Any government that deprives its citizens of self-defence capability is not worthy of election.

Morgan C Jonas

18 Nov, 09:26

Morgan C Jonas pinned ยซAfter being forced into a street confrontation I did not want or ask for, I am now calling for the legalisation of pepper spray. Sign the petition here:โ€ฆยป

Morgan C Jonas

18 Nov, 05:33

After being forced into a street confrontation I did not want or ask for, I am now calling for the legalisation of pepper spray. Sign the petition here:

Morgan C Jonas

14 Nov, 23:08

Victoria Police and I am in complete agreement.

The problem, however, is that not all people are equally capable of defending themselves against violent threats.

Victoria Police must acknowledge this disparity and take political measures to ensure that Victorians are better equipped to protect themselves in their absence.

Pepper spray would be a good place to start.

Morgan C Jonas

14 Nov, 22:29

$500b down the drain.

Australia definitely is in desperate need of an Elon Musk style Department of Government Efficiency.

As it stands at the moment, our politicians boast about spending our money (often they spend it badly) - we need a new breed of politicians who boast about NOT spending our money.

There is so much waste in the public service, this is unacceptable and must end asap!

Morgan C Jonas

14 Nov, 07:20

This morning, I attended the Moorabbin Magistrates Court in relation to a violent incident earlier this year where I acted in self-defence.

To my disappointment, the case resulted in a diversion. I was informed by the court the offender may be requested to make a charitable donation, participate in a program, or issue an apology.

In my opinion, violent offending is a very serious matter that does not warrant leniency, regardless of whether it is a first time offence.

I consider myself lucky I was able to fend off the threat, however, this incident highlighted to me the critical nature of self-defence laws, as defined by the Crimes Act. While it is true that all Australians are equal before the law, it is also true that not all Australians are equal in their capacity to defend themselves in situations of threat. This inequity underscores the glaringly obvious need to bring about a public conversation pertaining to the merits of enhanced self-defence capabilities.

Pepper spray would be good.

Morgan C Jonas

13 Nov, 23:37

The world is rejecting the wokeness!

Morgan C Jonas

13 Nov, 13:03

This right here is a prime example of wastful government spending that needs to be scrapped.

Morgan C Jonas

12 Nov, 22:08

Tomorrow, I'll be in court in relation to a violent crime earlier this year of which I was involved in, in the capacity of self-defence.

Victoria Police did a great job arresting the offender and correctly acknowledged my actions that day as lawful.

This incident has been very thought-provoking to me, particularly in relation to:

- Violent offending
- Policing
- Self-defence laws
- Victims
- Justice

After the case tomorrow, I'll jump on Rebel News with Avi to discuss the outcome and what I believe is necessary for the protection and safety of Australians, especially vulnerable Australians.

Morgan C Jonas

10 Nov, 10:10

Big pharma wants your kids to consume hormone therapy drugs for life.

Morgan C Jonas

09 Nov, 21:41

Kingston Mayor loses election to former Freedom Party Candidate.

Morgan C Jonas

08 Nov, 08:08

Congratulations to Jane Agirtan who has been elected to the Kingston Council!

One thing I know about Jane is that she will not, under any circumstances, be pushed around. Perfect person to be elected.

Very, very well deserved! ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

Morgan C Jonas

08 Nov, 07:33

Sending a big congratulations to Maria Kerr who has been re-elected to Brimbank for a second term.

Despite Labor running 7 'dummies', Maria proved she had the tenacity and spirit to overcome the odds.

Maria will continue to serve with distinction - a big win for the West.

Follow Maria Kerr - Brimbank City Council

Morgan C Jonas

07 Nov, 20:58

Congratulations to Daniella Heatherich, who has been elected to the Maroondah Council.

I know Dani well and have no doubt she will do an outstanding and honourable job!

Morgan C Jonas

07 Nov, 07:12

Pro freedom candidates are getting elected to council all over the state. ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

Morgan C Jonas

06 Nov, 09:04

Sending a big congratulations to President Trump and all Americans who chose to stand on the right side of history! ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Morgan C Jonas

04 Nov, 23:12

Castle Law - The absolute right to defend yourself, your family and your property in your home.


Morgan C Jonas

04 Nov, 08:35

I support Australians' right to defend themselves and their families by any means necessary, including the application of lethal force.

As they say, "a gun in the hand is more valuable than an entire police force over the phone."

Morgan C Jonas

03 Nov, 05:11

Someone out there, please ensure this meme is delivered to Dan.

Courtesy of Morgan from the Freedom Party.

Morgan C Jonas

02 Nov, 23:54

The "Man in the Arena" speech was delivered by Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, on April 23, 1910, at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. Here's the full text:

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

Morgan C Jonas

02 Nov, 22:00

Congratulations to Aidan McLindon, who has officially been elected to the Whittlesea Council.

I know Aidan well, and I am confident he will serve with distinction and in the interests of the common person. Onwards and upwards!

Morgan C Jonas

01 Nov, 23:39

Huge - many pro freedom candidates have been elected to local councils across Victoria!

- Including several former Freedom Party state candidates

Morgan C Jonas

27 Oct, 03:18

Only with coordinated action can the woke mind virus be defeated.

Morgan C Jonas

20 Oct, 07:18

Australians must be put first. Simple as that!

Morgan C Jonas

18 Oct, 02:35

Interesting appointment.

Morgan C Jonas

17 Oct, 21:53


Morgan C Jonas

15 Oct, 06:24

I received a positive mention in this article.

Morgan C Jonas

14 Oct, 02:48

Politically correct immigration policies destroy nations.

Morgan C Jonas

13 Oct, 12:25

Greg Hunt lied to the entire nation on critical matters pertaining to public health.

Surely the Liberals can come up with better...

Morgan C Jonas

11 Oct, 21:31

Public service? More like public robbery.

Morgan C Jonas

10 Oct, 06:40

They deserve each other... however, Australia deserves better.

Morgan C Jonas

09 Oct, 02:46

Check out my presentation on radical gender theory, the loss of parental rights and the gender therapies drug market. Follow @morgancjonas

Morgan C Jonas

07 Oct, 06:24


Morgan C Jonas

02 Oct, 22:28

Not good news for EV enthusiasts.

Morgan C Jonas

01 Oct, 23:02

I am not surprised by the large number of terrorist supporters in Melbourne. Elections have consequences!

Morgan C Jonas

30 Sep, 10:07


Morgan C Jonas

30 Sep, 08:18

Please share this around

Morgan C Jonas

25 Sep, 11:28

This news is not surprising given the only objection raised by John Pesutto after Dan Andrews hosted a drag queen event in parliament targeted at children was that he was not invited.

Liberals: Show some backbone, get rid of him.

Morgan C Jonas

20 Sep, 21:32

Two-tier society.

We need political solutions that involve slashing the public service and putting dollars back into the pockets of those who work honestly.

Morgan C Jonas

19 Sep, 01:20

Attention people of Whittlesea City.

Morgan C Jonas

18 Sep, 12:25

Many Liberal Victoria members agree.

Morgan C Jonas

18 Sep, 00:37

Jail, now!