الجواب هنا😉☝️
مٌبحًر فُيِ ذٍگريِآتٍيِ is a Telegram channel dedicated to reminiscing and reflecting on the past. The channel name, which translates to 'Sailing in my memories,' sets the tone for what you can expect to find here. The username for the channel is @mopheer. The description of the channel reads, 'Here is a memory... remembering the past with an eye filled with tears.' This channel offers a space for individuals to revisit and cherish their memories, allowing them to connect with emotions and moments from the past. For those who appreciate nostalgia and introspection, مٌبحًر فُيِ ذٍگريِآتٍيِ is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the beauty of reminiscing. Additionally, the channel provides a bot, @mopheer_mopheer_bot, for users to engage with and further enhance their experience. The admin of the channel is @Mooh_h. Join مٌبحًر فُيِ ذٍگريِآتٍيِ on Telegram today to embark on a journey through your memories and discover the power of reflection.
07 Feb, 17:03
18 Jan, 18:25
06 Jan, 01:05
31 Dec, 09:01
23 Nov, 22:50
21 Nov, 22:02
20 Nov, 11:02
02 Nov, 22:30
28 Oct, 22:50
23 Oct, 00:35
18 Jul, 19:37
22 Jun, 00:36
21 Jun, 17:50
10 May, 14:51
07 May, 11:02
26 Apr, 15:30
22 Apr, 19:25
21 Apr, 19:06
21 Apr, 09:01
08 Apr, 10:02
07 Sep, 13:30
06 Sep, 20:37
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06 Sep, 18:56
يمكنك ايضاً تجربة هذه البوتات،
06 Sep, 18:13
يمكنك ايضاً تجربة هذه البوتات،
06 Sep, 18:07
يمكنك ايضاً تجربة هذه البوتات،
06 Sep, 17:42
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