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Last Updated 01.03.2025 07:12

The latest content shared by MONEY LITERATE UPDATES on Telegram

The rich build each other up.
The broke tear each other down.

Take opportunities. They might look like nothing now but look at it in 6 months time and you’ll be shocked.

*Just Give me 2 minutes...*

*and I'll share the 5 success secrets a tech mogul told me during a chance encounter.*

This advice is worth millions (you'll thank me later):

It was a regular day in town. I hopped into a car to my work place

not knowing I was about to meet one of Ghanaian wealthiest tech entrepreneurs.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

As we sat in traffic, I gathered the courage to ask, "Sir, what's your secret to success?"

His eyes lit up. "Young man," he said, "I'll give you the advice that changed my life."

Secret #1: "Your network is your net worth." He emphasized building strong relationships.

In Ghana and beyond, who you know can open doors that money can't buy.

Start networking today!

If not because I network with people, I won’t have got so many people in this group listening to me.

Secret #2: "Be patient but persistent." Success isn't a sprint; it's a marathon.

He started his tech company in a tiny apartment.

It took 7 years before they turned a profit.

Stay the course!

Secret #3: "Solve real problems." Don't chase money; chase solutions.

He became wealthy by addressing Ghanaians' payment infrastructure challenges.

What problems can you solve in your community?

Secret #4: "Never stop learning." The world is changing fast, especially in tech.

He reads a book a week and attends global conferences. Stay hungry for knowledge.

What will you learn this week?

Secret #5: "Give back to your community." Success without significance is meaningless.

He mentors young entrepreneurs and invests in education. It's not just charity; it's building a better future for all.

As we reached my stop, he handed me his card.

"Remember," he said, "success is not just about being wealthy.

It's about creating value and leaving a legacy." These words still echo in my mind.

That 30-minute taxi ride changed my perspective forever.

These lessons apply whether you're in Ghana, or AnypartoftheWorld. Success leaves clues, if you're willing to listen.

Want more insights on success, entrepreneurship, and personal growth?

Follow me for daily mails that will accelerate your journey to the top.

Click on the link to subscribe to my channel for weekly videos

Your future self will thank you!

In order to achieve financial stability and growth, you need to have multiple sources of income. Here are 6 types of income every individual should have.

Earned Income

This type of income can also be referred to as active income.

This is money you receive in exchange for work or services, such as a salary, wages, or freelancing.

You'll need to sell your time, skills and expertise for money.

Investment Income

This is money you earn from investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate.

This can also includes dividends, interest, and capital gains.

Rental Income

Just as the name implies, rental income is money earned from renting out property, such as houses, apartments, or office spaces.

Rental income can become a good source of passive income for you if you manage it well.

Royalty Income

This is earnings from intellectual property, such as books, music, patents, or digital products.

You can create the intellectual property once and keep earning royalty that provides you with ongoing revenue.

Residual Income

Recurring income is income you earn from a previous work you've done.

Examples of recurring income are commissions from sales, online courses, or subscription-based businesses.

Passive Income

Passive income you is income you earn that does not really require your active participation.

You can do the work once and it keeps paying you over and over again.

Some passive income examples are dividends from stocks, YouTube and revenue, online courses, eBooks etc.

If you want to build financial security, you can have a mixture of these income streams.

The more you diversify, the less reliant you are on a single source.

If you'd like to know how to earn money consistently and never go broke again, through Mini Importation( Gadget Importation

In this course, I go deeper to share with you how to import Gadgets to your country, sell and make lots of profit

The value of this class is worth Ghc350

But you can get it today at Ghc135

Make payment into

Money Literate Academy (Hadi Abdul Razak)

Send proof of payment via WhatsApp once you're done 0509188534.

All it takes to change your life financially is just one decision.

Getting this course might be that one decision that you need to take.

See you inside!

Here are 6 things I wish I knew earlier, read on

1. Mentorship is important, you cannot figure out everything on your own, your journey will be much easier and faster if you get a mentor you can always learn from

2. Follow your path: What works for someone else might not work for you, find what work for you and stick to it

3. Patience is key: A lot of things won't work as fast as you want them to work, you must learn to be patient and give things time

4. Don't fall into the comparison trap, it won't do you any good, at every point in time, there will always be someone doing better than you, your job is to learn from them not compete with them

5. There will be lots of bad days, some days, you will loose money, you will loose friends and face challenges, but that shouldn't deter you, if you keep going, you will make it.

6. Don't focus too much on money, focus on learning, if you continuously learn and grow, you will definitely make money. Money is just a by-product.

Teacher Onga

*Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket*

When I said “Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket”

I know you are already thinking I meant you should start venturing into many things at a time. 

No, that wasn't what I meant. 

What I meant was to get to as many prospects as possible. 

For Persons who doesn’t know what a prospect means. Prospects are potential buyers.

So you don't have to bother yourself when one prospect says they aren't buying from you. 

You would be happy sometimes to leave those who are not interested in buying from you. 

Oh YES! 

You will glad.

Because they have saved you the energy that you would have used to start following up with them

So never show despiration, 

And how can you achieve this? 

You need to have options of prospects that you sell to.

Have so many prospects or leads

If some won’t buy, some will definitely buy.

It doesn’t pain me when you don’t pay for my services, if you don’t pay, others who see value in me will definitely pay

Have plenty prospects.

This is what I have for you this evening.


How much do you make in a day, week, month, or even a year?🤯

It’s sad that some people have no source of income. They rely entirely on their uncles, fathers, mothers, boyfriends, etc.

But what happens if that person dies or stops giving you money?🤔

Some also depend solely on their salary which is very bad in this economy

New Testimony Just dropped.

Last 2 months, this guys mother paid for him to learn importation from me.

She said she wanted him to learn the skill and better himself

He just did he’s first importation and received his goods

The mother will be proud of him.

Registration for the Gadget importation is still ongoing.

Fee now is Ghc135

Fee will increase when we get 30 registrations

Pay to

Money literate Academy(Hadi Razak)


Hadi Abdul Razak

Send screenshot to be added

Do you have 300 to 1000 people in a WhatsApp group?

You can invite me to come teach importation then we share the profit made in the class.



I know a lady that teaches canva.

I know someone that teaches social media marketing

I know someone that teaches WhatsApp Monetization

I know someone that teaches Smartphone Graphic Designing

Myself I teach mini importation

There is BIG MONEY in teaching simple things.

The protocol is;


Master the INSIGHT (see what others can't see in the information).

Teach others and make INCOME.

PPS: In this economy you need more than two streams of income to thrive. And you can get this streams from your existing business.

How to make money with your phone. 👇👇