MOMS MAGNET @momsmagnet Channel on Telegram




MOMS MAGNET is a Telegram channel dedicated to all the amazing mothers out there who are the real magnets of their families. Created by and for moms, this channel provides a supportive and empowering community where moms can connect, share experiences, and find inspiration. Whether you are a new mom, a seasoned mom, a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or anything in between, MOMS MAGNET is the place for you. From parenting tips and tricks to self-care advice and motivational quotes, this channel covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to the modern mom. Join MOMS MAGNET today and become part of a community that understands and celebrates the joys and challenges of motherhood. Let's support each other, learn from each other, and grow together as moms. Because together, we are stronger. #MomsMagnet #MomCommunity #StrongMoms


06 Jan, 17:52

Scary words of Geoffrey Hinton The Godfather of AI


06 Jan, 17:50

Merging human consciousness with machines: is this the future of humanity?

Pros: immortality, enhanced cognition, improved physical abilities.

Cons: loss of human experience, identity crisis, dependence on tech.

Is this the future we want?
Share your thoughts


06 Jan, 14:50

“Oh, shut up, silly woman,' said that reptile with a grin,
you knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.” 😈

"The Snake" poem


06 Jan, 14:28

FOGVID 25 / BIRD FLU - Brought to you by Drones.


31 Dec, 18:35

Did you thought about this ?

If you did
Leave a comment


31 Dec, 15:09

Here are a few more videos from across the states reporting on this strange "fog" that smells like chemicals and is allegedly making people ill.

Don't you just love geoengineering weather?

There's only two days left of 2024 and the psyops just keep coming.


31 Dec, 15:08

Merry Christmas?!🎁


31 Dec, 15:08

Don’t believe the UFO Agenda, second video here has some new laser tech that can generate words out of thin air..


31 Dec, 15:08

Parasites - Demons - BLACK GOO and Blood baths… 🩸

Series: Evil


31 Dec, 15:08

The false flag UFO agenda goes way back


31 Dec, 14:53


31 Dec, 14:53


30 Dec, 20:57

There's an unseen hand organizing all events, so enjoy the show, it's an illusion of choice


30 Dec, 18:08

People are shocked and appalled that Captain Brain-chip Elon isn’t the free speech savior they deluded themselves into believing he was.

Just wait until they find out jab daddy Trump isn’t either.
“Free Speech, these are foolish people”

#trump #censorship


30 Dec, 18:03

Next time some Trump cultist-zombie tries to tell you he had nothing to do with shutting down the country, hit them with this and watch them scramble:

“The president calls the shots.”
“We did the right thing. We closed it down.”
“I closed it down.”
“Everything we did was right.”

Now sit back and enjoy the comments.



30 Dec, 16:04


30 Dec, 15:44


30 Dec, 04:08

Wisdom of The Lion


30 Dec, 04:03

The Mentality Of The Eagle



30 Dec, 04:01

Lion Mentality
Take Your Life Back


30 Dec, 03:47


The Jews.......

Burned down Rome and blamed the Christians

Killed the Son of God

Planned WW1 (17 years before) - Started WW1

Instigated a genocide of Hungarians (Béla Kun)

Own all Hollywood studios

Own the magazines

Own the newspapers

Own the social media platforms

Own the porn industry and use it to demoralize

Print all the school books

Control Wall Street

Control the School System

Control the FBI

Control the CIA

Control the NSA

Control the UN

Control the WEF

Control the Federal Reserve (And all Central Banks)

Controlled the KGB

Ran the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, now blame it on White Christians

Starved to death 12-18 Million White Ukrainian Christians

Started the French Revolution

Started the Cuban revolution

Started the Russian Revolution - Killed 50-67 Million White Christians

Started the German Revolution

Started the Spanish Revolution

Started the Chinese Revolution (Co-launched)

Started the "Rhodesian Bush War", led to the cleansing of White Farmers

Started the ethnic cleansing of Serbia

Started the American opioid crisis - killed millions of Americans

Started WW2 - blamed the Germans

Started "Drag Queen Story Hour" (Jew Michelle Tea)

Lied about being gassed

Ethnically cleansed Palestine

Stole Israel in 1948 after the Rothschild Balfour Declaration

Changed the immigration policies in Western countries in 1965

Attacked The USS Liberty

Attacked The USS Cole

Attacked The Twin Towers, World Trade Center, and Pentagon

Sent America's sons to die for Israel in pointless, Middle Eastern wars

Lied about WMDs in Iraq and repeated the above

Invented communism

Invented the "Frankfurt School"

Invented the "Over Population Theory"

Invented apartheid and anti-apartheid in South Africa (supported both sides)

Invented the phone sex business (Jew feminist Gloria Leonard)

Invented the Abortion Pill

Invented the mass produced Condom

Invented Feminism

Invented the LGBTQIA+ Movement

Invented the Anti-Christian Pride Movement

Invented the ADL (after Rape and Murder of Mary Phagan)

Mutilate the genitals of infant boys then suck the blood from their bleeding penises (spreading their STDs to infants)

Invented Black Lives Matter

Invented the NAACP

Invented Antifa

Invented the KKK

Invented NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association)

Invented Communism

Invented a climate disaster 3 times (global cooling, global warming, climate change)

Invented fake news

Invented fake viruses

Invented fake and lethal vaccines

Invented the use of mercury to fill people's teeth

Founded CPUSA (Communist Party USA) in 1919 (Jew C. E. Ruthenberg)

Founded Southern Poverty Law Center in 1971 (Crypto Jew Morris Dees)

Founded the abortion industry

Founded: "The Church of Satan" (Jew Anton LaVey)

Founded: "The Satanic Temple" (Jew Malcolm Jarry)

Wrote: "The Satanic Bible" (Jew Anton LaVey)

Wrote: "The Satanic Witch" (Jew Anton LaVey)

Infiltrated and took control of Freemasonry

Put phytoestrogen (soy oil) in corporate baby formula (for males)

Put all of the fluoride in the water

Were expelled from over 1000 countries and communities (Afghanistan & Yemen recently)

Are demoralizing all western nations

Are Satanic

Openly admit worshipping Lucifer as their god (Whistleblower Harold Wallace Rosenthal)

Are called the synagogue of Satan by the very Son of God!


30 Dec, 01:31


29 Dec, 17:43

Never said it would be easy,
but worth it
There is a difference

Find the way.
Now it still can.


09 Dec, 17:13

It’s all bs

All of them are selected, not elected. Every so-called leader, celebrity, or power player on the global stage is an actor performing a script handed down by their handlers. Their roles are carefully chosen not for their authenticity or merit but for how well they fit the illusion that keeps the masses pacified and divided.

This isn’t a partisan issue—it’s the same game across the board.
They wear different masks, represent opposing ideologies, and feed into the illusion of choice, but they all serve the same ultimate agenda. Whether it’s politicians playing saviors or villains, media personalities crafting narratives, or “outsiders” conveniently pulling you back into the same controlled system, it’s all theater.

Do you understand?

#politics #centralcasting


09 Dec, 17:13

On the left: Donald Trump last night on Fox Nation.
Take a good look 👀
Pattern recognition, people.
Wake up. 🤝
#trump #handshake


09 Dec, 17:13

GITMO: The Freemason F* Shack Nobody Saw Coming

You were told GITMO was the endgame—where the cabal, the pedos, and the lizard overlords would rot in chains while you sat back, popcorn in hand, basking in patriot justice.
Yeah, about that… Turns out, GITMO isn’t a prison. It’s their all-inclusive resort.

Think about it: Freemason symbols all over the place, 24/7 military protection, tropical f***ing weather. Does that scream “justice” to you, or does it sound more like Jeffrey Epstein’s backup island?
They’re not locked up—if anything at all they’re kicking back with tiki drinks and secret handshake seminars.

Meanwhile, you’re out here connecting dots and eating crumbs off the table, waiting for Tom Hanks and Hillary to show up in orange jumpsuits.
Spoiler: if they are there, they’re probably hosting a Masonic margarita night while you’re shitposting on X about capturing and executing them.

GITMO isn’t a “patriot stronghold.” It’s a Freemason fortress with better protection than the WH.
Wake the f*** up, Anons.

Clown World Achievement: UNLOCKED.



09 Dec, 17:12

A Dose of Truth you Didn’t Ask For.

The Jewish Messiah—what Christians know as the Antichrist—hasn’t just been foretold; he’s already here. Whether it’s Trump (my bet), Barron, Elon, Kushner, or some hidden puppet master biding their time, the identity doesn’t change reality:
The script is playing out.

It doesn’t matter if you believe the Bible is divine prophecy or the elite’s script; the moves are being made, and the pieces are falling into place. The stage is fully set, and like it or not, you’re watching the final act:
Welcome to the end times.

Why are all the Israel-first lapdogs suddenly stepping into the spotlight? It’s not a coincidence. For decades, we’ve watched a conveyor belt of operatives dressed up as “influencers,” strategically placed to program us into submission to Israel’s agenda.

From Kenneth Copeland preaching blind loyalty, to Ben Shapiro shilling for Zionist supremacy, to actors like Jon Voight and grifters like Kash Patel, they’re not your allies. They’re tools—mouthpieces regurgitating the same tired propaganda: Israel rules, Jews are chosen, and the rest of us must kneel to “God’s plan.”

But here’s the kicker:
YOU🫵—the one “noticing” this blatant agenda—is also a target. Think about it. Are we “winning” just because algorithms now conveniently “allow” us to play Judas and point fingers at our oppressors?
Or is this part of the con—setting up a snakily sinister pit of division to herd us into their next phase of control?

It’s not just about selling Israel; it’s about manipulating even the dissenters. The question is, are you sharp enough to see through the next layer of their game?

The orchestrated conflict between [insert name here] and Zionism/Communism aims to generate global opposition and push the current system towards collapse.
From this “great awakening,” a new system will emerge—like an antichrist phoenix rising from the ashes of the old.
In time, it will be recognized as the rise of the Beast.

Understand this: whether you’re religious or not, whether you believe in the Jewish Messiah or think it’s nonsense, doesn’t matter.
The only thing that matters is they believe it, and they’re willing to bomb, maim, sacrifice, destroy and flay everything you hold dear to bring their messianic empire into power.
Prophecy dictates that two thirds of their own will be sacrificed for their messiah, think they give two Fs about you and your family?

Once their “king” sits on the throne, it’s not “freedom” or “choice” on the table. It’s one-world governance under Judaism:
Noahide Law or death.

What’s the first Noahide Law, and what is the penalty for breaking it?
Simply said: If you are openly Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu etc, they will remove your head by way of sword. The end.
And that’s just Law #1.
How many ✡️ does it take to convict 100 Christians in a Noahide court system whose judges must be Jewish?
One ☝️.
How many Christians does it take to convict one ✡️ in a Nowhide system?
The answer: more than are alive today…

They’ve infiltrated every institution and seized control of governments, media, education, and finance—all to ensure their global supremacy. They don’t see you as equals or allies; they see you as cattle, resources to exploit and to cater to their vision of dominance.

This isn’t about politics—it’s about survival. Either wake the hell up or drop to your knees and grovel before your masters.

If this pisses you off, great—it means I hit the mark.
But here’s the kicker: the loudest whiners and the blindest sheep aren’t just clueless—they’re downright eager to lick the boots that’ll stomp them into the dirt.
You’re out here jingling your cowbells, waving a “freedom” flag, and calling it resistance while practically begging to get screwed.
Wake the f*** up, or enjoy the ride—you’ve earned it.

#falselight #beast #zion #psyop


09 Dec, 17:12

Never spoke a single word 😆


09 Dec, 17:12


09 Dec, 17:12

Dr. Jan (Hamburger) Helper Hayes is still out here peddling military sting fairy tales and imaginary tribunals, tag-teaming with hoodrat grift-master-flex Ariel @Prolotario1 from the streets of Nigeria.

When Israel and Nigeria form a dream team, the grift levels go full Super Saiyan. You can’t out-hustle this duo!


09 Dec, 17:12

Hey Dr. Hamburger Helper 👋, @Biz_Shrink
quick question:
What’s the Fabian Society really about? Is it an exclusive club for Jewish globalists, or can us regular goys join the party too?

Still hustling military sting ops and imaginary tribunals? Or have you moved on to flipping Dinar with your fiend Ariel with his pedo-tendencies
Asking for a friend.


09 Dec, 17:12

Ten Signs Of A False Teacher

Many of the world’s most famous televangelists aren’t just hypocrites or frauds—they’re deliberate agents of inversion, serving the exact forces they claim to oppose. These so-called “men of God” are deeply entrenched in Luciferian symbolism and practice.

From their hand gestures to their stage setups, the inverted symbols of Moloch and Baphomet are often hiding in plain sight. And it’s not just them—it runs in their bloodlines. Entire families of these televangelists live in opposition to the faith they profit from, pushing spiritual deception while masking their true allegiances.

They preach salvation but worship power. They demand faith but peddle fear. And they do it all under the guise of divine authority.

#Symbolism #Moloch #Baphomet
Faith is personal, but deception is business—and business is booming.


09 Dec, 17:12

Trump didn’t just fail to drain the swamp—he threw in a few billionaires, slapped on some “Wetlands Preserve” signs, and turned it into a luxury lakeside resort. Here’s just a fraction of the all-star guest list from his billionaire boys’ club:
•Donald J. Trump: Self-proclaimed billionaire grifter-in-chief. Swamp King Supreme.
•Elon Musk: Crypto-clown and billionaire extraordinaire, taking us to mars one brain-chip at a time.
•Vivek Ramaswamy: Another DOGE shill, billionaire pharma bro pretending to care about the common man like he does Israel.
•Linda McMahon (Education Secretary): Billionaire WWE mogul in charge of education. Probably helped Trump rehearse the ear bleed assassination shenanigans.
•Doug Burgum (Interior Secretary): Billionaire real estate tycoon put in charge of public lands. Translation: You’re Fooked.
•Howard Lutnick (Commerce Secretary): Wall Street’s very own swamp monster taking care of our retirement… perfect.
•Scott Bessent (Treasury Secretary): Hedge fund billionaire chosen by Larry Fink of Blackrock, what could go wrong?
•Charles Kushner (Ambassador to France): Because nepotism is pro Israel.
•Warren Stephens (Ambassador to the UK): Billionaire tax-dodger sent to secure cozy offshore deals. God save the Queen…from him.
•Jared Isaacman (NASA): Another space-obsessed billionaire ✡️ space laser commander…
•Kelly Loeffler (SBA): Remember when she dumped stocks ahead of the pandemic? Now she’s watching over small businesses. LOL.
•Steve Witkoff (Middle East envoy): A real estate billionaire bringing peace to the Middle East the same way Bush did.

This wasn’t swamp-draining; it was a billionaire gangbang in MAGA hats. Trump didn’t just leave the swamp intact—he paved it, stuck a golf course on top, and handed out golden membership cards to his billionaire cronies, complete with bonus Israel getaways for his handlers’ besties.

But sure, keep screaming “MAGA” and punching that ballot box like a trained monkey. Maybe this time your orange messiah will ride in on a gilded chariot and fix everything.


09 Dec, 17:01



09 Dec, 16:59

They’re taxing you, robbing you of your income, and controlling your life over something so insignificant and minuscule!
Watch the clip, the climate change activist has no idea what she's talking about!

And the blue and yellow again😒


09 Dec, 15:37

En hoe zit dat met hugo⁉️💬


09 Dec, 15:36

Was te verwachten


09 Dec, 14:43

If you see something say something...

Share what you find so others can learn to


08 Dec, 20:30

The trial against Ursula VonDerLeyen about the COVID-19 text messages with Pfizer began on Friday, December 6, in the Liège council chamber.
The case has been delayed (probebly sabotaged) by the EU Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), which failed to do its homework.



13 Nov, 01:55

Red and Blue Pillars - Luciferian Symbolism

Great video that focuses on how colors, specifically red and blue are quite symbolic in the occult.


12 Nov, 23:28


12 Nov, 23:24

Remember when the 2017 TV Show S.W.A.T. was targeting "Sovereigns"?

Heres a breakdown of the psyop and beyond.

Season 1, Episode 12 - Contamination

instagram. com/reel/DCSRsLgytOg/?igsh=MXdnc3ByNnhkOWI5OQ==


12 Nov, 23:24

The concept of a "divine council" is an intriguing aspect of ancient religious texts. Some say the "gods" Bal and other were a part of this council before being cast out.

Particularly in the context of the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Enoch, and other related literature.

Hebrew Bible
Psalms 82:1: This passage is often cited regarding the divine council. It speaks of God standing in the assembly of divine beings, or "gods," and pronouncing judgment. This suggests a heavenly court where decisions are made and authority is exercised.

Job 1:6-12 and Job 2:1-6: These passages describe the "sons of God" presenting themselves before Yahweh, one of whom is Satan. This assembly functions almost like a gathering of celestial advisors or witnesses.

1 Kings 22:19-22: Here, Micaiah describes a vision of Yahweh on His throne with all the host of heaven standing by, depicting a council where spirits discuss the fate of Ahab.

Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish text, frequently details interactions between heavenly beings and the human realm:

Watchers: The Book of Enoch expands on the biblical "sons of God" by referring to them as Watchers, heavenly beings who fall from grace by interacting with humans. Some interpretations view these beings as part of the divine council before their fall.

Heavenly Orders: Enoch describes elaborate hierarchies and orders of angels and celestial beings, providing a detailed vision of divine assembly and governance.

Other Texts and Contexts
Ugaritic Texts: These ancient Near Eastern texts refer to a divine council led by the god El, which included deities like Baal. These texts parallel some Hebrew Bible descriptions, indicating a shared cultural motif in the ancient Near East.

Deuteronomy 32:8-9: The Dead Sea Scrolls version of this text suggests that the "Most High" apportioned the nations according to the number of the "sons of God," implying a division of rulership among divine entities.

The idea of a divine council posits a structured, hierarchical system of celestial governance, reflecting early polytheistic influences and eventually evolving within monotheistic frameworks. This concept allows for exploring how different traditions imagined divine interaction with the world and humanity.


12 Nov, 23:24

Do you think we’ll be starring in the next Terminator movie?

Someone better start researching how to kill terminators so we can be ready when they start attacking us…. 🤖 💥


11 Nov, 01:16

Former Dutch election winner Geert Wilders has responded to the incident that took place in Amsterdam.
Wilders is known as a Mossad agent, and he receives generous donations from Zionist organisations.


11 Nov, 00:58

While Janet Yelen was being questioned about USD, the Federal Reserve emblem fell off the podium the moment the phrase “world's reserve currency” was mentioned

Intentional or not, I’d say this is highly symbolic. God is sending signs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear (Matt. 13:16)

Fiat currency will only last so long. They have to destroy the old system to introduce a new system


11 Nov, 00:55

The stars being inverted in the Republican Party elephant logo (much like the congressional medal of honor) should speak volumes to those still engaging in politics (pentagrams and upside down stars are used to represent occultism and satanism)

The Right Wing is no better than the Left Wing. Two evil sides of one evil bird, except one side is a bit more obvious than the other

Left/right is a top-down construct. An establishment orchestration to deceive the masses— 'sideways' dialectic for the 99.9% to keep them divided (divide & conquer)

The stars were inverted in the RNC logo almost 24 years ago when Karl Rove was the head of the party, right before the 9/11 inside job was engineered

The democrats did it decades earlier

Both sides always flash their Luciferian symbolism and hide it in plain sight because that’s how sorcery/spell-casting works on the subconscious level

"When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men” - Manly P Hall


11 Nov, 00:42

Interesting how just days after Trump was selected, the world has gone “peaceful” per se. Because of this, Christians and conservatives are “happy” again. “Everything is going back to normal,” they say

Since Trumps selection victory was announced, Zelensky has spoken with Trump about ending the war in Ukraine. Hamas is talking about a cease-fire. The Iran backed Houthis announced a ceasefire. Mexico is putting an end to migrant convoys. China wants peace with America

Also, the Stock Market boomed. Bitcoin hit an all time high on selection day. Gas/grocery prices have dropped. Much of the “woke” ideology has been removed from stores like Target

All apart of the theatre. They are literally setting people up to be utterly deceived and thrown off guard— big time

There was something very dark and demonic released the day Trump was selected. You could feel it and you can still feel it. It leads me to believe something very sinister is coming

I imagine Trumps plan is to make “everything great” for a short period to gather support from Americans, only for Trump the snake (remember the poems from the rallies) to turn on them and lead them to destruction

It’s all so scripted. All those on the world stage are puppets. Once you see it you can’t unsee it, but sadly there are many who do not have the discernment to see what’s actually going on. They have been deceived by vain words and doctrines of demons

The video attached goes into further detail

Put on the whole armor of God brethren. We’re all going to need every piece. We wrestle not against flesh & blood!

Ephesians 6


10 Nov, 14:17


🔥De Stroman en Persoon Fraude | Basiskennis Common Law:

🔥Staat der Nederlanden een Bedrijf:

🔥1848 Nederlandse Grondwet, Staat der Nederlanden opgericht:

🔥Hoe we Nederland kunnen Bevrijden, net als de UK..!! - Murder by Decree:

🔥De Oplossing voor het Claimen van Vrijheid op Scholen:

🔥De Hiërarchie van de Wet en de Toepassing van Handelsrecht Deel 2

🔥De Hiërarchie van de Wet en de Toepassing van Handelsrecht Deel 1 (ingekort):

🔥Rechten of Contracten tegenover Beleid

🔥Wij zijn vrije mensen, leer en studeer..!

🔥Verplichting is Slavernij

🔥Het Contract met je Werkgever:

🔥Bericht voor de Politie en alle Overheids Ambtenaren en Zorgmedewerkers:

🔥Bewijzen / Protocollen met Ivermectine voor ziekenhuizen

🔥Politie op je stoep, wat mogen ze wel en wat niet..!

🔥Onverwacht gesprek met de nieuwsgierige wijkagent:

🔥Bellen met de gemeente Alkmaar:

🔥Zit er een Leeuw in Jouw..?:

🔥1776 Verklaring van Onafhankelijkheid herstellen, wees Vrij en Sterk:

🔥Persconferentie uitgelegd..:

🔥Hoe werkt het nou eigenlijk..:

🔥NonConpliant KrisAnne Hall:

💥Act of 1871

💥Abonneer Op Beide💥
💥Rumble Kanalen💥

Eigen gemaakte video's

Voor informatie en educatie

Wil je ons steunen,
zodat er o.a advocaat kosten kunnen worden betaald
dan kan dat via:

NL 70 RABO 0332 8840 74

T.a.v Donatie Moms Magnet

De donatie link bij rumble/you tube is niet meer in gebruik
-Als er is overgemaakt naar chantal de afgelopen maanden,
raden we aan dat terug te vragen.

Alvast bedankt



10 Nov, 10:17

When you were taught that the Nazis wanted to destroy the world but you only see Jews, Zionist whores and Satanists EVERYWHERE! [More Info/Links/Vids]


10 Nov, 10:17

Rudy Giuliani is a cross-dressing Templar.
Change my mind.


10 Nov, 10:10

Free energy devices? Mercury, Eiffel tower, Herman plauson, and Lightning rod connection.
➡️The Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems.pdf


05 Nov, 14:48

📣Do you know any other place?

Post it in the comment's

🔔Educate & Digg together 💬


05 Nov, 14:43

Mother's of darkness castle Belgium


05 Nov, 11:28


🔥De Stroman en Persoon Fraude | Basiskennis Common Law:

🔥Staat der Nederlanden een Bedrijf:

🔥1848 Nederlandse Grondwet, Staat der Nederlanden opgericht:

🔥Hoe we Nederland kunnen Bevrijden, net als de UK..!! - Murder by Decree:

🔥De Oplossing voor het Claimen van Vrijheid op Scholen:

🔥De Hiërarchie van de Wet en de Toepassing van Handelsrecht Deel 2

🔥De Hiërarchie van de Wet en de Toepassing van Handelsrecht Deel 1 (ingekort):

🔥Rechten of Contracten tegenover Beleid

🔥Wij zijn vrije mensen, leer en studeer..!

🔥Verplichting is Slavernij

🔥Het Contract met je Werkgever:

🔥Bericht voor de Politie en alle Overheids Ambtenaren en Zorgmedewerkers:

🔥Bewijzen / Protocollen met Ivermectine voor ziekenhuizen

🔥Politie op je stoep, wat mogen ze wel en wat niet..!

🔥Onverwacht gesprek met de nieuwsgierige wijkagent:

🔥Bellen met de gemeente Alkmaar:

🔥Zit er een Leeuw in Jouw..?:

🔥1776 Verklaring van Onafhankelijkheid herstellen, wees Vrij en Sterk:

🔥Persconferentie uitgelegd..:

🔥Hoe werkt het nou eigenlijk..:

🔥NonConpliant KrisAnne Hall:

💥Act of 1871

💥Abonneer Op Beide💥
💥Rumble Kanalen💥

Eigen gemaakte video's

Voor informatie en educatie

Wil je ons steunen,
zodat er o.a advocaat kosten kunnen worden betaald
dan kan dat via:

NL 70 RABO 0332 8840 74

T.a.v Donatie Moms Magnet

De donatie link bij rumble/you tube is niet meer in gebruik



05 Nov, 03:39


05 Nov, 03:29

🇫🇷 De recente parade in Toulouse "de bewaker van de tempel", waar onder andere een gigantische minotaurus en een afbeelding van Lilith bij aanwezig waren, maakt deel uit van een reeks shows georganiseerd door de Franse straattheatergroep La Machine.

🩸 In de mystieke teksten van de Joodse Kabbala en in de Talmoed wordt Lilith voorgesteld als een demonische figuur die de wereld van demonen bewoont en verbonden is met chaos. Het wordt hedendaags gebruikt als feministisch symbool. De figuur van Lilith is versierd met een omgekeerde kruishanger.

🐮 De minotaurus is het resultaat van de verbintenis tussen de vrouw van koning Minos van Kreta en een stier. De hybride aard ervan heeft ertoe geleid dat sommige hedendaagse schrijvers het gebruiken als symbool van genderidentiteit. De minotaurus heeft de Dingir, symbool van de Sumerische god Anu, op zijn zijkant getekend.

🇫🇷 The recent parade in Toulouse "the guardian of the temple", which included a giant minotaur and a representation of Lilith, is part of a series of shows organized by the French street theater group La Machine.

🩸 In the mystical texts of the Jewish Kabbalah and in the Talmud, Lilith is presented as a demonic figure who inhabits the world of demons and is linked to chaos. It is contemporary used as a feminist symbol. The figure of Lilith is decorated with an inverted cross pendant.

🐮 The minotaur is the result of the union between the wife of King Minos of Crete, and a bull. Its hybrid nature has led some contemporary writers to use it as a symbol of gender identity. The minotaur has the Dingir, symbol of the Sumerian god Anu, drawn on its side.


04 Nov, 19:07

Alright, so basically what you have here is over the weekend I did what I said I was going to do. I created the, there's going to be clips from the vaccine videos, like I said I was going to make. And that little ad is going to be on the end of it. I wouldn't even call it an ad because I'm losing money. So I would call it something else. But anyways, that little promo of rights, you know, this whole thing's a psychological, you could almost say it's a trick, but I feel like a trick is negative. So anyways, the people who are scared and who are vaccinated and who are open to potentially fighting for their life, this will give them a direction to go. And if they get weaponized with their rights, they're going to wake up to everything. So hopefully this will do multi-tier level things. Hopefully I get a bunch of submissions and then we can possibly do a class action lawsuit. Maybe I'll finally see a pattern of why no one's working. Are we all, is everyone dead and they're just not telling us? You know, because I thought forever it was COVID money. Like the COVID fund was paying for everyone's bills. Because how can you pay your bills if you're not working? And how are we, how are all the prices increasing? I'm barely keeping up. And we have people that aren't going to work. It doesn't make any sense at all. I feel like they're dead. They have to be. That's the only, I thought it was the COVID money, but that's gone. So anyways, the point is, I really hope this gets out there. I hope you guys see the psychological power of this red pill technique. And I really hope you guys just take my work that I spent all, it doesn't sound like long, but I spent all weekend on because I do nothing else, literally nothing else in my life. I was supposed to go see a friend and I just didn't. I just was locked in and I'm behind on some stuff again for this. But anyways, everything happens for a reason. And sometimes something more important overwrites the current tasks that I'm doing. And that's what happened with this case. So anyways, I really hope you utilize this. I hope you show your friends and family and military friends the Carl Miller video. And like, hey, have you seen this? Like Carl Miller is a war hero pilot and he was teaching us the Constitution. And something else that I'm going to come out with. I went and I did a deep dig on there's five different reports for domestic terrorism, all mentioning sovereign citizens. The sovereign citizens, they weaponize the UCC code. They basically tell you pretty close to what we do, but then give you the wrong way to do it. And then they claim that we are doing it the wrong way and that we are claiming we're sovereign citizens. So anytime you get pulled over, there are briefs that the police have for sovereign citizens. And in this recent situation where I'm helping my friend in court, she was pulled over and they referred, I looked at the body cam footage and when they weren't around her, they called it in and was like, I think it's a sovereign citizen. And then some other guy was like laughing, another cop. And it was like, ha ha, I think it's a sovereign citizen. So the fact that they think that this is sovereign citizen, that's proof of their negligence. That's proof that they have no idea what the fuck they're doing. And that's proof that they just eat the bullshit. So when I get into this, my next step down the line, probably by the end of the week, is going to have these... I'm going to somehow get in there. And it's so hard to do because the way they worded it psychologically is really to fuck with people. So I'm going to somehow compare the Cara Miller suggestions to the bullshit. There's like five or six PDFs of domestic terrorism and sovereign citizen. So I'm going to compare those two together and completely expose the Department of Defense and the FBI and all these fucking briefs on sovereign citizens. and show them that sovereign citizen is a fucking oxymoron. That's not what this is. You can't be sovereign and a citizen.


04 Nov, 19:07

That's like, that's like saying that you're not gay, but you're sucking a dick. It just, it does not, it doesn't make any sense. Anyways, big thing is coming down the pipeline. Um, hopefully I got, I got a bunch of other videos, like the random content. Now I wouldn't say random, it's all to do with everything. But anyways, bunch of stuff coming down the pipeline. I really hope you utilize the work, see how much work I put into it and see how big of a difference this thing can make, right? It's all for you. It's all for the world. That's what I do, right? It's all at the cost and expense to me. And it's 1000% up to the universe to give me anything back if I deserve it. So I've been going extra hard. It's funny because this little mechanism that I've created where I basically don't get any money unless I work as hard as I can and put a ridiculous amount of content back or out there, then maybe it'll come back. In the past six months, it has not. And I've been, like I said, I've been losing money. But the point is, I'm still doing this for you and I'll still do it until I run out of fuel. So just please utilize my work. Please, please, please. That's the only thing I ask is that you take a little bit of extra time, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30, you'd be amazing to just take the content, especially that little 30 second clip and just go get it around wherever you can. Maybe it will wake up one, two, three, maybe it'll wake up a hundred people, maybe a hundred thousand people. You never know where the post will go, who will share the post. You know, I've had myself end up on Joe Rogan. And if one of these little vaccine ads gets end up on, ends up on Joe Rogan, we may just wake up a hundred thousand people. So the point is even you could be the catalyst to make this massive change. I've done my part. Hopefully you do yours and I hope you have a great day. All


04 Nov, 19:04

🏆 ✈️ De legendarische gevechtsoorlogspiloot Carl Miller - had dit allang voor hem moeten laten maken 🫡🇺🇸

Als je niet weet wie dat is, moet je absoluut luisteren naar wat hij zegt over de grondwet. Die video was de aanleiding voor mijn onderzoek om te begrijpen wat mijn rechten allemaal veranderen. Het is letterlijk alsof je in je goddelijke licht stapt, niet alleen kunnen deze wezens je niet aanraken, maar als je dichtbij ze komt, worden ze vernietigd …

Rust zacht Carl … 🤝🗣

Dank u voor uw diensten op en buiten het slagveld. U bent duidelijk een van Gods meest goddelijke krijgers.

Toen ik begreep wie hij werkelijk was, voelde ik me weer opgeladen en kreeg ik een beter perspectief.
💪 ❤️ 🧠🧩💨


04 Nov, 19:03

New idea for a new push - utilize the fear to empower them instead of push them into a black hole of despair

Carl Miller Justice for Vaccine Victims (CMJVV)


04 Nov, 19:03

🏆 ✈️ The Legendary Combat War Pilot Carl Miller - should have had this made for him a long time ago 🫡🇺🇸

If you don’t know who that is you absolutely need to go hear what he says about the constitution. That video is what sparked my research into actually understanding what my rights changing everything. It’s literally like stepping into your divine light, not only can these creatures not touch you but when you get close to them they get obliterated

RIP Carl

Thank you for your service on and off the battlefield.. clearly one of gods God’s most Divine warriors..

Understanding who he really was, really fueled
⛽️ my tank and put things in perspective for me.
💪 ❤️ 🧠🧩💨

instagram. com/reel/DB8ZC3wOW9f/?igsh=MWxnd3ozc2YwMzA0ag==

HonorCarlMiller. com


04 Nov, 19:02

🏆 The Legendary Combat War Pilot Carl Miller has the knowledge you need, do you have the time for him?

His Full 5 Hour video ✈️.. Please repost this version on Youtube

Link is at HonorCarlMiller dot com


04 Nov, 19:02

🏆 The Legendary Combat War Pilot Carl Miller has the knowledge you need, do you have the time for him? ✈️

🇺🇸 Honor him by Knowing him - Carl Miller RIP 🪦 (30 minute Version)

rumble. com/v5ltc7h-general-carl-miller-the-war-hero-we-all-could-use-right-about-now-please-sh.html


03 Nov, 10:08

Project Monarch mind control, the perfect crime. Project Monarch is the missing gap that is often overlooked when trying to understand how the enemy operates. They have completely perfected the art of making undetectable mind control slaves. They have been more careful of their monarch symbolism as we’ve caught on but if you look carefully it’s still there.


03 Nov, 10:08

Monarch mind control was named after the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically. The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a Master race in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed genetically (which it is), then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind control.”

Basically, a lot of people could not handle Monarch mind control. It was learned that certain bloodlines of traumatized people would need to be used in order to be effective. These groups of people would have passed on dissociative Identity disorder or at least the ability to dissociate while under trauma to their children. The farther the bloodline stretches back, the stronger the ability.


03 Nov, 10:08

The programmers seek the compartmentalization of their subject’s psyche in multiple and separate alter personas using trauma to cause dissociation.

Here is a partial list of methods involved

Abuse and torture
2. Confinement in boxes, cages, coffins, etc, or burial (often with an opening or air-tube for oxygen)
3. Restraint with ropes, chains, cuffs, etc.
4. Near-drowning
5. Extremes of heat and cold, including submersion in ice water and burning chemicals
6. Skinning (only top layers of the skin are removed in victims intended to survive)
7. Spinning
8. Blinding light
9. Electric shock
10. Forced ingestion of offensive body fluids and matter, such as blood, urine, feces, flesh, etc.


03 Nov, 10:08

Dissociation is thus achieved by traumatizing the subject, using systematic abuse and using terrifying occult rituals. Once a split in the core personality occurs, an “internal world” can be created and alter personas can be programmed using tools such as music, movies (especially Disney productions) and fairy tales. These visual and audio aids enhance the programming process using images, symbols, meanings, and concepts. Created alters can then be accessed using trigger words or symbols programmed into the subject’s psyche by the handler. Some of the most common internal images seen by mind control slaves are trees, Cabalistic Tree of life, infinity loops, ancient symbols and letters, spider webs, mirrors, glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons, butterflies, hour glasses, clocks, and robots. These symbols are commonly inserted in popular culture movies and videos for two reasons: to desensitize the majority of the population, using subliminals and neuro-linguistic programming and to deliberately construct specific triggers and keys for base programming of highly-impressionable monarch children.


03 Nov, 10:08

Each level of programming is named after brainwave frequency. An alternate personality would be created for each state of consciousness.


03 Nov, 10:08

Each level of programming is named after brainwave frequency. An alternate personality would be created for each state of consciousness.

ALPHA is within the base control personality. It characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victim’s personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of Left and Right through neuron pathway stimulation.

BETA is referred to as “sexual” programming (slaves). This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level. Known as Kitten programming, it is the most visible kind of programming as some female celebrities, models, actresses, and singers have been subjected to this kind of programming. In popular culture, clothing with feline prints often denotes Kitten programming.

DELTA is known as “killer” programming and was originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression are evident. Subjects are devoid of fear and very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.

THETA – Considered to the “psychic” programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems


03 Nov, 10:08

The insane reality is that these splits of personality that are caused are completely undetectable and have no memory whatsoever of the actions of the other personalities. Victims of Monarch mind control have went into detail explaining how their programmers also used the layering in of demonic possession for each personality. Each state is referred to as “alters”.

This is why it’s the perfect crime. It’s entirely unprovable, because the alters have no idea that the other personalities exist. Even the core personality doesn’t know what happens when the alter takes over. Whichever personality that takes control or is allowed to have control is called the “front alter”. These alters are triggered by certain sounds, code words, or even smells, in order to come to the front.

When my wife was trafficked there are periods that she remembers the switch beginning to happen but after that everything is blank.

They reduce people with torture until they reach their most disassociated childlike state, and when they are in this state this is when they program the alternative personality/demons in.


03 Nov, 10:08

When celebrities have breakdowns and have a total change of personality over and over again, go through “rehab” (re-programming) and come out normal again, now you know what’s going on. Every childhood celebrity is likely a monarch subject. There likely are soldiers, politicians, CEOs etc.. all around us who are monarch subjects. Think of that when celebrities like Isaac Kappy, who begin to turn against the NWO “commit suicide”. perhaps their programmers programmed in a kill switch.


03 Nov, 10:04

#ProjectBlueBeam To Bring In The FALSE #AI Savior⁉️🐍


03 Nov, 10:04

#UniversalIncome #ComingSoon ‼️⚠️ #Elon #X #Trump #WeChat


03 Nov, 10:04



03 Nov, 10:04

#ElonMusk #X #WeChat #SocialCreditSystem ‼️🐍⚠️


03 Nov, 10:04

Summoning The Beast‼️⚠️ #Antichrist #Demon #Technology #DWave #Quantum #AI


03 Nov, 10:04

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled”‼️

The saying is based on the idea that it's easier to convince someone to believe a lie than to convince them that they've been deceived. The person who has been fooled is often a willing participant, having adopted a false narrative without proper vetting. Convincing them that they've been fooled would require them to admit that they made a foolish choice.

#Covid19 #Luciferian #Luciferase #NWO

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