MOH, DHA Materials


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MOH,DOH & DHA Materials
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MOH, DHA Materials

04 Oct, 04:20

DHA general Exam

الخميس 1/10/2024

Bacteria grow on blood agar

Oxdiase positive
Germ tube
Screeng and confirm test of syphlis and HIv

Bacteria cause meningitis.. Child

Bacteria lactose ferment

Whooping cough

Case of c. Tatani

Notcardinal parasite

سؤال غريب😅 عنFISH and IHC

سؤال عن بكتريا واعراض تسببarthritis

كل تفاعلات بكتريا رئوية .S.phenomi

Bacteria grow onMRSA
Bacteria is thermophlic
Urine and fluids:

Colour of aporphus. P

Change of pH from acidic to alkline

S. Gravity

نتيجة لفحص بول وللجلكوز وHbA1c
يسأل لي نتيجة فيهم خطا

Turbidity appearance of urine

Elvated of bile
Most cast

Best method of urine analysis

نتيجةلentrobious. Vulcaris


Why you don't see cells under micro scope

Blood bank

فصيلة ام واب. ماهي احتمالات فصيلة الطفل

Cases of discrepancy

زيادة الانتجين تسمى باكبر نسبةag
Cases of minor blood group

Poly clonal ab

HB in child of 7 month
فصيلة تعرف بالمستقبل العالمي

Ag cross المشيمة
Cases to give the best blood group

Cases of blood group


Cases of hypersentivity
Sendory response

Cases of all IG
CD4:CD is low in disese

Part of flow cytmetry fir size

Case of mixing study spedu thromocytopenia

Cases of types of thalassemia

High and low Esr
PThas Prolonged PT and give him vit k
After that PT. Test corrected
What is reason

Cases of Dic
Citrate sodium نسبة

Cases of sickle

Howely jiol body
Hihg retic

Synthesis of hb
Ab normal of hb in thalsemis
Clump of platelet
اي من العوامل التي ينشطها الثرومبين

متى نرفض استلام العينات

Stain of iron
Defect membrane of
cell cause
Cases of macro and micro cytic

نتيجة لفحص جلكوز وHBA1c
والانزيمات والهرمونات
بسأل اي نتيجة فيهم تعتبر خطا

AMI biomarker

Cases of Elvated enzymes

High LDL
In direct Eliza which is labelled

High HCG in male

Case of nephrtic syndrome

نقل الامونيا من العضلات للكبد في صورة

Cases of Elvated of direct and indirect bileurbin


D. M. Type 1 and 2

Glycoprotien hormone in....

EdTa tube
Rolex formation
HB electphoersi
Histogm of wbcs

الأسئلة هنا
وفي النهاية يسأل عن الفي صورة شنو

Anion gap

يوجد مريع أسفل كل سؤال مكتوب بهcalculator
تظغطه وتحسب

Best fictive for cytology cells
اهم معلومات للمريض ماهي
وصراحة في كم سؤال غريب😅 عن سمك العينة والحهاز
ماعرفته ومامتذكراهم

MOH, DHA Materials

04 Oct, 04:20

إمتحان زميلتنا الدكتورة
Sakina Elfatih
Dha general technologist exam

MOH, DHA Materials

15 Sep, 13:55

DHA technologist exam

Wood lamp
M3 (acute promyelocyte lukemia in long test with patient result = DIC
Na low= hyponaterimia
Na low= Granulocyte
Aptt normal+pt normal= factor XIII deficiency
HDL what's the next step= LDL
Case:High cholesterol = familiar hypercholestrimia
Photo show shistocye what's the disease= TTP
Mother D- ,baby D-, father D+ doctor order zygotest for father I choose  Homozygot Rh (not sure)
Blue_green pigment in media= psudomonase auroginosa
Bacteria shwo red pogment in solid agar= serritia
Patien responsibility = taking drugs without asking doctor
Produce safety in the lab=  everyone
زميل العمل عنده مرض معدي انا حطيت بعلم السوبرفايزر
Cytology serve= 10 or 5 (not sure)
Solid agar used in= agar plate
العينه طارت bad processing
Tissue in the slide not like the tissue= water bath not clean
Cotton cheese = candida albicans
Picture of AB
Mothe OO father AB child= A and B
Case with 3_4RBcs= hemolytic
Female have vaginally bleeding what's the disadvantage = bloody background
Qualitative test for sickle cell= sickle solubility test
Picture show turbid which hB= Hb S
Ana positive what's the confirmatory test?
RPr + VDR+ what's the confirmatory test? Treponemal palladium test
Crowcskrew end = treponimal palladium
Patient with IDA= decrease iron , decrease ferritin, increase TIBC
Histogram show platlet clump= decrease plts and increase wbcs
Discrepancy with sugroub A2
MCH count
MCV count
Measure of heavy metal= atomic absorbtion 
How to defrentiate leukemia = immunophenotyping
Crump= parainfuinza viruse

MOH, DHA Materials

15 Sep, 13:55

امتحان زميلتنا الدكتورة
Fatima elhag
Dha General

MOH, DHA Materials

31 Aug, 21:48

DHA exam 30/8/2024
2-picture of trend
3- picture of basophil ( HST-1)
4- picture of Histoplama capsulatum بس ما متاكد
4-Tumor markar ovary?
(CA 125)
5-confirmatory test of syphilis?
6-confirmatory test of syphilis?
(Dark field microscope)
7-كيس كان فيهو كلو نورمال الا الNa ?
الاجابه (Hypernatremia)
8-specific test HCV?
9- جاني سؤال تعريف ?
(External QC)الاجابه
11- antibody HCT-1?
12-primary hypothyroidism ?
(زيادةTSH / نقصان T3 T4
13-tumor marker prostate cancer detection?
14-dosage? E
15-media vibrio?
(TCBS وتاني في واحدي)
16- جاني سؤال عن اكتر تست بيتاثر في الكوفييد ؟
17-سؤال من Biosafety cabinet
18-PYR test and sensetive to penicillin?(p.pyogenes)
19-كيس اي شي زايد حتى الCK-MB? (Myocardial infliction
20-lipid case atherosclerosis?(LDL)
21-كيس كان اكتر شي بظهر في الCSF?
( neutrophils بس ما متاكد هي ولا basophils )
22-سؤال عن الLactate dehydrogenase
23-سوال عن الWilson disease البينقص ايش
23-test for renal damage in DM?
24-سؤال عن سبب نقل FFP
25-A2 subgroup
26-electric fire after alarm? Close door
27- سؤال عن الAlloantibody
28-IgGعن الام والجنين
29-first marker that appears inHBs Ag? HBsAg
30-picture High MCV shift right
31- سؤال عن واحد عاوز يتبرع بس شاكي في مرض؟
الاجابه نقبل كمتبرع ونعمل ليهو التست
32-سؤالينIron defecincy anemia
زياده ?TIBC
33- Giant platelets? Bernard soulier syndrome
34- bleeding All normal?prolonged13
35-Hemophilia A?prolonged aPTT
36 -auor rote? ALL
38-picture gama/alpha/B/
39-كيس كان المفتاح Germ tube like?
(Candida albicans)
40-chromosomes of ABO genes location? 9
41-G6PD ? Hemolytic anemia
42-What is the difference between Micrococcus and Staphylococcus?
(susceptibility test)
43-picture sickle cell anemia
44-umper color? Bilirubin
45-tissue graft obtained from a donor of a different species from the recipient? Heterograft
46-Deferential between Hbss and HbAS? Sickle solubility test
47-PCH? Anti-p
48-Genotype RBCs A? (AA/AO)
49-كان في سؤال عن الurine ?الاجابهDehydration
50-في الكيس في bite cat before 2days? Besturala
A1 cell=2+
B cell =2+
52-measures the proportion of red blood cells in the blood? haematocrit
53-سؤال عن specific gravity
54-H gen? L-fucose
55-في الكيس كان في abdominal pain عن براسيات وlateral egg? Mansonai
56-fibrinogen to fibrin? thrombin
57- parasites human muscle tissue ?Trichinella spiralis

الكيسات كانت واضحه شديد

صدقه جاريه لروح اخي محمد دعواتكم ليهو ربنا يرحمو

MOH, DHA Materials

31 Aug, 21:48

امتحان زميلنا الدكتور
AlSadig Abdallah
Dha General technologist

MOH, DHA Materials

30 Aug, 19:04

MOH, DHA Materials pinned «تواصل معنا لخدمة الداتا فلو| For Dataflow Service»

MOH, DHA Materials

30 Aug, 19:04

تواصل معنا لخدمة الداتا فلو| For Dataflow Service

MOH, DHA Materials

30 Aug, 13:03

لا مافي بروميترك مافي الا هذي الخطوات ونصيحه لازم تكون عندك انجليزي كويس تقدر تجاوب فيه الدكتورة و احفظ الشهادات المعتمدة للجودة مثل cap و GCI .... و خذ معك لاب كوت

MOH, DHA Materials

30 Aug, 13:03

السلام عليكم سؤال الحين المتيريال لل تكنولجست بختلف عن التكنشن؟

MOH, DHA Materials

30 Aug, 13:02

امتحان الهيستو .... اولا فيه امتحان للتعرف على الشرائح بصيغة امينوهيتسوكيمستري نوع الصبغه و ايش تصبغ بالضبط

بعدين امتحان عملي تأخذ بلوك شمعي و تعمل شريحه نسيجيه وتصبغها و تقرر الدكتور كم اخذت وقت و جودة الشريحه ...

اخر شي انترفيو مع دكتورة بريطانيه و دكتورة هندية الأسئلة أكثرها عن الصبغات المناعية و عن الجودة .

MOH, DHA Materials

30 Aug, 13:01

تفاصيل عن امتحان DHA تخصص هستو

MOH, DHA Materials

14 Aug, 20:08

DHA general technologist 12/8/2024

الامتحان ما كان صعب كان متوسط بس محتاج تركيز وفهم وربط معلومات

الاسئله كانت شامله كل الاقسام بس التركيز كان على المايكرو والهيم والبلود بانك والكيميا

وبرضو جابو اسئله كتير عن الpatient safety and right و ال Quality assurance

انا درست من Approache وملازم اليزيد وتجميعات اسئله اليزيد وهيا وكانو جدا مفيدين واسئله كتييره جاتني منهم


- If the patient refuse to give blood sample what to do=respect his rejection
- an emergency acident and the patient friend ask for the result =report result for physician
- 60 liter of xylene spilled =leave the rome
- electric fire happened what to do after rescuing and alarm =close the door
- preparation of 1 M potassium permenganat
- picture of aspergillos
- monomorphic fungi
- phenotype = observed characteristics
- Picture to differentiate between yeast and RBCs
- Picture of pleural fluid and what type of stain is used = asid fast
- Case and picture for rolex formation and spherocytosis
- Flow cytometry mechanim
- Definition of toxolgy
- BUN =2.14
- defenetion of hospital responsibility
- history disease = patients responsibility
- question about smoking policy
- disabled patients right =provide VIP nursing
- most errors occur in =pre analytical
- Disposable container of xylene
- case of sectioning problem = knife with angle
- fixation of large size specimen=slicing
- blood for culture specimen came after shift end =refrigeration ??
- Visitors deferral =1 year
- Case of malaria key word bananah shape gametocyte= P.falciparum
- Syphillis confirmatory test
- best test for chlamydia
- HIV confirmatory test =Westren blot
- Fecal oral route hepatitis =HAV
- HCV test =RIBA
- Case for HIV = immunodeficiency
- اكتر من كيسين عن ال HDN
- Ag show dosage= M
- Ag destroyed by papain amd ficin = Fya
- Case of anti-A1 and A2
- Case of + DAT and - Ab screening what to do = crossmatcing ??
- Primary immune response =IgM
- Cells found in peripheral blood of healty paitent =RBC monocyte blast
- Classical pathway activated
by =C1
- In negative complement fixation what is bound with complement = coated RBCs
- Cell found in Hemoglobin C = target cell
- Heinze body found in = G6PD
- Polychromatic cell = reticulocyte
- Herdetery elioticytosis defect =membrane
- SLE Antibodies?
- What of the following change in delayed urine sample = PH
- Screen of extrinsic pathway= PT
- اكتر من اربعه كيسات عن ال
hemostasis و vWD و APTT
- blood sample less than 2 ml for PT APTT =rejected
- Pyuria = infection and WBCs
- child with sever candida infection but antibiotics didn’t work-what type of blood given =granulocytes
- Urine case with WBC cast and fatty cast with elevated protein = pyelonephritis or nephrotic syndrom ??
- test for renal damage in DM = microalbuminurea
- Characteristics of pleural fluid exudate = high protein
- Lipids case key word artherosclerosis =LDL
- Lipid effected by meal = triglycerides
- Case of protein electrophoresis test key word beta gamma bridge = Active Cirrhosis
- In Wilsons disese which liver enzyme is decrease
- اسئله ال enzymes كانت كتييره
بس واضحه
- Acute pancreatitis =lipase
- سؤالين عن ال Lactate
- Case myocardial infration =CK -MB
- Hormone elevated in hypothyroidism =TSH
- Case determine the acid base status with given PH - pCO2 - pHCO3 values
-اسئله المايكرو اكتر اسئله كانت واضحه
- PYR test and sensetive to penicillin = P.pyogenes
- Alpha hemolytic and optochin sensetive =P.pneumoniae
- Media for vibrio =TCBS
- Found in stool sample = Proteus merablis
- Cause of bacillary dysentry = shigella
- Shigella and Salmonella colony on EMB = colorless
- Bacteria grow at 42 C= campylobacter
- gram -ve rods in chocolate agar = H.infuenze
- Case of neisseria key word diplococci on chocolate agar
- Brucella is high likely in what case =butcher الجزار
- Best test for dermatophytes
- Case green vaginal discharge and itching and need additional sample for identification of parasite = Urine

MOH, DHA Materials

14 Aug, 10:06

MOH, DHA Materials

14 Aug, 10:05

امتحان زميلتنا الدكتورة
Rahiq Ali
Dha general technologist

MOH, DHA Materials

14 Aug, 06:35

Antibiotics table
RBCs inclusion bodies table

MOH, DHA Materials

14 Aug, 06:35

الأسئلة دي جات بالكربون