جنــــــــــــــــون ....
رقــاصـــــــه ای ســــت ....
مَســــــــــــــــت ....
كــه در نبـــــودِ تُــــــــو ....
بعـــد از هـر خـیالـــــت ....
روزهــــــــــــــــــا ....
مهمــانِ مَــــن اســت .....!!!
❤️مينويسم براي نفسم❤️ is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing inspiration and positivity. Managed by @Soheil_Jalalii, the channel aims to provide a safe space where individuals can escape from the challenges of life and find comfort in uplifting messages. The channel is a tribute to the late Soheil Jalali, who believed in the power of words to heal and inspire. Join the community and immerse yourself in a world of encouragement and motivation. For more content, check out the channel 2 ((پروفايل گرام)) at https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE_BzucMKXCeHP0nCQ. Let ❤️مينويسم براي نفسم❤️ be your daily source of positivity and hope. Embrace the words that will uplift your spirit and brighten your day.
04 Jan, 00:59
01 Jan, 23:53
01 Jan, 23:47
30 Dec, 21:30
24 Dec, 22:18
23 Dec, 21:41
23 Dec, 21:36
23 Dec, 20:26
23 Dec, 20:05
23 Dec, 18:45
02 Dec, 17:26
02 Dec, 17:26
07 Oct, 19:17
07 Oct, 19:14
07 Oct, 19:14
06 Oct, 17:55
06 Oct, 17:53