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MEO class 1 written questions
20 Jan, 09:12
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MEO class 1 written questions
20 Jan, 08:28
Jan 2025 need answers too : contact +91 89287 91005
1.a) Define “Wreck” as per the Wreck removal convention and discuss the different categories of wrecks identified under the convention. b) Briefly discuss the objectives and key provisions of the convention. c)Analyze the legal and environmental implications of a wreck, focusing on the responsibilities of shipowners and coastal states. 2. a) Explain the objectives and principles of the LLMC Convention, focusing on its role in maritime law. b) Outline the types of claims that are subject to limitation under the LLMC Convention and those excluded from limitation. c)Discuss the process for determining the limitation fund and its calculation as per the LLMC Convention, including the amendments under the 1996 Protocol. 3.a) Describe the purpose and scope of Condition Assessment Programme (CAP) and Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) surveys for ships. b) Explain the key differences between CAP and CAS surveys, including the triggers, survey requirements, and reporting procedures. c) Discuss the benefits of implementing CAP and CAS surveys, including their impact on ship safety, environmental protection, and operational efficiency. d) Outline the documentation and preparatory steps required for a CAS survey. 4.Anti Fouling Systems (AFS) convention-compliant paints have received special focus with the recent developments of energy-efficiency regulations in shipping. Against this background discuss a) Comparison of cathodic and anodic protection. b) Process of application of a AFS Convention-compliant paint scheme on an existing ship and the additional supervisions required to ensure its effectiveness. c)Documents and records to be maintained on a ship to demonstrate convention compliance. 5.Discuss a generic model of Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) promulgated by the IMO, with brief explanation on the following terms a) Cost effective indices b) Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) c) Extended Task Analysis (XTA) d)Technique for Human Error rate prediction (THERP) e) Fault and event tree analysis f) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis(FMEA) 6.a) Explain contractual liability and liability under tort with examples. b) Explain the difference between legal liability and strict liability. c)Different entities in the transportation chain of cargoes like containers,dry and liquid bulk are exposed to different liabilities .Identify these entities and their liabilities and explain as to how these risks are insured. 7. (a) Explain Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of fuels used in ship operations. What are the different stages of Life Cycle Analysis of fuels. (b) Discuss Well-to-Wake (WtW) and Well to Tank (WtT) concept employed in GHG emission calculation of fuels used in maritime sector. Explain with justification which of these methodologies would be feasible for shipping industry. 8. What is parametric rolling of a ship? How is it originated? Under what consideration it has become important in today's scenario? Considering a post Panamax Container vessel carrying a load of 1300 containers is overtaken by a hailstorm. Enlist the effects on the ship due the condition under parametric rolling. Justify your answer with reasons. 9.a) Explain the phenomenon of liquefaction of solid bulk cargo, including the conditions under which it occurs and its contributing factors. b) Briefly discuss the dangers posed by liquefaction to the stability and safety of a vessel, providing examples of incidents caused by liquefaction. c) Outline the preventive measures and regulatory guidelines for minimizing the risk of cargo liquefaction during loading, transportation, and discharge.