Mechanical Machine Design टेलीग्राम पोस्ट
Official Telegram Group for Mechanical Machine Design
3,867 सदस्य
21 तस्वीरें
5 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 05.03.2025 19:43
समान चैनल

24,281 सदस्य
5,311 सदस्य
Mechanical Machine Design द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
Pawl and Ratchet Mechanism Detailed Design Tutorial in Solidworks
This is the playlist for those who is aspiring for CSWA/CSWP exam. It is solution to sample exam on its website
CSWP Sample Exam Solution:
Whatsapp group link for discussion and support.
Please keep in mind following:-
1. Be civil, polite and supportive.
2. Don't spam or abuse.
3. Don't send any sexual or explicit content.
4. Don't send any religious or political post.
5. No discussion about pirated softwares.
6. Main language for group is English.
Not following any rules will get you banned.
Link open only for some time.
Please keep in mind following:-
1. Be civil, polite and supportive.
2. Don't spam or abuse.
3. Don't send any sexual or explicit content.
4. Don't send any religious or political post.
5. No discussion about pirated softwares.
6. Main language for group is English.
Not following any rules will get you banned.
Link open only for some time.