آخرین پست‌های Maths by Karan Sardana (@maths_by_karan_sardana) در تلگرام

پست‌های تلگرام Maths by Karan Sardana

Maths by Karan Sardana
Maths Doubts: @karan_sardana
DM: @karansardanasir
Use codeY985 for adda247 courses for max discounts
3,067 مشترک
541 عکس
12 ویدیو
آخرین به‌روزرسانی 09.03.2025 08:44

آخرین محتوای به اشتراک گذاشته شده توسط Maths by Karan Sardana در تلگرام

Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 12:44


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Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 12:32


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Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 10:48


Tomorrow supreme court batch paid will be from 9 to 11am(2 hours), we will be doing the most important percentage questions based on

Success changes
Inverse base funda
Price and quantity
Income expense
And lot more..

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Get max discounts by using code Y985
Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 10:44


SBI Po Marathon 9am onwards tomorrow -

Sequence -
Reasoning 9am
English 10.30am
Quant 12pm

All PYQ Questions 🔥🔥
Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 10:34


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Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 10:02



Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 08:41


सबसे lowest price अब तक
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join Supreme Court Of India Batch

Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 06:34


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Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 03:32


Prepare Yourself for SBI Clerk Mains Exam with experts

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Classes starting from 5th March, Hurry UP : Click here to Enroll Now , Use code Y985 for extraaa discounts
Maths by Karan Sardana

28 Feb, 02:59


Got fever
No classes today as well.