Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar @masjidalistighfar Channel on Telegram

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar


This is the official Telegram channel for Masjid Al-Istighfar. A platform for the community to receive updates. You may visit us at

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar (English)

Welcome to the official Telegram channel for the Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar! This platform serves as a hub for members of the community to stay updated on various events, programs, and important announcements related to the mosque. Whether you are a regular attendee or someone interested in learning more about our community, this channel is the perfect place to connect with us.

Masjid Al-Istighfar is a welcoming and inclusive mosque that aims to provide spiritual guidance, education, and support to all members of the community. Through our various programs, events, and services, we strive to create a sense of belonging and unity among our members.

By joining our Telegram channel, you will have access to timely updates on upcoming events such as lectures, workshops, and community gatherings. You will also be able to receive important announcements regarding changes in schedule, special programs, and any other relevant information.

We encourage you to visit our website at to learn more about Masjid Al-Istighfar and the services we offer. Whether you are looking to deepen your knowledge of Islam, connect with like-minded individuals, or simply seek spiritual guidance, we are here to support you on your journey.

Join us on Telegram today and become a part of our vibrant and diverse community at Masjid Al-Istighfar! We look forward to connecting with you and sharing the beauty of Islam together.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

18 Feb, 23:04

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

17 Feb, 23:05

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

16 Feb, 23:03

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

14 Feb, 03:04

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

12 Feb, 23:01

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

12 Feb, 11:49

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

11 Feb, 23:06

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

10 Feb, 23:01

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

10 Feb, 11:50

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

10 Feb, 09:08

Harap Maklum

Kuliah Muslimah bimbingan Ustazah Habsah direhatkan Khamis, 13 Feb 2025

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

09 Feb, 23:05

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

07 Feb, 11:47

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

07 Feb, 06:04

Today's Khutbah on Characteristics of a True Believer : Knowledge and Practice for Allah's Sake

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

07 Feb, 03:06

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

06 Feb, 13:03

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

05 Feb, 23:04

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

05 Feb, 11:48

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

05 Feb, 04:47

Majlis Malam Nisfu Sya'aban : Khamis, 13 Feb 2025 selepas Solat Maghrib

Selepas Solat Maghrib, Bacaan Surah Yaasin & Doa Nisfu Syaaban bimbingan Asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar
Syarahan selepas Solat Isyak bertajuk "Muhasabah Diri dan Persediaan Menuju Ketaqwaan" bimbingan Ust Md Iza'an Mahat

Muslimin serta Muslimat dijemput hadir bersama

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

04 Feb, 23:06

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

03 Feb, 23:04

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

03 Feb, 11:50

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

02 Feb, 23:04

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

31 Jan, 11:48

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

31 Jan, 06:04

Today's Khutbah on Syaaban : Doing Good Deeds in Often Overlooked Times

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

31 Jan, 03:06

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

29 Jan, 23:01

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

19 Jan, 23:06

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

17 Jan, 02:07

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

16 Jan, 13:05

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

16 Jan, 06:05

Kuliah Subuh Khas sempena Cuti Umum

Siri Asmaul Husna Menghayati Nama Allah : Ar-Rahman bimbingan Ustaz Khairi Nazron akan berlangsung pada Khamis, 30 Januari 2025

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

15 Jan, 23:04

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

15 Jan, 11:43

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

15 Jan, 06:06

Program Ibadah Cuti Umum - Rabu, 29 Januari jam 4.30pagi

Dirikan Solat Qiyam bersama Ustaz Ismail Hashim serta ikuti Kuliah Subuh Khas bimbingan Ustaz Md Idris Rifa'ie dengan tajuk "Siri Mengenali 10 Sahabat yang dijamin Syurga : #10 Sayyidina Abu Ubaidah bin Al Jarrah r.a"

Muslimin dan Muslimat dijemput hadir

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

15 Jan, 02:04

Recognise and improve our weaknesses.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

14 Jan, 23:05

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

14 Jan, 06:06

Maulidur Rasul & Isra' Mikraj 1446H anjuran Pekerja-Pekerja Islam SATS CARGO & Masjid Al-Istighfar

Berlangsung Ahad, 26 Jan 2025 di Masjid Al-Istighfar pada jam 9pagi hingga 12tghari

Sekalian Muslimin serta Muslimat dijemput hadir
Jamuan akan disediakan

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

14 Jan, 04:48

Al-Istighfar Mosque is Hiring!

We're looking for a Kindergarten Teacher whose duties primarily include moulding our children into gracious future generation.

Submit your resume to [email protected]

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

14 Jan, 02:04

Jadi kita kat kategori mana ni tuan-tuan? #IstighfaReminders #KuliahSnips

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

13 Jan, 23:04

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

13 Jan, 11:40

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

13 Jan, 02:05

Syarahan Khas bertajuk "Solat : Penyelamat atau Bebanan" bersempena dengan Israk Mikraj bimbingan Ustaz Md Suhaimi Fauzi pada Ahad 26 Jan 2025 selepas solat Maghrib

Muslimin dan Muslimat dijemput hadir

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

12 Jan, 23:06

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

12 Jan, 02:07

Mulakan hari anda dengan wirid dan zikir bersama Asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar setiap Isnin hingga Jumaat

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

11 Jan, 02:07

Sumbangan (Online) Infaq Ramadan 1446H untuk Iftar, Sahur & Bubur akan dibuka pada Isnin, 13 Januari 2025 melalui

Sumbangan turut boleh dibuat melalui Cek, tunai atau Nets di Pejabat Masjid pada waktu pejabat

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

10 Jan, 09:03

Jejak Abah" is the latest installment in the reality "Jejak" series, following the success of "Jejak Mak-mak" and "Jejak Romantika." In the previous series, we explored the stories of mothers and couples from diverse backgrounds, uncovering their struggles and personal journeys.

This new series focuses on fathers, featuring four sessions with individuals from unique backgrounds!

Ep 1 - Ust Yasier

Ep 2 - Ust Fakhrudin Amin

Ep 3 - Ust Shahib Amin (Part 1 & 2)

Ep 4 - Ust Raja Lutfil Hadi

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

10 Jan, 06:07

Today's Khutbah on Making Preparations for Tomorrow

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

10 Jan, 02:03

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

09 Jan, 13:01

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

09 Jan, 06:33

Happening this Saturday. No registration needed.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

08 Jan, 23:04

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

08 Jan, 11:37

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

08 Jan, 02:03

Evaluate and improve the quality of life. Take practical steps by making daily assessments.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

31 Dec, 23:04

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

30 Dec, 23:02

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

30 Dec, 02:01

Learn more about ADIL Self-Paced Online Learning (SPL) at

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

29 Dec, 23:00

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

29 Dec, 02:02

Kursus ADIL - Bengkel Solat

Bimbingan Ust Raja Lutfilhadi berlangsung selama 2 sesi

Sesi #1
Jumaat 24 Jan 2025 jam 7.30mlm hingga 9.30mlm

Sesi #2
Sabtu 25 Jan 2025 jam 9pagi hingga 12tghari

Slot tajaan untuk 30 peserta pertama
**Syarat Tajaan : Wajib hadir kedua-dua sesi

Daftar segera di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

28 Dec, 02:03

Kursus Siri Pengajian Islam (SPI) #1 : Bacaan Pelik tapi Sahih dalam Solat

Berlangsung setiap Sabtu, 18 & 25 Januari 2025 jam 9pagi hingga 1tghari bimbingan Ust Md Iza'an Mahat

Yuran $10 beserta nota

Sertai sekarang melalui

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

27 Dec, 09:04

Program Ibadah Cuti Umum kerjasama dengan MHDS - Rabu, 1 Januari 2025 jam 3pagi

Dirikan Solat Qiyam bersama Ustaz TM Fauwaz serta Imam Abd Hakeem serta ikuti Kuliah Subuh Khas bimbingan Ustaz Hasanuddin Razali dengan tajuk "Peringatan Umur Insan - Perjalanan Kembali kepada Allah s.w.t"

Muslimin dan Muslimat dijemput hadir

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

27 Dec, 06:02

Today's Khutbah on Improving Habits and Routines

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

27 Dec, 03:02

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

25 Dec, 23:01

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

25 Dec, 02:01

Islam allows flexibility, encouraging acceptance and respect for differing opinions as long as they are within the bounds of Shariah.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

24 Dec, 23:01

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

24 Dec, 10:03

Sekalian Muslimin serta Muslimat dijemput hadir ke Majlis Tahlil serta Maulid buat Guru Tersayang Allahyarham Ustaz Tengku Mohamad Fouzy Tengku Mahid Jumat

Berlangsung di Masjid Al-Istighfar, Rabu 25 Disember bermula selepas Solat Maghrib berjemaah

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

24 Dec, 02:02

"Janganlah keinginan itu melampaui batas keperluan.." #IstighfaReminders #KuliahSnips

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

23 Dec, 23:02

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

22 Dec, 23:01

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

20 Dec, 06:03

Today's Khutbah on Balancing Work and Family Commitments

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

20 Dec, 04:02

Friday Collection : Masjid Ar-Raudhah

Support Masjid Ar-Raudhah through contributions online via

1. Bank Transfer To OCBC CURRENT ACCOUNT 501-806368-001
2. Paynow to UEN S93MQ0024E
(Please state "Ref: FMC20" for bank transfer/Paynow)

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

20 Dec, 03:02

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

19 Dec, 12:57

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

19 Dec, 04:47

Mengaji Dari Asas - Edisi Tajwid bersama Ust Ismail Hashim akan bermula pada Ahad, 5 Januari 2025 jam 9 pagi selama 10 sesi

Yuran $50

Daftar segera di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

18 Dec, 23:02

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

18 Dec, 02:03

Rasulullah s.a.w. has shown us that the family is a source of motivation for us to continue striving for Allah’s pleasure. May every act of goodness we do for our families be a small step in fulfilling the sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

17 Dec, 23:01

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

17 Dec, 02:02

"Tapi kerana Allah muliakan kita.." #IstighfaReminders #KuliahSnips

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

16 Dec, 23:01

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

16 Dec, 11:24

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

09 Dec, 02:03

Kelas Maghrib setiap Rabu bimbingan Ust Ali Rohani direhatkan 11 Dis hingga 25 Dis

Kuliah Muslimah setiap Khamis bimbingan Ustazah Habsah direhatkan 26 Dis & 2 Jan

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

08 Dec, 23:01

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

06 Dec, 11:22

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

06 Dec, 06:03

Today's Khutbah on Valuing Time as Allah's Blessing

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

06 Dec, 03:03

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

05 Dec, 12:42

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

05 Dec, 06:03

Harap Maklum : Kuliah Isyak malam ini akan dibimbing oleh Ust Taufik

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

04 Dec, 23:01

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

04 Dec, 11:24

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

04 Dec, 04:47

Harap Maklum

Kuliah Isyak bimbingan Ustaz TM Fouzy akan digantikan sementara oleh Ustaz TM Fawwaz bermula Khamis 5 Disember 2024

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

04 Dec, 02:02

We do not need to be in a perfect environment to contribute. Many of our Muslim brothers and sisters around the world have successfully made a significant and positive impact, even as they live as minority communities.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

03 Dec, 23:01

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

03 Dec, 02:02

"Padahal itu adalah dosa yang besar.." #IstighfaReminders #KuliahSnips

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

02 Dec, 23:02

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

02 Dec, 12:45

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

02 Dec, 08:04

Kuliah Maghrib bimbingan Ust Md Iza'an direhatkan malam ini

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

29 Nov, 06:04

Today's Khutbah on The Relation between Environmental Preservation & Faith

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

29 Nov, 03:03

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

28 Nov, 09:01

Kuliah Isyak bimbingan Ust TM Fouzy direhatkan malam ini.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

27 Nov, 23:01

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

27 Nov, 11:23

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

27 Nov, 09:04

Panduan Perubatan Ruqyah Syar'iyyah boleh didapatkan melalui pautan atau imbas kod QR

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

22 Nov, 11:15

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

22 Nov, 04:46

Dear Congregants, do take note.

Our office counter will be closed from Monday 25 & Tuesday 26 November 2024.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

22 Nov, 03:02

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

21 Nov, 12:36

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

21 Nov, 07:03

Al-Istighfar Mosque is Hiring!

We're looking for a Kindergarten Teacher whose duties primarily include moulding our children into gracious future generation.

Submit your resume to [email protected]

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

20 Nov, 23:02

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

20 Nov, 11:14

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

20 Nov, 02:01

Without doubt, the increasingly challenging developments in the
world disrupt our emotions and conscience. Some of us require
support and guidance to overcome this confusion and uncertainty. Let us offer each other our concern, emotional
support, and sound religious reminders, so that we can continue to pursue maslahah or benefit and live in peace with society.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

19 Nov, 23:01

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

19 Nov, 02:02

"Kita perlukan agama, perlukan orang tegur kita.." #IstighfaReminders #KuliahSnips

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

18 Nov, 23:02

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

18 Nov, 11:22

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

17 Nov, 23:01

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

15 Nov, 11:30

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

15 Nov, 06:03

Today's Khutbah on Preserving the Balance in Allah's Creation

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

15 Nov, 03:01

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

14 Nov, 12:41

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

13 Nov, 23:02

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

12 Nov, 06:03

♻️ Join us for a recycling drive at four mosques in District East !

Day/Date: Sat, 16 & Sun, 17 November 2024,
Time: 10 am to 4:30 pm

Participating mosques:

♻️ Masjid Alkaff Kampung Melayu
♻️ Masjid Al-Ansar
♻️ Masjid Al-Islah
♻️ Masjid Darul Aman*

Items you can bring:

💚 Textiles and clothing (in good condition)
💚 Paper and cardboard
💚 Bags and shoes (no tote or luggage bags)
💚 Scrap metal (iron, brass, copper, pots, and pans)
💚 Shredding of religious books and Al-Quran (chargeable)

Let’s make a difference together! 🌍💚 #EastGoGreen

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

12 Nov, 02:03

"Kenapa ada istilah keberkatan masa.." #IstighaReminders #KuliahSnips

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

11 Nov, 23:00

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

11 Nov, 11:15

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

10 Nov, 23:02

Ikuti bacaan Ma'thurat pagi bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Ma'thurat di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

10 Nov, 02:02

Kuliah Maghrib Baru - Pengajian Ulum Hadith

Bimbingan Ust Md Iza'an Mahat setiap Isnin selepas solat Maghrib bermula 11 Nov 2024 di dewan solat utama

Bagi yang berminat untuk infaq kitab, boleh maklumkan di pejabat Masjid

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

09 Nov, 06:51

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

08 Nov, 11:23

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

08 Nov, 06:36

Today's Khutbah on The Quran's Message on Environmental Preservation

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

08 Nov, 03:02

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

07 Nov, 12:34

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

07 Nov, 09:05


Dear Congregants,

We appreciate your kind cooperation to park responsibly in the vicinity of Masjid Al-Istighfar.

We received feedback on indiscriminate parking along Pasir Ris Walk, Pasir Ris Drive 3, Loyang Close and Loyang Drive causing traffic congestion and posing a potential danger to other road users.

There shall be strictly NO PARKING:
a) At road bends, entrances or exits of any access;
b) Within 3 metres of a fire hydrant, 6 metres of a road junction or 9 metres of a bus stop;
c) At zebra-controlled area (single white zig zag line), footways, and no double parking (parking abreast to another vehicle).
d) Along roads demarcated with enforcement markings such as, double yellow lines and opposite unbroken continuous white line.

LTA will take enforcement action against vehicles found parking at these locations. Please park your vehicles at the designated parking places for the safety of all road users.

We thank you for the attention and cooperation.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

06 Nov, 23:01

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

06 Nov, 11:17

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

06 Nov, 02:02

With mutual support and attention, we hope to strengthen the resilience of our family members in overcoming negative influences and, at the same time, achieve goodness and build a strong family institution full of belief in Allah s.w.t.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

01 Nov, 06:04

Today's Khutbah on A Reflection of Sunnah in Achieving Excellence

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

01 Nov, 03:02

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."

-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

31 Oct, 06:04

Majlis Hadyun Nabawi pimpinan Al Habib Soleh bin Muhammad Al-Jufri di Masjid Al-Istighfar akan berlangsung pada Jumaat, 1 November 2024 selepas solat Subuh dengan bertajuk "Solat Subuh yang Penuh Keberkatan"

Sekalian Muslimin dan Muslimat dijemput hadir bersama

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

30 Oct, 23:02

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

30 Oct, 06:04

Program Ibadah Cuti Umum - Khamis 31 Oktober jam 4.30pagi

Dirikan Solat Qiyam bersama Ustaz Md Idris Rifaie serta ikuti Kuliah Subuh Khas bimbingan Ustaz Khairi Nazron dengan tajuk "Siri Mengenali 10 Sahabat yang dijamin Syurga : #8 Sayyidina Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas r.a"

Muslimin dan Muslimat dijemput hadir

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

30 Oct, 02:03

Each couple needs to cooperate and be willing to make sacrifices to fulfill their respective responsibilities, rights, and duties.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

29 Oct, 23:00

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

29 Oct, 06:02

🗣️ Youth Talk: A Session with the Mufti! 🗣️

Join us for an enriching session with the Mufti of Singapore, Dr. Nazirudin Mohd Nasir, and Ustaz Hanan Farihin as they dive into the issues that matter to you! Gain insights, find inspiration, and connect over topics that resonate with today’s youth.

📅 When: Saturday, 9 Nov 2024
Time: 2.30pm - 4pm
📍 Where: Atrium Ballroom, Fairmont

Register now at:

Bring your curiosity, thoughts, and maybe a friend or two. Let’s vibe, connect, and reflect! 🤝

#QuranSG #YouthTalk

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

29 Oct, 02:01

"Macam mana kita tak suka orang buat pada kita, jangan kita buat pada orang.." #IstighfaReminders #KuliahSnips

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

28 Oct, 23:02

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

28 Oct, 11:18

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

25 Oct, 03:02

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

24 Oct, 12:37

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

24 Oct, 04:47


Kuliah Duha untuk Muslimah - 2025

"Ya Allah" - Jangan Biarkan Aku Sendiri
Berlangsung setiap Isnin bermula 6 Jan 2025 jam 10pagi hingga 11pagi bimbingan Ustazah Azizah

Mencari Ganjaran Ilahi
Berlangsung setiap Khamis bermula 9 Jan 2025 jam 9pagi hingga 10pagi bimbingan Ustazah Latifah

Yuran Percuma!
Daftar segera di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

23 Oct, 23:00

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

23 Oct, 11:15

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

23 Oct, 06:03

Majlis Hadyun Nabawi pimpinan Al Habib Soleh bin Muhammad Al-Jufri di Masjid Al-Istighfar akan berlangsung pada Jumaat, 1 November 2024 selepas solat Subuh dengan bertajuk "Solat Subuh yang Penuh Keberkatan"

Sekalian Muslimin dan Muslimat dijemput hadir bersama

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

23 Oct, 04:46

Kuliah Maghrib Baru - Pengajian Ulum Hadith

Bimbingan Ust Md Iza'an Mahat setiap Isnin selepas solat Maghrib bermula 11 Nov 2024 di dewan solat utama

Bagi yang berminat untuk infaq kitab, boleh maklumkan di pejabat Masjid

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

23 Oct, 02:03

As a community of believers, we need to care about the suffering of others. Is it not the character of a true believer, apart from calling to goodness, to also prevent evil and harm from occurring?

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

22 Oct, 23:01

Ikuti bacaan Hizib Bahr bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Hizib Bahr di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

22 Oct, 04:46

YallaRun: Towards a Better You! An initiative by Istighfar to inspire a healthier lifestyle. Join us for a 5km walk or run and take the first step toward a fitter, stronger you! 💪🏼

🗓Saturday 2 Nov 2024
🕌 Subuh @ Al-Istighfar Mosque
🏃🏻‍♂️ Run/walk for 5km from Masjid - Pasir Ris Park
- Free for All!
- Register at

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

22 Oct, 02:03

"Nilai-nilai yang Nabi SAW mengajarkan kepada kita untuk kita terapkan dalam harian kita.." #IstighfaReminders #KuliahSnips

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

21 Oct, 23:01

Ayuh membaca Wirid Latif bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar.

Muat turun PDF Wirid Latif di

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

21 Oct, 11:22

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

21 Oct, 02:07

On this day, Tuesday 8 Oct 2024, we celebrated a momentous occasion to appreciate our mosque frontliners (Customer Service Officers and Estate/Maintenance Officers-Noja) for their significant contribution & tireless services to the mosques.

It also served as an event for the frontliners to be refreshed on the importance of upholding 5S (Salam, Senyum, Sapa, Sopan & Santun) values in their daily & routine work to the best of their capacity.

We hope that such programs will spur our mosque officers to continue providing excellent services thus impacting and inspiring the lives of the community surrounding the mosque sector.

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

20 Oct, 01:06

Kutipan dana hari ini akan disalurkan sepenuhnya kepada madrasah-madrasah sepenuh masa di Singapura

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

19 Oct, 02:02

Majlis Maulidur Rasul anjuran Pekerja-Pekerja Islam SIAEC Group akan berlangsung pada Ahad 20 Oktober 2024 jam 9pagi hingga 12tghari di Masjid Al-Istighfar dengan bacaan Al-Qur'an oleh Qari Muhd Zhafir Rifqi Mohd Effindi, Selawat serta Tazkirah oleh Ust TM Fouzy serta Tazkirah oleh Mufti Ust Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir

Muslimin & Muslimat dipersilakan hadir

Jamuan akan turut disediakan
Kutipan Dana pada Majlis Maulidur Rasul ini akan disalurkan sepenuhnya kepada madrasah-madrasah sepenuh masa di Singapura

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

18 Oct, 11:23

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

18 Oct, 06:02

Today's Khutbah on Leadership Through Upholding Compassion and Justice

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

18 Oct, 03:02

SELAWAT MASHUP 2.0 - The White Songkoks

"The best of companions in the sight of Allah Almighty is the best of them towards his companion, and the best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best of them towards his neighbour."
-Prophet Muhammad Sollallhu alaihi wasallam

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

17 Oct, 12:38

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

17 Oct, 02:02

Kursus Bermodular : Komunikasi Bahasa Arab bimbingan Ustaz Maznan Haron berlangsung setiap Rabu bermula 6 Nov 2024 jam 7.30mlm hingga 9mlm

Yuran $10 setiap modul

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Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

16 Oct, 23:02

Zikir Harian dan Selawat bersama asatizah-asatizah Masjid Al-Istighfar

Community of Masjid Al-Istighfar

16 Oct, 11:21